Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

That's on you. If you really like for me to break down the passages and show you exactly what they mean.

Keep in mind christianity is a conglomerate of other religions, so if I'm pulling from what seems thin air it's because most people aren't familiar with the information it's being pulled from.

As far as the numbers.
The bible uses specific numbers for a reason.
12 tribes of Israel
12 brother of Joseph
12 disciples
12 cranial nerves in the brain
12 zodiacs
12 systems of the body

This isn't a coincidence. Like I said it was book a stolen with people who had no real idea what they were stealing.

Not coincidence? You've named a handful of things over the span of the time humans existed and was able to write. id say its a coincidence.

You keep using Christianity and other religions to plead your case but who's to say they are even credible sources? Those religions are just as fabricated as the Greek myths, but for some reason the greek myths are kids stories and the others aren't. Hypothetical imo

Those parables (religious texts) served their purpose. They were meant to control people with the need to be right in front of them. No need for police when GOD is watching you all the time. Need a reason to "punish" someone? Say it's gods will. Look up the witch hunts, the time of roman kings, the times where fudal Japan and China
used it as "Devine right" to be king. The Egyptians that did the same thing. The rulers of Europe. Let's not forget early America with slavery.

Let's not forget the constant bashing of females in order to keep man above them. You can't be religious without that. If you accept the bible as a female I hope they don't stand for women's rights at the same time. That just doesn't go for Christianity either, ALL religions bash women

It's worked to control people and is still going strong, that is a FACT.
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Has anyone on here researched the prophecies in the Bible? There are about 2500 of them. Almost 2000 have been fulfilled. I'm interested in others views on this.
Name some notoble specific prophecies. I like how when facts are dropped bible buffs just pretend like they weren't posted.
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Name some notoble specific prophecies. I like how when facts are dropped bible buffs just pretend like they weren't posted.
I'll address this, but I need to know some things about your knowledge of the history of the Bible. Do you know who wrote the Bible? Do you know how long it took to write the Bible? Where was the Bible written? Do you know why there is an OT and a NT. I ask these questions because the prophecies I will lay out to you will make sense if you have at least general knowledge of the Bible.
I'll address this, but I need to know some things about your knowledge of the history of the Bible. Do you know who wrote the Bible? Do you know how long it took to write the Bible? Where was the Bible written? Do you know why there is an OT and a NT. I ask these questions because the prophecies I will lay out to you will make sense if you have at least general knowledge of the Bible.

What? Are you going to answer the question or quiz me? You're bascally asking if I already agree the bible is true so that if I do we can join hands and praise the lord's truth and power.

Present undeniable proof and no matter what I think I won't be able to argue against it, that's the definition of truth and fact
What? Are you going to answer the question or quiz me? You're bascally asking if I already agree the bible is true so that if I do we can join hands and praise the lord's truth and power.

Present undeniable proof and no matter what I think I won't be able to argue against it, that's the definition of truth and fact
Not what I asked at all. I am asking have you read the Bible's accounts of world history concerning things like the different kings, rulers, civilizations, ancient empires, wars ect. And compared it to history books outside of the Bible. Basically I am asking do you have any knowledge of the world history concerning Africa, Asia and Europe? I ask that because I am claiming that the Bible is more than, as you put it a set of rules, but it is an account of world history. Because the prophecies I am talking about concern Christians and non Christians. You didn't answer any of my questions so I will assume you don't know any of them let alone even read the Bible yourself. Show that I'm wrong though. I don't want to assume since I don't know you.

But I'll start with this one and will post more later after work.

Egypt would never again rule over other nations

In Ezekiel 29:15, which was written around 570 BC, the prophet says that Egypt would recover from a desolation (perhaps Babylon's attack about 2600 years ago), but that it would never again rule over other nations. Up until the time of Ezekiel, Egypt had been a world power for centuries, dominating many nations, including Israel. But for most of the past 2500 years, Egypt has been controlled by foreign powers, including the Romans, Ottomans and Europeans. Today, Egypt is an independent nation again. In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Egypt tried to dominate Israel but was unsuccessful each time, despite the fact that Egypt is 10 times larger than Israel. Since the time of Ezekiel, Egypt no longer rules over other nations.
Thats it?

