This weekend NYPD officers shot a man in Midtown. Today they shot a neighborhood dog on 14th St.

I guess we're assuming the dog was off leash while it was lunging and barking at people? If so then I understand the officer had no choice. But macing it was only going to make it more aggressive.

But to the people saying it's just a dog.... **** you. Dog did no wrong here, it just followed it's instincts of protecting it's owner.

Yes I'm mad

Edit: Just read another article and dog was off leash.... And it survived and being treated after being shot in the head. Homeless man was unconscious due to a seizure.

An unleashed pit bull survived being shot in the head by police at a busy Manhattan intersection Monday afternoon, cops and witnesses said.

The dog’s owner — described by his friends as a drifter who has the dog for protection — was in front of a KFC fast food restaurant at E. 14th St. and Second Ave. about 4:15 p.m. when he appeared to be having a seizure, witnesses said.

Three cops surrounded the man and tried to roust him, angering the dog, according to witnesses.

“Instead of calling the ambulance, they started kicking him,” said lower East Side resident Aida Feliciano.

“The homeless guy looked like he was having a seizure — the dog started acting defensive,” said Christian Pimentel, 21. “The dog started barking at the officer.”

Alejandro Cararubia, 28, who works at a nearby restaurant, saw the shooting.

“The dog barked and jumped at the cop. The cop shot him in self-defense,” Cararubia said.

Passersby on the block, including small children, began to cry at the sight of the bloodied animal, Pimentel said.

“The dog was just defending its owner and the cops shot it in the head,” said deli clerk Ines Pauling.

“Nobody wants to see a dog shot. The dog just screeched on the floor, blood oozing from his head. . . . It had his tongue out. It was sad,” said Pimentel.

A trail of the dog’s blood was seen from the sidewalk to the middle of the road where it limped before collapsing.

“If you kick the dog’s owner, the dog is obviously going to attack,” said Alan Crosby, 40, who saw the attack.

Police said the dog survived and was being cared for at an East Harlem shelter. The unidentified homeless man and the shooting officer were taken to Bellevue Hospital for minor injuries.

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So, this still isn't an abuse of power? :lol:

They kicked a man who was having a seizure but they're confused as to why the dog got aggressive?

Let me kick your mother while she's having a seizure and let's see how aggressive you get? :lol: :lol:

The police get scrutinized at every opportunity because they deserve it.
The dog’s owner — described by his friends as a drifter who has the dog for protection — was in front of a KFC fast food restaurant at E. 14th St. and Second Ave. about 4:15 p.m. when he appeared to be having a seizure, witnesses said.

Three cops surrounded the man and tried to roust him, angering the dog, according to witnesses.

“Instead of calling the ambulance, they started kicking him,” said lower East Side resident Aida Feliciano.

“The homeless guy looked like he was having a seizure — the dog started acting defensive,” said Christian Pimentel, 21. “The dog started barking at the officer.”

Alejandro Cararubia, 28, who works at a nearby restaurant, saw the shooting.

“The dog barked and jumped at the cop. The cop shot him in self-defense,” Cararubia said.
There you go.
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So the police surrounded and kicked a defenseless homeless man, while he was having a seizure and then shot his dog in the head for trying to protect its owner.....................
 they kicked them??

can't imagine how kids will think after seeing this.

I thought your suppose to not touch someone let alone kick when their having a seizure.
I can't tell if the people in this thread are being sarcastic/trolling or being serious.
How in the hell is this an abuse of power? :lol:

Dog catchers catch dogs all the time without shooting them....Im sure there is another option besides just shooting the dog.
Dog was on a leash next to its owner who was passed out and unresponsive.  People came to touch/"mess with" his owner and the dog got super defensive.  Jumped at people and was barking because he knew something was wrong with his owner, but wasn't nipping or biting.  But it was being loud and scary to passers by.

People ONLY called the police and reported a dangerous dog because the owner was a homeless guy.  I can almost guarantee if it had been a normal (pardon my racial invocation) white lady walking her collie and she had fainted and the dog was reacting the same way, it wouldn't have been shot.

The totality of the circumstances led to this.  I'm not saying the cops SHOULDN'T have shot the dog.  I mean, from what I've been told since I heard about this, what they did by first macing the dog (which is part of the reason it started wilding out to begin with) and then having to shoot it was protocol. And what else were they supposed to do.  They didn't really have time to wait for animal control.

