This weekend NYPD officers shot a man in Midtown. Today they shot a neighborhood dog on 14th St.

You may have quoted the wrong person or misunderstood my post. I'm not saying it was an abuse of power...I'm just wondering if he was tied up or loose.
After seeing the photo it's safe to assume he was loose.
Also, where did I say there was an abuse of power. All I asked is whether or not the dog was loose and if he was loose why a shot had to be fired. I have no problem with killing an obviously dangerous dog.
Some of y'all are so eager to argue. Relax.:lol:

NT messed up the quoting.

Either way, im glad you're able to rationalize the situation, instead of those who automatically claim the police were in the wrong.
The way I understand it, the dog was tied up. Why'd a shot have to be fired? Not sure I really get the chain of events.
How'd it ended up in the middle of the street if it was tied up?  This is all speculation but maybe he wasn't secured because the owner was passed out and that was part of the threat.  Then again, the cops could've overreacted because the owner was passed out and wanted to teach a junkie a lesson.
Owner was passed out and the dog was barking/lunging at people....what do you expect the police to do? I love dogs, but this seems justified. Police can do nothing right on NT. I'm just waiting for the suggestion that the NYPD should have flown out Ceasar Millan ASAP to deal with this situation, or how the police should have shot the dog in the toenail to prevent it from lunging at people.

There are good cops and bad cops...but they have a tough job. Scrutinized for EVERY decision they make while on the beat. I got no issue w/ this. At all.
The NYPD knows there are very few consequences if they abuse their power in any way. Why would they care?
Until we get more police oversight into the hands of the people not much we can do.
shoulda called pops...


sure its some type of animal control in AMERICAS LARGEST CITY!!!  they def aint have to take it that far...
lol at using mase on a dog.

my neighbors pitt attacked a mailman and when he used mase it just turned the dog into hulk..
The way I understand it, the dog was tied up. Why'd a shot have to be fired? Not sure I really get the chain of events.
Dog was on a leash next to its owner who was passed out and unresponsive.  People came to touch/"mess with" his owner and the dog got super defensive.  Jumped at people and was barking because he knew something was wrong with his owner, but wasn't nipping or biting.  But it was being loud and scary to passers by.

People ONLY called the police and reported a dangerous dog because the owner was a homeless guy.  I can almost guarantee if it had been a normal (pardon my racial invocation) white lady walking her collie and she had fainted and the dog was reacting the same way, it wouldn't have been shot.

The totality of the circumstances led to this.  I'm not saying the cops SHOULDN'T have shot the dog.  I mean, from what I've been told since I heard about this, what they did by first macing the dog (which is part of the reason it started wilding out to begin with) and then having to shoot it was protocol. And what else were they supposed to do.  They didn't really have time to wait for animal control.

I just think if they regularly patrolled that neighborhood they would have seen that dog and his owner every day, known that it didn't have a history of biting people (that anyone knows about), and might have handled the situation differently.
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cops were justified in shooting.

if they weren't going to take it to an animal ER, they should have put him's cruel to fatality shoot something, then let it bleed out for minutes while it dies in agony.

then again, do they really want the risk of fire a gun in a busy neighborhood?

all around sad situation.
Im not here to give condolences to a dog but is this really necessary force to kill a dog in one of the most populated cities on the planet?

Why couldn't they have called animal control? the point is shooting a gun endangers much more than just the target of the shot...what if he would have missed the dog? what if someone else got hit with a ricochet over a dog?

a lot of these **** heads are only cops because they want something to shoot.
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In california(Los Angeles) you must have your dog leashed in public at all times. Im preaty sure New York has the same  law, and if so, the police technically had the right to do so. I was hoping for a shotgun blast to the skull tho comming in thread.
jesus christ people are really cosigning the cops on this??

if a dog is dangerous do you really mace it?!!

you're going to try to blind a ******g animal and expect that to calm it down?? :rolleyes

then you're going to shoot it and let it die slowly instead of killing it.

not to mention it only gets shot once, yes we treat animals like people and people like animals. nyc police :pimp:
jesus christ people are really cosigning the cops on this??
if a dog is dangerous do you really mace it?!!
you're going to try to blind a ******g animal and expect that to calm it down??

then you're going to shoot it and let it die slowly instead of killing it.
not to mention it only gets shot once, yes we treat animals like people and people like animals. nyc police
Do you also abstain from eating milk and dairy products because of the inhumane treatment of said animals. Do you still purchase  nike/jb products even tho the products are made using child labor? I strongly dislike this failed logic. It is an animal...
What was masing/pepper spraying a dog supposed to do?...Make it calm down and extend its paws for cuffs?

A large majority of NYPD officers are idiots.
Dog was on a leash next to its owner who was passed out and unresponsive.  People came to touch/"mess with" his owner and the dog got super defensive.  Jumped at people and was barking because he knew something was wrong with his owner, but wasn't nipping or biting.  But it was being loud and scary to passers by.

People ONLY called the police and reported a dangerous dog because the owner was a homeless guy.  I can almost guarantee if it had been a normal (pardon my racial invocation) white lady walking her collie and she had fainted and the dog was reacting the same way, it wouldn't have been shot.

The totality of the circumstances led to this.  I'm not saying the cops SHOULDN'T have shot the dog.  I mean, from what I've been told since I heard about this, what they did by first macing the dog (which is part of the reason it started wilding out to begin with) and then having to shoot it was protocol. And what else were they supposed to do.  They didn't really have time to wait for animal control.

I just think if they regularly patrolled that neighborhood they would have seen that dog and his owner every day, known that it didn't have a history of biting people (that anyone knows about), and might have handled the situation differently.
Nah, you can't almost guarantee that.  Shut up.  If the dog was a threat and the owner was completely incapable of controlling it, they have to act.  They're not gonna allow people to be at risk for a dog...and I love dogs.

There are a lot of dogs that don't have a history of biting people that lash out, usually because they're provoked but that's not the issue.  You can blame the people who messed with the owner or dog if that's what brought it about.  If the owner is usually able to subdue it and now he can't, the cops get called and unfortunately, it can come to this.
They should have captured the dog and sent it to the pound. Even if the dog was lunging at the police, it was not life threatening. Not worth putting a bullet through it.
It's just a dog get over it?

All that dog did wrong was protecting it's passed out owner.

Ah yes by barking and snapping at people as they walked by? What if that dog grab some little kid and ripped their arm off? Then what? Everyone would be in outrage how the NYPD didn't respond this correctly an the dog hurt
Someone. It's a dog get over it, I rather the dog get shot than someone get injured.
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