I thought some profound **** was gonna be posted I'm out, this thread is a waste of time.
I'm WELL versed in the bible and well aware of the "history" it provides. THATS how I provided topics that have made you and other just look away and pretend it was never talked about.

. The topic of God possessing flaws
. Mans "control" over God
. God "saving" man from none other than himself
. God NOT being all powerful
. Gods LACK of control over his creations
. Gods creations being flawed either design or his inabilities
. The bibles "translations" being edited by others to suit the needs of their people

Just to name a few.
What? Are you going to answer the question or quiz me? You're bascally asking if I already agree the bible is true so that if I do we can join hands and praise the lord's truth and power.

Present undeniable proof and no matter what I think I won't be able to argue against it, that's the definition of truth and fact
Not what I asked at all. I am asking have you read the Bible's accounts of world history concerning things like the different kings, rulers, civilizations, ancient empires, wars ect. And compared it to history books outside of the Bible. Basically I am asking do you have any knowledge of the world history concerning Africa, Asia and Europe? I ask that because I am claiming that the Bible is more than, as you put it a set of rules, but it is an account of world history. Because the prophecies I am talking about concern Christians and non Christians. You didn't answer any of my questions so I will assume you don't know any of them let alone even read the Bible yourself. Show that I'm wrong though. I don't want to assume since I don't know you.

But I'll start with this one and will post more later after work.

Egypt would never again rule over other nations

In Ezekiel 29:15, which was written around 570 BC, the prophet says that Egypt would recover from a desolation (perhaps Babylon's attack about 2600 years ago), but that it would never again rule over other nations. Up until the time of Ezekiel, Egypt had been a world power for centuries, dominating many nations, including Israel. But for most of the past 2500 years, Egypt has been controlled by foreign powers, including the Romans, Ottomans and Europeans. Today, Egypt is an independent nation again. In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Egypt tried to dominate Israel but was unsuccessful each time, despite the fact that Egypt is 10 times larger than Israel. Since the time of Ezekiel, Egypt no longer rules over other nations.

that's it? a broad statement about Egypt not controlling other nations?

that's it? a broad statement about Egypt not controlling other nations?


Here's a couple more that I know will be said

Earth quakes
Wars (because that brand new right?)
The world will become more evil
Typhoons (because THATS new right?)
And other things that are completely unrelated

The equivalent to "one day you will trip and fall", then when you finally do "God has revealed himself!" (In mystery of course)
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I'll keep posting, but I encourage each of you that are not gloss over the things I post to look of Jewish history and Middle Eastern/African history. None of this stuff will have significance to you unless you at least have some knowledge. Compare the Hebrew Bible vs the Christian Bible. What are the differences? But I know there is a portion on here that doesn't believe the Bible so compare it's text to to other literature concerning world history of the region's that is discussed. They kings that existed, the empires, the wars...

Ezekiel prophesied prosperity for modern-day Israel

In Ezekiel 36:11, the prophet said that there would come a time when Israel would be more prosperous than it was in the past. The Bible describes Israel as being a prosperous nation during the time of King David and King Solomon about 3000 years ago. But, Ezekiel knew a very different Israel. In Ezekiel's day (he lived about 2600 years ago), the northern kingdom of Israel already had been decimated by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom (called Judah) was being destroyed by the Babylonians. In the centuries that followed these destructions, Jews rebuilt the city of Jerusalem, but their homeland was destroyed again, by the Romans, about 1900 years ago. Since then, a majority of Jews have lived in exile. But during the past 100 years, millions of Jews from around the world moved to Israel and they have been rebuilding the country once again. Today, Israel again is an independent nation, as it was in the days of King David, and it is one of the world's most prosperous countries. In 1999, Israel had the highest per capita Gross Domestic Product of any nearby country, even though the surrounding countries have many oil resources.

