those not voting check in

1. not registered

2. electoral determines who will win, so this voting at the polls doesnt matter

3. i believe that presidents are nothing but puppets that are controlled and take orders from higher powers

4. the government is corrupt as hell and it doesnt give a #$^@ about us. the rich stay rich and everyone else suffers

5. #$^& is still gonna be the same no matter what any candidate says
For those that choose not to vote:

I can almost guarantee you this, if you were to go down to your local polling place. You would mostly see people that are NOT like you, people that do NOT think like you and people that do NOT have your interests in mind. 

The fact that you would sit idle and let these people dictate the world you live in, is the most idiotic thing in the world.

People have marched, fought and died for the right to vote, and you gladly sit on your *** and give up that right?

Fine, the electoral college determines the president and each candidate is pretty much the same….there are local bills and issues being voted on that affect you more than you think. 

Do you know Romney's stance on Net Neutrality vs. Obama's…do you even know what Net Neutrality is? If you use the internet at better.

Fine you're only one person and "woe is me" my vote won't matter, with that kind of thinking nothing would ever get done.

What kills me is people will pay money to vote for some ******** like American idol. People will sit on the edge of their seat to watch a sports game and learn every stat of every player on that team and people will wait in line for hours to pay $$$ for sneakers or an iPhone….none of that matters, and yet you think voting is a waste of time? 
For those that choose not to vote:

I can almost guarantee you this, if you were to go down to your local polling place. You would mostly see people that are NOT like you, people that do NOT think like you and people that do NOT have your interests in mind. 

The fact that you would sit idle and let these people dictate the world you live in, is the most idiotic thing in the world.

People have marched, fought and died for the right to vote, and you gladly sit on your *** and give up that right?

Fine, the electoral college determines the president and each candidate is pretty much the same….there are local bills and issues being voted on that affect you more than you think. 

Do you know Romney's stance on Net Neutrality vs. Obama's…do you even know what Net Neutrality is? If you use the internet at better.

Fine you're only one person and "woe is me" my vote won't matter, with that kind of thinking nothing would ever get done.

What kills me is people will pay money to vote for some ******** like American idol. People will sit on the edge of their seat to watch a sports game and learn every stat of every player on that team and people will wait in line for hours to pay $$$ for sneakers or an iPhone….none of that matters, and yet you think voting is a waste of time? 
This is where I stopped reading.

Presidential votes don't matter.

The key word is presidential.
I'm not arguing that.

I totally understand if people don't want to vote for the pres. because of the electoral college and they may live in a state that always swings right/left

my argument is...don't let that stop you from voting on other issues
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Local bills I vote on, Presidential I don't. They want to preach about how every vote counts, but how come states are called when only 60% of votes are counted. They just called Ohio with a 1% difference, but there were still 31% of the votes not counted. I don't understand that, not every vote counts it seems, all hogwash. Plus imo both candidates suck, and won't change a damn thing.
1. not registered
2. electoral determines who will win, so this voting at the polls doesnt matter
3. i believe that presidents are nothing but puppets that are controlled and take orders from higher powers
4. the government is corrupt as hell and it doesnt give a #$^@ about us. the rich stay rich and everyone else suffers
5. #$^& is still gonna be the same no matter what any candidate says
summed up what I was gonna say
first of all

you guys saying voting is a right,

NO it's not, it's a privilege
not registered,
would register once prostituiton and weed beomes fully legal

cant make that happen if you don't vote, especially when local propositions/ordinances are where that stuff happens. see colorado and washington. :smokin
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will never register because I don't want to. and because I know my vote doesn't matter, plus I believe every politician is lying about everything they say, being from Illinois, I know about corrupt politics
was really excited for obama four yrs ago
now, i would "settle" for him oppose to mitt
didnt bother this time
Local bills I vote on, Presidential I don't. They want to preach about how every vote counts, but how come states are called when only 60% of votes are counted. They just called Ohio with a 1% difference, but there were still 31% of the votes not counted. I don't understand that, not every vote counts it seems, all hogwash. Plus imo both candidates suck, and won't change a damn thing.
because its all rigged

this country is just a bunch of gullible idiots that actually believe they have a choice and whoever is president actually matters. i blame the fluoridated water but then again i have to drink the stuff too but im not some docile leming that believes everything he is fed from the media. people losing their jobs, homes, getting sick yet still think soetoro is the second coming.

look at this message board and the topics now, says everything about the world. people who only care about stupid stuff and go along with whatever they are spoon fed.

not registered and never will
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first of all

you guys saying voting is a right,

NO it's not, it's a privilege
Not sure if srs.
In a democracy it's a right. Other places not so much. It's not really a human right though when you get rid of the idea of governments and authority.

I will say though if you aren't educated on what you're voting for you shouldn't vote. You also shouldn't complain when things change. People shouldn't be criticizing not voting but calling out ppl not being involved and not educating themselves on the important topics that will matter to them. That's the thing though, it's their choice not to engage in it so at that point voting isn't even an option.

People who vote not knowing what the hell they're voting for to me is just as bad as somebody complaining about how things are and how they need to change and not voting.
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didnt vote...

if i did, i woulda voted obama...

why he's black... and we use the same clippers...

and he has a jumper.
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