Thoughts on the Johnathon Martin - Ritchie Incognito situation?


Anyways, Pouncey's name comes up 120 times in that document. 

Anyways, Pouncey's name comes up 120 times in that document. :lol: :smh:

I wanted to post Richie's fine book but it got banned words.

Anyway the ones he gave Pouncey are pure lulz:

$100 for being salty

$100 for being a negative Nancy

$100 for being subpoenaed by the FBI :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Chris Mosley snitched on Jim Turner. Ross is going to clean house in Miami. There's no way Philbin can stay. Lose-lose. You knew, and didn't report or covered it up. You didn't, ignorant to the inner workings of your football team.
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:lol: :[ What a circus.

Martin seems like a big soft easy target and Ritchie seems like a big dumb, ignorant dude that picks on soft people. They were the perfect match. :lol:

Based on the few past years I knew Ritchie was a big fool but wow. :lol:
Martin reportedly dealt with bullying in HS. Apparently smooth sailing at Stanford. Richie and Martin's personalities created a perfect storm. No winner here. Neither will play again in the league.
I think Martin might get another shot. Not like he really did anything really wrong. Homeboy gonna need constant counseling though, and play much better.

Richie is done, zero chance of ever even walking into a NFL facility again

Hope Martin gets an invite to camp somewhere
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I think Martin might get another shot. Not like he really did anything really wrong. Homeboy gonna need constant counseling though, and play much better.

Richie is done, zero chance of ever even walking into a NFL facility again

Hope Martin gets an invite to camp somewhere
Martin's a softer personality. Handle with care. The two things you worry about are: First, he broke the locker room code by airing things out very publicly. Second, the media distraction. He comes with baggage now. Does the play on the field merit the other concerns?
I think Martin might get another shot. Not like he really did anything really wrong. Homeboy gonna need constant counseling though, and play much better.

Richie is done, zero chance of ever even walking into a NFL facility again

Hope Martin gets an invite to camp somewhere
Martin's a softer personality. Handle with care. The two things you worry about are: First, he broke the locker room code by airing things out very publicly. Second, the media distraction. He comes with baggage now. Does the play on the field merit the other concerns?

Locker room code.
This shouldn't be going on in the NFL, matter of fact it shouldn't be going on anywhere. If every NFL team says they can't handle JMart, because he is soft. Then that says more about the NFL locker rooms being fortresses of ignorance than anything else. If this wasn't going on, JMart would have nothing to expose.

Media distraction.
I sorry brah, but NFL teams have dealt with such things before for the sake of getting a good player. And a story like this will blow over by the start of the season. Look at the arguments about how foolish it is to say a NFL team won't want the attention that comes along with drafting a gay player.

So the kid can't get another chance because what? NFL teams might have to answer some extra questions, it might have to make sure their players aren't bullies, they have might have to treat a human being, like you know a human?
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The guns/black people comments are very insensitive and ignorant of Incognito. Sounds weird but I don't think he's a racist. I think he's a big idiot with no speech filter and little to no social awareness. I can see him saying this to a black player just as I can see him saying it to a white player.
Martin will get a chance with the 49ers if nobody else is interested.

Just wait on it.

As far as Incognito goes, we're gonna find out how much emphasis GM's and franchises really put on character concerns.

At 30 years old, it doesn't really get any worse than that.
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Locker room code.
This shouldn't be going on in the NFL, matter of fact it shouldn't be going on anywhere. If every NFL team says they can't handle JMart, because he is soft. Then that says more about the NFL locker rooms being fortresses of ignorance than anything else. If this wasn't going on, JMart would have nothing to expose.

Media distraction.
I sorry brah, but NFL teams have dealt with such things before for the sake of getting a good player. And a story like this will blow over by the start of the season. Look at the arguments about how foolish it is to say a NFL team won't want the attention that comes along with drafting a gay player.

So the kid can't get another chance because what? NFL teams might have to answer some extra questions, it might have to make sure their players aren't bullies, they have might have to treat a human being, like you know a human?
Locker room code:
There's worse that's been covered up at Gainesville under Florida's football program during Hernandez's tenure. That's a college setting, professional goes even further. Not saying it's right, but it's true. Many will see Martin as a snitch and soft regardless of the accuracy of those labels.

Media distraction:
He was a mediocre player before the scandal. Stallworth hit the nail on the head. There's only a handful of strong enough locker rooms like the Pats and 49ers that can handle any and all potential media distractions.