Trees again would grow in Israel

In Isaiah 41:18-20, the prophet's talk of a future restoration of Israel coincides with an occurrence in modern Israel - the construction of a vast irrigation system to improve farming. The lack of available water, including rain, is one reason why Israel had been a desolate, unproductive land during much of the past 2000 years. But, during the 1900s, when many Jews returned to their ancient homeland, they built a network of irrigation systems. And during the past century, more than 200 million trees have been planted in Israel.

Isaiah said Israel's fruit would fill the world

In Isaiah 27:6, the prophet said Israel would one day blossom and fill the world with fruit. This prophecy has been at least partially fulfilled, literally and symbolically. Today, the land of Israel, which had been barren for centuries, is a leading producer of agricultural products, exporting food to many countries. This prophecy also has been fulfilled symbolically with the worldwide spread of Christianity. Christianity, which began with Jesus in Israel, now has about 2 billion followers worldwide.

Isreals deserts will become the Garden of Eden

n Isaiah 51:3, the prophet said that God will restore Israel and make it a paradise, like the garden of Eden. This foreshadows what is currently happening in Israel. The Jews have been irrigating, cultivating and reconditioning the land during much of the 1900s. Many of the country's swamps, which had been infested with malaria, have been converted into farmland. And water from the Sea of Galilee has been channeled through portions of the deserts, allowing some of the deserts to bloom. Much work remains, but parts of Israel are blooming again. Although it was described as a wasteland as recently as the late 1800s, Israel is now a food source for many countries. And at least 200 million of trees have been planted there during the past century.

Isaiah foretold of the worldwide return of Jews to Israel.

In Isaiah 43:5-6, the prophet Isaiah said that the Jews would return to their homeland from the east, the west, the north and the south. Isaiah lived about 2700 years ago. At that time, the Assyrians had forced many Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel into exile. Those Jews were taken to other areas in the Middle East. Then, about 1900 years ago, the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and killed and exiled hundreds of thousands of Jews. Since then, the Jews have been scattered to virtually every country in the world. But, during the past century, millions of Jews have returned to Israel, from the east, the west, the north and the south.
From the east: Many Jews living in the Middle East moved to Israel by the early 1900s.
From the west: During mid-1900s, hundreds of thousands of Jews living in the West (Europe and the United States) began moving to Israel.
From the north: The former Soviet Union (Russia) is north of Israel. It refused to allow its Jewish residents to move to Israel. But, after years of pressure from other countries, Russia finally began to allow Jews to return to Israel during the 1980s. So far, hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews have moved to Israel.
From the south: Ethiopia, which is south of Israel, also refused to allow its Jews to return to Israel. But, in 1985, Israel struck a deal with Ethiopia's communist government to allow the Jews of Ethiopia to move to Israel. On the weekend of May 25, 1991, 14,500 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel.
Isaiah's prophecy was also correct in saying that the north (Russia) and the south (Ethiopia) would have to be persuaded to give up their Jews. Many countries pressured Russia for years before it began to allow its Jews to leave. And Ethiopia had to be paid a ransom to allow its Jews to leave.
Isaiah's prophecy was also correct in saying that the Jews would return "from the ends of the earth," and Isaiah said that many centuries before the Jews had been scattered to the ends of the earth. During the past 100 years, Jews living as far east as China, as far west as the West Coast of the United States, as far north as Scandinavia, and as far south as South Africa, have moved to Israel.

Zechariah prophesied the Jews return to Jerusalem

In Zechariah 8:7-8, the prophet said God would bring the Jews back from the east and the west to their homeland (Israel) and that they would be able to live in the city of Jerusalem again. This prophecy has been fulfilled more than once. About 2600 years ago, Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and took many Jews as captives to Babylon. But many Jews later returned from Babylon. The Jews rebuilt Jerusalem but the city was destroyed about 1900 years ago by the Romans. The Romans killed more than 1 million Jews and forced many more into exile. The Jews did not have control of Jerusalem again until 1967 when the Jews recaptured the city during the Six Day War.

