Thoughts on the confederate flag

Just moved to the south and haven't seen one yet :nerd: don't know how I'll react internally.

I finally saw people wearing the MAGA hat for the first time in person at the airport in May. Dunno where they were from but they were traveling to Paris. The liberal white folks from the DMV were visually upset lol.

I laughed it off and minded my own.
I’ve seen the confederate flag around here and in Germany, though only very rarely. Germany has a ban on nazi symbolism so the confederate flag is sometimes used as a substitute.
In Belgium we have a law that bars some displays of nazi symbolism depending on how they are used. Our law makes it illegal to deny the holocaust, to minimize it, to justify it or to approve of it. Merely owning such symbolism doesn’t violate that law. Something like bringing a nazi flag to a public demonstration/protest/march would be a clear-cut violation.

The fact that non-American nazis in Germany sometimes use the confederate flag as a substitute for the nazi flag says it all really.
Just moved to the south and haven't seen one yet :nerd: don't know how I'll react internally.
Shake your head and keep it pushing. Lived in Texas my entire life and those kinds are the least of my worries.

Its their sneaky "I dont see color" kin I would worry about.

Overall, its symbol of racism and a topic of white hypocrisy.
Oh man...I'd have the same reaction.

I also feel the same way about work trucks w/ political stickers as well. IF I was to catch wind of someone driving that truck to my house to do work, I'd send them right back to where ever they came from. That's a no-go.
I get your reasoning but I think a Confederate Flag makes way more of a statement than Political Affiliation. We don't know WHY someone is conservative to just dismiss them as a service provider. But I know you said you would, just wondering why.
I get your reasoning but I think a Confederate Flag makes way more of a statement than Political Affiliation. We don't know WHY someone is conservative to just dismiss them as a service provider. But I know you said you would, just wondering why.

In the past yes but things have become pretty clear cut as to why someone would want to parade their political affiliation around. It’s just another racial trouble shoot and walk around.
I’ve seen the confederate flag around here and in Germany, though only very rarely. Germany has a ban on nazi symbolism so the confederate flag is sometimes used as a substitute.
In Belgium we have a law that bars some displays of nazi symbolism depending on how they are used. Our law makes it illegal to deny the holocaust, to minimize it, to justify it or to approve of it. Merely owning such symbolism doesn’t violate that law. Something like bringing a nazi flag to a public demonstration/protest/march would be a clear-cut violation.

The fact that non-American nazis in Germany sometimes use the confederate flag as a substitute for the nazi flag says it all really.

Yup. Says it all.


The most (openly) racist congressman from IOWA flying confederate flags :lol:. Got nothing to do with “southern heritage”.
In the past yes but things have become pretty clear cut as to why someone would want to parade their political affiliation around. It’s just another racial trouble shoot and walk around.
There is no way for you to know their reason/motive/purpose for voting conservative. All conservatives aren't created equally. The same way all liberals aren't created equally.

We can agree to disagree with this. We can't ASSUME that about a person without having a conversation with them.

Again, the flag is a different story and I understand why it is an IMMEDIATE turnoff.
I get your reasoning but I think a Confederate Flag makes way more of a statement than Political Affiliation. We don't know WHY someone is conservative to just dismiss them as a service provider. But I know you said you would, just wondering why.

Unless you're in a political field, I think you should keep your political affiliations separate from work. Just my .02

And I'm not a closed minded person....I have friends whose political affiliations don't align w/ mine, and that's OK. I would just prefer NOT to hire someone to do work for me that makes it known which way they lean politically.
Unless you're in a political field, I think you should keep your political affiliations separate from work. Just my .02

And I'm not a closed minded person....I have friends whose political affiliations don't align w/ mine, and that's OK. I would just prefer NOT to hire someone to do work for me that makes it known which way they lean politically.
Why though?

And be 100% honest, if they were of the Democratic Party, would you still refuse their service?

I come in Peace.
There is no way for you to know their reason/motive/purpose for voting conservative. All conservatives aren't created equally. The same way all liberals aren't created equally.

We can agree to disagree with this. We can't ASSUME that about a person without having a conversation with them.

Again, the flag is a different story and I understand why it is an IMMEDIATE turnoff.
Agree to disagree is fine BUT, I’ll say it just this last time, certain “words and symbols” have become easy walk arounds for white power. Patriot, real American, etc are just that

Oh and if you claim you’re a republican then you ride for their cause. Again, times have changed and there is no grey area to any of it
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Celebrating people that lost a war so un-American.

I lived in Louisiana , g.a. , Tennessee and Texas and they are everywhere .
Dude couldn't even just do a small flag or license plate, that flag was the size of the ones the Track athletes that medal in the Olympics do a victory lap around the track with :rofl:
This is true and if you do be prepared for what comes after. That’s all I’m saying

Pretty much what it comes down to.

While there are people who couldn't care less and will give you work for the day, there are others who will ask you to kindly leave. This is the bed you made when it was decided to fly your flag, put on a bumper sticker, etc.
Has any of the MAGA supporters actually ever said what it means for American to be great again, and for whom?

I also find it funny that they can openly admit that there is something wrong with the country that needs fixing, as they see it. But if lets say Kaep, or any minority says there is something wrong with the country their first response is, you're not patriotic. The second response is, if you don't like it leave :rofl:. I just have to laugh when I hear that nonsense.
Dude couldn't even just do a small flag or license plate, that flag was the size of the ones the Track athletes that medal in the Olympics do a victory lap around the track with :rofl:

I feel they knew they were going to that house, any other non white person toting a flag like that from their car would be pulled over and forced/fined to take it down.
I'm an equal opportunity hater.

Like I said, I prefer to have political affiliations separate from who I'm hiring.

Not me. I want to spend my money with people who support democracy. I had to make that very clear to my realtor on our first meeting. Fortunately he agreed.
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