Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

“Look at us all -- we are all of us lost and in all of our different ways of pretending, we all fool ourselves into the very same hell.

Look at the cross -- we are all of us loved and one God meets us all at the point of our common need and brings to all of us -- all who will let Him -- salvation.” 
―  Rich Mullins
Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence.

Ephesians 3:12

To go from the status of being the enemies of the Lord, to being sons and daughters of the Lord is unbelieveable to our small minds.  It brings unspeakable joy to know the compassion of our Creator is not like man and is capable of complete forgiveness. To know he was so set on forgiving us that he came from down His throne to live in a period where the quality of life was pretty low to modern standards.

It is a great reminder to those of us in faith of the the importance to forgive those who have done us wrong. Though they have sinned against us and there may be no fault  on our part, it is important to remind ourselves that we did the same to our Father, yet he gave it all to forgive us. 
I forgot, do you actually study the Bible in its original languages and understand the historical context? Or do you just read it in English? 
I do. Don't believe everything the internet tells you. Anyways, I'll pass on the rabbit hole but I don't blame you.
How do you figure? You acknowledge that you're reading a translation of something written over 2,000 years ago. 

Can you explain to me Leviticus 18:22? Do you know what the original words used translate to?

It seems to me that you don't actually want to discuss the Bible beyond a superficial and will deflect the deeper questions. 
What's the point of this topic then?
You make a solid point sir. But, I have no obligations to answer if there is no fruit from it.

That Leviticus verse is widely used to defend homosexuality by misconstruing the meaning of "to know" and "abomination" used in these contexts. 

Happy New Years doe!
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So Joseph didn't question how his wife ended up pregnant? He honestly believed she bore a child without getting busted in?
how do christian feminists explain that man and woman are equal when god is a dude and jesus was a dude too? 
I've always said that the bible (religion for that matter) is the biggest women basher of all time.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28

Everyone should thank God for the Gospel which gave women MUCH more freedom than they had before.

The Gospel is a message of equality. All sexes, colors, sexual preferences, etc are sinners, no one better than the other.

A misconception people have about this "sexist" view in the Bible is the placement of roles in the family. People think since the Bible says women shouldn't lead the family, then that must be sexist. There is an important reason why God says men lead the family and women maintain it . Both roles of the man and woman are equally important for a functional family. For without a leader, lawlessness falls and without one who maintains, the connection wastes away. There are exceptions to the rule although, God willingly.
according to the bible didnt god make man in his image while women was made from a pile of dirt or something? 
according to the bible didnt god make man in his image while women was made from a pile of dirt or something? 
Mans rib and dirt
according to the bible didnt god make man in his image while women was made from a pile of dirt or something? 
So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27
Why do people waste their time praying for a specific outcome of a sports game in which they aren't participating in. Seeing/hearing folks pray for the Cowboys or Florida St. to win a game makes NO sense to me. So do people really thing "God" gives a damn about these games?
Why do people waste their time praying for a specific outcome of a sports game in which they aren't participating in. Seeing/hearing folks pray for the Cowboys or Florida St. to win a game makes NO sense to me. So do people really thing "God" gives a damn about these games?
Many fall into idolizing their teams, placing their team as god in their lives. Knowing their team is prone to losing they'll turn to God only for favor and in victory. Not the case for everyone, but what I see commonly.

He cares for everything, both in our lives and around us, that is what makes His grace so inconceivable. Even the things we see as mundane or useless.

In the end, men and women are getting paid in these games and athletes have a high standing in this world. God can use any of them to bring Him glory.
I thought God doesn't interfere in the wars of man. Sports could be considered war to a small degree.

So does he sit and overview the game and play matchmaker or does he let people's talents/hard work take over.
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