There is more and I will continue to post it, but like I said if you don't do your due diligence then it won't matter to. You don't have to answer, but just think about all that has been going on in the Middle East. Why is Isreal the only non Islamic country in the Middle East ? Why do they have so many enemies? Why are has their culture tried to be annihilated so many times yet no one has been successful? They are such a tiny country, surrounded by all their enemies yet they have not been conquered or destroyed. And why is the USA their best friend? The Bible claims that Isreal is protected by God.

All I'm asking you to do is look up some evidence yourself of what I'm saying. Look what the Bible says compared what you find in history and the current events concerning the Gaza strip/Middle East. Put the Bible to the test. There is nothing wrong with that. I did the same thing and that's why I and many others are making these claims.

I'll add more later.
Everything you posted had a human being change/do it. Show me undeniable proof God has done it. God made the sky rain frogs and blood. God parted the Red Sea, but now that it's all here for us to see God works in mysterious ways? Now God "uses" (more like needs) man to do everything for him?

Post specific manifestation of God to fulfill a prophecy. You posted vague "one day they will come back" (because it's bound to happen) claims.

Again, I'll claim that one day you will trip and hurt your hand and on that day you will find Jesus. That's not a prophcy, that's an eventual certainty
I'll keep posting, but I encourage each of you that are not gloss over the things I post to look of Jewish history and Middle Eastern/African history. None of this stuff will have significance to you unless you at least have some knowledge. Compare the Hebrew Bible vs the Christian Bible. What are the differences? But I know there is a portion on here that doesn't believe the Bible so compare it's text to to other literature concerning world history of the region's that is discussed. They kings that existed, the empires, the wars...

Ezekiel prophesied prosperity for modern-day Israel

In Ezekiel 36:11, the prophet said that there would come a time when Israel would be more prosperous than it was in the past. The Bible describes Israel as being a prosperous nation during the time of King David and King Solomon about 3000 years ago. But, Ezekiel knew a very different Israel. In Ezekiel's day (he lived about 2600 years ago), the northern kingdom of Israel already had been decimated by the Assyrians, and the southern kingdom (called Judah) was being destroyed by the Babylonians. In the centuries that followed these destructions, Jews rebuilt the city of Jerusalem, but their homeland was destroyed again, by the Romans, about 1900 years ago. Since then, a majority of Jews have lived in exile. But during the past 100 years, millions of Jews from around the world moved to Israel and they have been rebuilding the country once again. Today, Israel again is an independent nation, as it was in the days of King David, and it is one of the world's most prosperous countries. In 1999, Israel had the highest per capita Gross Domestic Product of any nearby country, even though the surrounding countries have many oil resources.

Trees again would grow in Israel

In Isaiah 41:18-20, the prophet's talk of a future restoration of Israel coincides with an occurrence in modern Israel - the construction of a vast irrigation system to improve farming. The lack of available water, including rain, is one reason why Israel had been a desolate, unproductive land during much of the past 2000 years. But, during the 1900s, when many Jews returned to their ancient homeland, they built a network of irrigation systems. And during the past century, more than 200 million trees have been planted in Israel.

Isaiah said Israel's fruit would fill the world

In Isaiah 27:6, the prophet said Israel would one day blossom and fill the world with fruit. This prophecy has been at least partially fulfilled, literally and symbolically. Today, the land of Israel, which had been barren for centuries, is a leading producer of agricultural products, exporting food to many countries. This prophecy also has been fulfilled symbolically with the worldwide spread of Christianity. Christianity, which began with Jesus in Israel, now has about 2 billion followers worldwide.

Isreals deserts will become the Garden of Eden

n Isaiah 51:3, the prophet said that God will restore Israel and make it a paradise, like the garden of Eden. This foreshadows what is currently happening in Israel. The Jews have been irrigating, cultivating and reconditioning the land during much of the 1900s. Many of the country's swamps, which had been infested with malaria, have been converted into farmland. And water from the Sea of Galilee has been channeled through portions of the deserts, allowing some of the deserts to bloom. Much work remains, but parts of Israel are blooming again. Although it was described as a wasteland as recently as the late 1800s, Israel is now a food source for many countries. And at least 200 million of trees have been planted there during the past century.

