this Thread about nothing thread is killing da whole vibe in general...

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well cocotaso, that video you posted in the Thread about Nothing with the lego machine was insane

I repped you, thanks
until this gets locked it might as well be the temporary home for the T.A.N.

The thread has been locked and will be re-opened one week from today.  At that time, we'll determine what needs to be done to keep it open.
But I have a question meth how do you determine if general got better over that one week? What if those very same guys that are here complaining decide to actually start threads instead of *****ing about it ?
I'm not expecting any miracles.  What I hope is that both sides get some perspective on the issue and then we'll regroup.  If it turns out that the flow of the forums is VASTLY improved, and that'll be a difficult case to make, then we'll talk about whether the thread is necessary at all.  More likely, we'll get a better sense of what the pros and cons are and we can retool accordingly.  

If there WERE more topics that would otherwise have been in the thread about nothing, then we'll need to figure out how to fix that.  If people are circulating more and not limiting themselves to one thread, then we'll talk about how to encourage that.  If there's no difference at all, then the problem will probably be limited to simple rule enforcement.  

The point is just to get more information so we don't have to sit here and entertain all of these silly hypothetical scenarios about how "if it were gone then _____." 
But it just seems like ever since NT made the server switch, dudes have just been complaining about EVERYTHING.
People were complaining constantly before; they just didn't have to reach so hard to find things worth griping about.  Now that we've solved the obvious problem (Yuku), we're left with nitpicking.  Some of that is due to boredom, I'm sure, but we're committed to constantly improving the site and if this experiment helps us do that, it'll be worthwhile.  
until this gets locked it might as well be the temporary home for the T.A.N.
Absolutely not.  We banned several people for "anti-TAN" trolling yesterday.  Don't make me ban people for "pro-TAN" trolling.  Let's at least pretend that we're all adults here. 
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Why is this crap still open?

i dont like the music forum or the sports forum here. Never really got in to the sections and the only music that gets love in there is new pop-rap, hip-hop, gang banging and negative music. TAN is completely separate in itself and music should be able to be discussed here (most of it is older, less popular music that can be widely-enjoyed, not the 1-dimensional crap in the music section). As far as sports, everything gets lost in whats hot or popular (yankees, cowboys, lakers/heat and whoever else is in the sportscenter limelight). We have our own fantasy football and hopefuly basketball leagues here now, and its more of a family atmosphere, we pretty much mod for ourselves as well. When somebody comes in and posts something offensive or inapproporiate- we let them know. Yet everybody is welcome so long as they post in a respectful, thoughtful, and helpful manner. There is so much inspiration, insight, and thoughtfullnes in that thread- yet some 1 dimensional thinkers want it to be shut down. We'll see, but i think general works so much better with TAN than without (we even discuss over threads to be created)
see thats da problem wit that whole mentality in that thread, ya was subscribing to..ya was isolating yaselves from da rest of NT and i sensed it.

NOTHING is stopping you from creating a thread of music that YOU like in da music section..NOTHING is stopping you from creating a thread about da sports section you


hoarding info in one thread is counter productive to da entire community, it didn't sit well with me AT ALL when thread worthy topics weren't being shared with da rest

of general and when that happens da whole ship starts to sink, NT is 1 site. if NT fails, da thread about nothing is just that, nothing.
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