I just think if they regularly patrolled that neighborhood they would have seen that dog and his owner every day, known that it didn't have a history of biting people (that anyone knows about), and might have handled the situation differently.
Just because it doesn't have a history doesn't mean it's not capable of biting someone. What, you think all criminals are born with a rap sheet? It's gotta start some where. No point in taking a chance just because it's an occurrence that hasn't happened before.
Dog was on a leash next to its owner who was passed out and unresponsive.  People came to touch/"mess with" his owner and the dog got super defensive.  Jumped at people and was barking because he knew something was wrong with his owner, but wasn't nipping or biting.  But it was being loud and scary to passers by.

People ONLY called the police and reported a dangerous dog because the owner was a homeless guy.  I can almost guarantee if it had been a normal (pardon my racial invocation) white lady walking her collie and she had fainted and the dog was reacting the same way, it wouldn't have been shot.

The totality of the circumstances led to this.  I'm not saying the cops SHOULDN'T have shot the dog.  I mean, from what I've been told since I heard about this, what they did by first macing the dog (which is part of the reason it started wilding out to begin with) and then having to shoot it was protocol. And what else were they supposed to do.  They didn't really have time to wait for animal control.

I just think if they regularly patrolled that neighborhood they would have seen that dog and his owner every day, known that it didn't have a history of biting people (that anyone knows about), and might have handled the situation differently.
Just because it doesn't have a history doesn't mean it's not capable of biting someone. What, you think all criminals are born with a rap sheet? It's gotta start some where. No point in taking a chance just because it's an occurrence that hasn't happened before.
true, but now we know the dog was snapping at the cops because they were messing with his owner and the dog could sense something was wrong.
video is on WSHH... looks like a white guy to me...

or is he a very lightskinned Dominican, which makes him black? :rolleyes
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Seen the vid. And if people still come in here saying the police were in the wrong, do me a fav and off yourself. I swear some people wouldnt be satisfied unless they put the dog in cuffs and read it its rights
Seen the vid. And if people still come in here saying the police were in the wrong, do me a fav and off yourself. I swear some people wouldnt be satisfied unless they put the dog in cuffs and read it its rights
And why exactly couldn't they do that?

Cops always abusing their power.:smh:
Cop didn't really have a choice after seeing the vid. He couldn't just wait for animal control in case the guy was slowly dying. Feel terrible for the dog though, I wonder how he is after surviving.

Edit: You know what I still don't believe he did the right thing, god forbid he would of missed and the bullet would of ricocheted and hit any of the by standers, a **** storm would of ensued.

I know they radioed in a loose dog and unconscious man and I know he saw all the people standing nearby when he stepped out of his patrol car. So I don't see how the use of his gun was wise.

Sorry but the dog lover in me can't come to peace with believing what he did was justified. Does the NYPD not carry tazers or something? The knife-wielding man in Times Square could of been tazered instead as well. These cops in NY are bored out of their ***** day in and day out so whenever there's a chance to use "justified force" they act like its the wild wild west out here.
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To be fair, if I had a gun and a pitbull lunged at me, I would shoot it too as I wet my pants.

lulz @ taking the dog out it's misery
Like the cop would stand above the already incapacitated dog and blast it again for people to take pictures amd go wild with it.
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Cop didn't really have a choice after seeing the vid. He couldn't just wait for animal control in case the guy was slowly dying. Feel terrible for the dog though, I wonder how he is after surviving.
Edit: You know what I still don't believe he did the right thing, god forbid he would of missed and the bullet would of ricocheted and hit any of the by standers, a **** storm would of ensued.
I know they radioed in a loose dog and unconscious man and I know he saw all the people standing nearby when he stepped out of his patrol car. So I don't see how the use of his gun was wise.
Sorry but the dog lover in me can't come to peace with believing what he did was justified. Does the NYPD not carry tazers or something? The knife-wielding man in Times Square could of been tazered instead as well. These cops in NY are bored out of their ***** day in and day out so whenever there's a chance to use "justified force" they act like its the wild wild west out here.


thank you
What if the dog bites the cop while getting tazed?
Wouldn't the cop also get tazed from the connecting current?
What if the cop had an undiagnosed heart condition?
Would the electricity give the cop a fatal dysrhythmia?
If the cop died, would the dog be a cop killer?
What if the dog bites the cop while getting tazed?
Wouldn't the cop also get tazed from the connecting current?
What if the cop had an undiagnosed heart condition?
Would the electricity give the cop a fatal dysrhythmia?
If the cop died, would the dog be a cop killer?

they should have brought out the sharks

with freeakin, yeah you get it, that one
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