Isaiah foretold of the worldwide return of Jews to Israel.

In Isaiah 43:5-6, the prophet Isaiah said that the Jews would return to their homeland from the east, the west, the north and the south. Isaiah lived about 2700 years ago. At that time, the Assyrians had forced many Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel into exile. Those Jews were taken to other areas in the Middle East. Then, about 1900 years ago, the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and killed and exiled hundreds of thousands of Jews. Since then, the Jews have been scattered to virtually every country in the world. But, during the past century, millions of Jews have returned to Israel, from the east, the west, the north and the south.
From the east: Many Jews living in the Middle East moved to Israel by the early 1900s.
From the west: During mid-1900s, hundreds of thousands of Jews living in the West (Europe and the United States) began moving to Israel.
From the north: The former Soviet Union (Russia) is north of Israel. It refused to allow its Jewish residents to move to Israel. But, after years of pressure from other countries, Russia finally began to allow Jews to return to Israel during the 1980s. So far, hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews have moved to Israel.
From the south: Ethiopia, which is south of Israel, also refused to allow its Jews to return to Israel. But, in 1985, Israel struck a deal with Ethiopia's communist government to allow the Jews of Ethiopia to move to Israel. On the weekend of May 25, 1991, 14,500 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel.
Isaiah's prophecy was also correct in saying that the north (Russia) and the south (Ethiopia) would have to be persuaded to give up their Jews. Many countries pressured Russia for years before it began to allow its Jews to leave. And Ethiopia had to be paid a ransom to allow its Jews to leave.
Isaiah's prophecy was also correct in saying that the Jews would return "from the ends of the earth," and Isaiah said that many centuries before the Jews had been scattered to the ends of the earth. During the past 100 years, Jews living as far east as China, as far west as the West Coast of the United States, as far north as Scandinavia, and as far south as South Africa, have moved to Israel.

Zechariah prophesied the Jews return to Jerusalem

In Zechariah 8:7-8, the prophet said God would bring the Jews back from the east and the west to their homeland (Israel) and that they would be able to live in the city of Jerusalem again. This prophecy has been fulfilled more than once. About 2600 years ago, Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and took many Jews as captives to Babylon. But many Jews later returned from Babylon. The Jews rebuilt Jerusalem but the city was destroyed about 1900 years ago by the Romans. The Romans killed more than 1 million Jews and forced many more into exile. The Jews did not have control of Jerusalem again until 1967 when the Jews recaptured the city during the Six Day War.

There is more and I will continue to post it, but like I said if you don't do your due diligence then it won't matter to. You don't have to answer, but just think about all that has been going on in the Middle East. Why is Isreal the only non Islamic country in the Middle East ? Why do they have so many enemies? Why are has their culture tried to be annihilated so many times yet no one has been successful? They are such a tiny country, surrounded by all their enemies yet they have not been conquered or destroyed. And why is the USA their best friend? The Bible claims that Isreal is protected by God.

All I'm asking you to do is look up some evidence yourself of what I'm saying. Look what the Bible says compared what you find in history and the current events concerning the Gaza strip/Middle East. Put the Bible to the test. There is nothing wrong with that. I did the same thing and that's why I and many others are making these claims.

I'll add more later.

Nothing about the thousands of people dying because of Israel and all the vile illegal things according to international law they are committing?

And why so middle eastern centric? Nothing regarding the western and eastern portions of the world?

And you're the person who needs to research more. Before hand you told me to search up all the world religions and compare them to Christianity to see how different they are and you stated all religions state their path is right so far from the truth. There are plenty of religions that state nothing is true or right. Also almost all religions teach the same basic codes for morality. There isn't much differences.