Ryan Clark addressed the Michael Sam points. I think he made intelligent, valid remarks.

Does he want to be a football player? Can he handle the pressure and joking that doesn't cross the line?
Locker room code.
This shouldn't be going on in the NFL, matter of fact it shouldn't be going on anywhere. If every NFL team says they can't handle JMart, because he is soft. Then that says more about the NFL locker rooms being fortresses of ignorance than anything else. If this wasn't going on, JMart would have nothing to expose.

Media distraction.
I sorry brah, but NFL teams have dealt with such things before for the sake of getting a good player. And a story like this will blow over by the start of the season. Look at the arguments about how foolish it is to say a NFL team won't want the attention that comes along with drafting a gay player.

So the kid can't get another chance because what? NFL teams might have to answer some extra questions, it might have to make sure their players aren't bullies, they have might have to treat a human being, like you know a human?
Locker room code:
There's worse that's been covered up at Gainesville under Florida's football program during Hernandez's tenure. That's a college setting, professional goes even further. Not saying it's right, but it's true. Many will see Martin as a snitch and soft regardless of the accuracy of those labels.

Media distraction:
He was a mediocre player before the scandal. Stallworth hit the nail on the head. There's only a handful of strong enough locker rooms like the Pats and 49ers that can handle any and all potential media distractions.

Ryan Clark addressed the Michael Sam points. I think he made intelligent, valid remarks.

Does he want to be a football player? Can he handle the pressure and joking that doesn't cross the line?

I honestly respect you opinion brah, so my bad if I come off condescending in advance. Not my intention. But I really hate bullying

-They were on Jmart from day one. Even if he is a lil soft, there were things that Richie did that were disgusting that I doubt goes on in every locker room. He was in a healthy situation in college and flourished, he was in a toxic on in the NFL and played bad. So lets see how he does in a positive environment in the NFL

-I completely disagree with Clark's comments. Well articulated ignorance is still ignorance. What can you say around him? Like seriously, get to know the guy, he and his teammates at Mizzou got along wonderfully. Hell they even kept it quiet for months. How hard is it to not make homophobic comments, and if you do and Sam checks you to be like "my bad homie, won't happen again". How the hell can adults still be using the excuse "He is different than me, I dunno who to make friends"

-And what's the harm in inviting him to training camp? And letting him earn his way back on a team. The media attention will be gone by week 1 and if your locker room isn't filled scumbags like Richie that you don't control, you got nothing to worry about.

So what then, welcome to the NFL, where raping a chick then paying her to keep quiet is OK, going to jail for dog fighting is OK, killing people while driving drunk OK, trying to cover up a murder OK, where putting bounties of other players is OK..........but if you're gay and need to by in a positive environment to succeed, then we got a problem. C'mon B

Invite the kid to training camp, he plays bad, then cut him. Maybe the advice all these arm chair psychologist are giving Martin should be given to all these team who just can't handle the media attention........."Man up and grow some balls"
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I just don't think Martin can walk in a locker room and dudes will trust him. If he does go to a team dudes wont deal with him cuz he's soft and what if he starts feeling left out and wants to leave football again? I don't want to see him fail but he's gonna have to toughing up if he wants to play football.
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Man I go back and forth on this topic...if there is one thing that is crystal clear, it's that Incognito is a huge ***hole. :smh:

Also, this dude Pouncey has to be dumb as rocks. Only a matter of time before he's Hernandez's cellmate.
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I don't see many locker rooms being open to Jonathan Martin as a teammate. They're not gonna come out in public and say it, but I just don't see many guys who would go out of their way for him
I honestly respect you opinion brah, so my bad if I come off condescending in advance. Not my intention. But I really hate bullying

-They were on Jmart from day one. Even if he is a lil soft, there were things that Richie did that were disgusting that I doubt goes on in every locker room. He was in a healthy situation in college and flourished, he was in a toxic on in the NFL and played bad. So lets see how he does in a positive environment in the NFL

-I completely disagree with Clark's comments. Well articulated ignorance is still ignorance. What can you say around him? Like seriously, get to know the guy, he and his teammates at Mizzou got along wonderfully. Hell they even kept it quiet for months. How hard is it to not make homophobic comments, and if you do and Sam checks you to be like "my bad homie, won't happen again". How the hell can adults still be using the excuse "He is different than me, I dunno who to make friends"

-And what's the harm in inviting him to training camp? And letting him earn his way back on a team. The media attention will be gone by week 1 and if your locker room isn't filled scumbags like Richie that you don't control, you got nothing to worry about.