Also get your facts straight, plenty of surrounding middle eastern nations support Israel for their own political gain. And the US supports Israel not because of the bible but because 1) money talks and 2) they're allies due to certain middle eastern nations hating the US so Israel acts as intelligence.

Another fallacy you do know people went back to Israel because of what these books said right. The books didn't predict it, people just followed it. Your logic is filled with fallacies.

I'm sorry man but just stop. And your words further show you're not that great of a person by totally disregarding the disgusting things happening in Israel right now.
"Another fallacy you do know people went back to Israel because of what these books said right. The books didn't predict it, people just followed it. Your logic is filled with fallacies."

Iphone is trash on NT now so I couldn't quote it but spot on.
My goal is not to prove the Bible to you or convert you to Christianity, although I hope that you do for reasons that I'm sure you can guess. I don't have that ability to change your mind. I'm just laying out the multiple reasons why I believe it to be true. Please keep in mind as you read through this list that these prophecies were written 1900 to 3500 years ago.

A pure language would be restored (Zephaniah 3:9). At the end of the 19th century the Zionist movement brought about the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language. In 1948, Hebrew became an official tongue of the state of Israel. Originally there was only one language (Genesis 11:1) and this pure speech will be restored (Isaiah 19:18). Interestingly, Hebrew has no swear words.

The Christian gospel would be preached as a witness to all nations (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10; Revelation 14:6). Today, portions or all of the Bible have been translated into over 2,400 languages and dialects covering over 90% of the world's population.

Mankind would be capable of destroying all life (Matthew 24:21-22). Consider that when Jesus made this prophecy the weapons of His day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out all flesh on planet earth.

The use of nuclear weapons anticipated (Zechariah 14:12). The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims just as God warned 2500 years ago. "Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths." This was unimaginable in Zechariah's day.

The Antichrist would use (false) peace to destroy many (Daniel 8:23-25). With all the problems facing mankind, multitudes are looking for a savior to usher in peace and prosperity without moral accountability. The Antichrist will promise the world and Israel such a peace if they follow him but his intentions will be sinister.

In the last days Israel would have a peace treaty in place that the Antichrist will confirm and eventually break (Daniel 9:27). Currently the world's governments are striving for an Israeli peace treaty.

Damascus would be destroyed (Isaiah 17:1, 14; Jeremiah 49:23-27; Amos 1:3-5; Zechariah 9:1-8). Damascus, Syria is increasingly in the news and is extremely anti-Semitic. Many terrorist organizations have their bases in Damascus. God declares that they will become a ruinous heap because they have violently taken what was not theirs. In 2007 Israel vowed to wipe Syria off the map if Syria attacked by chemical weapons.

There would be a move toward a global government (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8). The former Roman Empire which encompassed present-day Europe would revive and eventually dominate the world. The European Union has steadily moved forward in its attempt to unite Europe politically and economically. It has succeeded in creating a European parliament, a court, and a common currency. And globalization is not unique to Europe, it is happening everywhere.

Literal Babylon (formerly called Babel, Genesis 10:10) would reemerge in the land of Shinar known today as Iraq (Zechariah 5:11; Isaiah 13). Saddam Hussein spent over 20 years rebuilding the city of Babylon. Today, with Saddam's regime overthrown, the international community is discussing how to rebuild Iraq.

Jesus foretold that there would be fearful sights (Luke 21:11). The Greek word translated fearful is phobetron, which can also be translated terror. According to the U.S. State Department, between 1981 and 2006, there were more than 38,000 international terrorist attacks.
Deadly diseases (which the Bible calls pestilences) would be common (Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:8). Emerging diseases such as AIDS, ebola, Hanta virus, Dengue, West Nile, SARS, bird flu, etc., Think about this. Ironically, just a few decades ago, some scientists were forecasting that advances in medicine might soon eradicate deadly diseases.
The final generation would be open to receiving a mark on their right hand or on their forehead (Revelation 13:16). Consider how the up and coming generation is tattooed, pierced and marked with all kinds of insignia. And today, for the first time in history, global tracking and marking technology is available.