So what then, welcome to the NFL, where raping a chick then paying her to keep quiet is OK, going to jail for dog fighting is OK, killing people while driving drunk OK, trying to cover up a murder OK, where putting bounties of other players is OK..........but if you're gay and need to by in a positive environment to succeed, then we got a problem. C'mon B

Invite the kid to training camp, he plays bad, then cut him. Maybe the advice all these arm chair psychologist are giving Martin should be given to all these team who just can't handle the media attention........."Man up and grow some balls"
Mutual respect.

I think what Clark is representing isn't his own personal views, but a likely scenario that could and will arise with other players. Not everybody has the same maturity level or social tact. It's unprecedented because Sam is the first openly gay prospect. Things that were not spoken about previously and swept under the rug, now need to be addressed in the forefront because the situation is alive and present in '14. For better or worse, in relation to the human capacity to adapt and accept.

I also want to say the media distraction is not specifically related to Sam's sexual preference. That's the current topic with the situation at hand. But I judge Martin's media distraction the same. If Sharper was playing actively, I would see it in the same light as well. Anything that's a detriment to focus and the goal at hand is a distraction.

With that being said, if Sam and Martin can play well and help a team win games, that's all that matters. Owners don't see color, sexual preference, religious creed when wins are piling up and trophies are lining the wall.
I'm mad Martin's dad told him to give these dude's the middle finger.

I feel bad for Martin. I understand depression and suicide but I've learned some things about bullying.
What a situation. You know, I feel like I've come to know Incognito as a huge scumbag less through the actual "bullying" incidents than everything else that has come out around him in relation to this. Like the golf club incident, shooting comments, etc.

And Martin may really not be able to handle the league at this point. He sounds like he has problems that are his and his own, even aside from how he was treated on the dolphins.

Philbin comes off looking totally clueless.
The guns/black people comments are very insensitive and ignorant of Incognito. Sounds weird but I don't think he's a racist. I think he's a big idiot with no speech filter and little to no social awareness. I can see him saying this to a black player just as I can see him saying it to a white player.

this. incognito doesnt know/care that he crosses the line. to him, there is no "line" and he can say whatever
in my opinion, dude is pretty much done in the nfl. no team wants to deal with all that baggage. probably will get "blackballed" out of the league

it's easy to say martin is "soft" but when someone is dealing with depression, he has to get his head right most importantly.
Richie is just one of those dudes who takes things too far and doesn't have the social awareness of when too much is too much. We all got dudes like that in our circle, regardless of what it is. I wouldn't want him on my squad tho, that's for damn sure :lol:

Honestly, Martin just needed to pop Richie or Pouncey one time and show a little backbone and it would have been a wrap.

Wonder if Harbaugh or Pagano gives Martin a shot because of the Stanford familiarity.
Ehh I kinda doubt that.

1) he isn't that good a player and 2) it's not about the coaches, it's about the players in the locker room. I don't envision Martin truly being accepted into the brotherhood of any NFL team after he went about this situation the way he did. And honestly, I doubt that he himself even wants to go through it all again. For someone like him who has struggled with depression, playing in the NFL is way too taxing emotionally.

Dude should just step away from football imo, he has a bright future ahead of him in whatever career he chooses to pursue.
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^ that locker room in miami was straight dysfunctional. you hear analysts and former players even say that they've been in locker rooms with hazing and all that but not to that extent. when incognito is one of your "leaders" you have a problem
True, I actually just read through the entire report and after seeing all the details those dudes were definitely crossing the line. They were saying/doing some wild **** that I doubt would be tolerated on most teams.

But still, every locker room on any sports team I've been in or heard of, has some element of hazing, vulgar behavior/insults, aggression, etc. It's just part of the sport. There's no team Martin could go to where he would be treated with kid gloves. Sure, maybe the coaches might be extra sensitive towards him because of what he's been through. But you can't guarantee that all the players would treat him with the same respect.

It seems like Martin's problem is that he wants people to like him--hence why he put up with all the abuse. Well you can't force people to like you, if he goes to another team and doesn't get embraced in the locker room as one of the guys, what's he gonna do then?
The texts between Martin and his dad were really sad....

Dad was subjected to slurs while at Harvard and took the abuse....

Martin was subjected to this mess in Miami and took the abuse...

The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

I feel really bad for him. Just an awful environment all around.
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