A man would control all banking and commerce (Revelation 13:16-18). Remember, this prophecy was penned 2000 years before our computer-driven society. Yet, until recently, you couldn't have even dreamed how a person could control all commerce.

A global economic system would exist (Revelation 13:16-17). This was unthinkable in the apostle John's day. Yet today, globalists in every level of government are seeking to unite the world. Connecting the world monetarily is crucial to their goal.

All surrounding nations would be united against Israel (Psalm 83:4-8; Zechariah 12:2). This hasnever happened in history. Yet today, Israel is surrounded by Muslim nations sworn to her destruction. Muhammad said: The Hour (last day) will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 4, b. 52, Hadith # 177).
Yeah, majority of yours I ignore.

You're reply will be centered around why I do.


Faced with a logical question you simply can't answer, turn around and walk away. Nothing new here. You're smart for bouncing out of the God capable of being controlled by humans argument. It was not going in your favor at all
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I'll leave team bible with this last thing to sleep on for the weekend.

God chose his people of the ancient times. They were the ones he thought would be perfect for him. Turns out God was wrong and those people betrayed him by worshiping false idols. Three things.

1. God completely goofed and was wrong about which nation to choose so he's either unable to "know all" or unable to tell the future at least. This proves God cannot be perfect. He's incapable of making a simple choice

2. That nation lived in a time where God "alledegedly" actually came down and spoke to them/ physically witnessed God literally at work and dispite that STILL did not know how to serve God. With this said I'm sure they thought they were doing the right thing correct? How do you know you are doing the right thing thousands of years into the future without the added backing of a proper bible (source material) or literal manifestations of God, Jesus, and whatever else?

3. God was sure that nation was for him and was wrong, why would the "nation" of Christianity be the right one? God was wrong already in the past. 3 strikes and he's out?
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Faced with a logical question you simply can't answer, turn around and walk away. Nothing new here. You're smart for bouncing out of the God capable of being controlled by humans argument. It was not going in your favor at all
Exactly. This is why I ignore most of your questions and will continue. You have a decided answer already. Doesn't matter what I respond with. I don't remember seeing you asking why I don't respond to some of them yet you post my reason why. Did I miss that question in a post/edit?
Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone to all nations (Zechariah 12:3). Almost daily the world news reports on the conflict over Jerusalem. The United Nations, the Vatican, and many world leaders want to make it an international city. However, God says that the city is His and He has given it to the Jews forever (Genesis 15:18; Leviticus 25:23; 2 Chronicles 6:6). All who burden themselves with it will be "cut in pieces." Despite God's warning, UN resolution 476 flagrantly reiterates that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are null and void. As a result, most countries refuse to transfer their embassies to Jerusalem - Israel's capital.

Israel would be invincible (Zechariah 12:6-9). Since 1948, tiny Israel has been attacked in three major wars and several lesser wars. Yet despite being vastly outnumbered, they have defeated all attacking foes. Even during the final battle, when it looks like Israel will be destroyed, the Lord shall deliver her (Jeremiah 30:3-7; Zechariah 14; Mark 13:14-20). An invincible Israel makes no sense unless you believe God's Word.

Israel would be partitioned by all nations (Joel 3:2; Daniel 11:39). This is another unimaginable prophecy! In 1947, UN Resolution 181 planned the partitioning of Israel. Currently, the West Bank and Gaza have been seperated into Jewish and Palestinian settlements. Dividing Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria are also being negotiated today in order to create a Palestinian state.

The Eastern Gate would remain closed until the Messiah returns. At Christ's Second Coming, He will enter Jerusalem through the now sealed Eastern Gate (Ezekiel 44:1-3). Today, as prophesied, the Eastern Gate remains sealed.

Ancient Petra (Sela the rock city) in Jordan would exist and become the refuge for the fleeing Jews during the Tribulation (Isaiah 16:1-4; Matthew 24:16; Revelation 12:6, 14). In 1994, Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty making Petra a potential refuge for fleeing Jews.

Russia (Magog) would rise as a military power and lead an attack on Israel (Ezekiel 38). Today, most of the southern states of the former Soviet Union are both military powerhouses and Muslim.

Israel would dwell without walls prior to the invasion from the north (Ezekiel 38:8-11). As foretold, Israel now dwells "without walls" or bars or gates. Untill 1900, most Middle East cities and villiages were fortified. Yet modern weaponry (jets/missiles) can "ascend...covering the land like a cloud" making these barriers obsolete.

Iran (Persia), Sudan (Cush), and Libya (Put) would also partake in this attack on Israel (Ezekiel 38). Anti-Semitism in the Islamic world is rampant. According to the Koran and Hadith, Muslims are commanded to fight and slay non-believers in Jihad (holy war) unless they convert to Islam (Surahs 9:5 and 47:4; vol. 1, b. 2, Hadith # 24 and 35). So no. Not all religions teach basically the same thing as some have posted

Birds of prey would eat the dead flesh of the enemy armies that fall in battle against Israel (Ezekiel 39:4, 17; Revelation 19:17-21). It is a little known fact that Israel is the bird migration capital of the world. During the spring and fall migrations, billions of birds fly over Israel. Many of these migratory birds are raptors, carrion (dead flesh) eating birds of prey. In fact, 34 species of raptors migrate over Israel.

The Euphrates River would be dried up (Revelation 16:12). Today, the massive Ataturk Dam in Turkey, completed in 1990, can hold back the Euphrates to a trickle.

Asia (the kings from the east) would be capable of deploying a 200-million-man army duringearth's final days (Revelation 9:14-16; 16:12). Bear in mind, when John penned this prophecy 2000 years ago, there were only an estimated 170 to 400 million people on the entire planet. Yet today, according to the CIA, China alone has 281 million men fit for military service.

Egypt would exist in the last days - but only as a "lowly Kingdom" (Ezekiel 29:14-16). Egypt was one of the world's greatest ancient civilizations. Yet today, as prophesied, Egypt remains - but only as a third world nation - which will "never again exalt itself above the nations" (v. 15). And while God's Word foretold of the demise of many other ancient people groups and kingdoms (which have long since vanished), Egypt remains!
Marriage would be forbidden by many (1 Timothy 4:3). The Bible states that marriage is honorable among all (Hebrews 13:4). Despite this, the Catholic Church forbids their 400,000 priests, 800,000 nuns and numerous bishops, cardinals, and monks from marrying. The Orthodox Church, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious groups also impose mandatory celibacy for certain orders.

Jesus said Christians would be hated for His name's sake (Luke 21:17; Revelation 6:9-11; 20:4). The banning of the Bible, prayer, the Ten Commandments, nativity scenes, Christmas songs, etc., reflects this trend. Also consider that more Christians were martyred during the past century than during all previous history.

Homosexuality would be flaunted at the end of the age. Jesus warned that the last days would be like the days of Lot who lived in wicked Sodom (Luke 17:28-30). We know that the root of Sodom's sin was pride and complacency (Ezekiel 16:49) as it is today. However, Sodom's lasting infamy stemmed from their aggressive homosexual sin (Genesis 19; Jude 1:7). Today, the homosexual agenda is flaunted and forced upon our entire society.
I have a decided answer? You claim the bible is undeniable proof, fact and perfection. Use legal to state something that's unarguable. That is the meaning of fact. No matter what I want to think, if you bring to the table something thats air tight and correct i CANT deny it. Instead you and other choose to stick your fingers in your ears while other speak/bring their claim, vomit out "the gospel", hope the argument goes away, and leave it at that. It's happens in here time and time again. You've already stated you'll ignore me so go ahead and do so, but while you do remeber that it's YOU who backed down with a lack of a counter argument. Matter of fact the majority of the bible guys (sorry don't know what else to call them and I mean no disrespect) end up asking more questions thean the people they're supposedly trying to educate. Don't know if it's the doubt entering their minds or the lack of a counter rebuttal that pushes them to do so.
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