Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Ok, so the 10 commandments were just to clarify that the Egyptians got it right...

As for instilling fear... why would someone who loves you want you to fear them. That creates a system when people will only worship out of fear. That makes God out to be some psychopath. I personally don't want to worship any god that would kill thousands of people just to show is mite. That's crazy.
Egyptians had a different belief. Some of the beliefs are similar, like in all religions. They are definitely not the same.

Fear was the wrong word
Egyptians had a different belief. Some of the beliefs are similar, like in all religions. They are definitely not the same.

Fear was the wrong word

I think its very disingenuous for Christians to claim they're religion is the only real truth out there when there are many older spiritual systems that predate them. Its quite obvious where the 10 Commandments come from and it has nothing to do with Moses or God.

Christians have NO primary evidence/sources for anything that took place in the bible, while I can go to Egypt and find the 42 laws of Ma'at on the walls. And by Primary sources I mean original materials that have not been altered or distorted in any way.

And if fear was the wrong word, what is the right word?
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Why do you guys treat everything in the bible like its the beginning of time. Have you not lived life and realized that it could not be real/BS? How can you guys never go past that? We live in 2014. I dont think you guys realize how much fake stuff/trolling there is in real life. How could it not exist 2000 years ago? There are no rules. Humans can do/manipulate as they please. Its insane that there is 0 percent doubt that a ******* book written by god for ******* humans conveniently in a human language...could be BS. Its egotistical and dense to think that your human race that important.
The idea of the devil also is off putting for me. A creature of pure evil created by perfection itself? It doesn't add up
You don't find it strange that God has an ego and is jealous?

What do you think about the Council of Nicea? And which branch of Christianity has it right?

Not anymore. I wasn'r raised in the church, but became Baptist as an adult. Now I'm a Messianic Jewish. So when I was Baptist, Pastor would say things like jealousy, anger were sinful. But when God does it, it isn't. Thats when I started really reading scripture I see that emotions aren't an sin at all. ( Went to catholic school,- never was catholic tho lol- but I know they view alot of emotions as sin also).
Its what comes from those emotions that may result in sin. If you have 10 kids whom you sacrificed everything for, provide for them on all levels, and love endlessly no matter what, but yet they call another man Daddy, jealousy is the likely and natural emotional response. Thats NOT a problem. If you go kill this other man out of jealousy, thats when you have sinned.

So I gave you some of my background. And in terms of the Council and modern day chrisitanity, I have alot of issue with it. According to scripture ( and the encyclopedia, lol) you cannot observe Easter and christmas. They are pagan holidays and you shouldnt observe them and be a believer. Christians want to be comfortable, so they pick and choose with laws to follow. And say Jesus did away with whatever they dont want to do. Example: Gen 1 30 - Gen 2:4 say how they sabbath is sactified and holy and to honor it by rest. Then apart of the 10 commandments say keep the sabbath holy. The sabbath is sunset fri to sunset sat. Not Sun(god)day. But a christian will say, we changed it cus Jesus rose on that day. Scripture does not say, ok, illude, or support this at all. I cant even call myself christian anymore. They make up what they want to be righteous and still enjoy the pleasure of the world ( the same world they are to be in not of it (rom 12:2, John15:19, 1 John 2:15). If Im wrong in my beliefs then Im all the way wrong. I didn't half step. I live the word cus I believe in it and I have seen the fruit of it. It just saddens me when some say they do but they dont.
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^ isn't there a passage saying that if you hate your fellow man it's equal to the sin of murder? Emotion is a sin according to that
I think its very disingenuous for Christians to claim they're religion is the only real truth out there when there are many older spiritual systems that predate them. Its quite obvious where the 10 Commandments come from and it has nothing to do with Moses or God.

Christians have NO primary evidence/sources for anything that took place in the bible, while I can go to Egypt and find the 42 laws of Ma'at on the walls. And by Primary sources I mean original materials that have not been altered or distorted in any way.

And if fear was the wrong word, what is the right word?
There are several, if not most that claim they're religion is the only real truth. Why is Christianity so bad? "Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. Quran (9:30)". 

I'm not sure the argument of "X religion is older than Christianity, how is Christianity right?" is a viable argument. The assumption that the oldest religion is the best/truest is a poor one. I'm not sure I follow the obviousness of where the 10 commandments came from. It's not that obvious to me, and I have dabbled with several religions.

There is evidence that Jesus Christ existed, outside the bible. There is this dude named Tacitus, he was a high-up Government official that histories everything that went on during his lifespan. Here is from Wikipedia: "Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (/ˈtæsɨtəs/; Classical Latin: [ˈtakɪtʊs]; c. AD 56 – after 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire. The surviving portions of his two major works—the Annals and the Histories—examine the reigns of the Roman Emperors Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and those who reigned in the Year of the Four Emperors (AD 69)...Tacitus is considered to be one of the greatest Roman historians."

You can delete the word Fear from that sentence altogether. "Showing the mite of Lord and instilling belief" (delete and fear). Would have been the right words IMO
Not anymore. I wasn'r raised in the church, but became Baptist as an adult. Now I'm a Messianic Jewish. So when I was Baptist, Pastor would say things like jealousy, anger were sinful. But when God does it, it isn't. Thats when I started really reading scripture I see that emotions aren't an sin at all. ( Went to catholic school,- never was catholic tho lol- but I know they view alot of emotions as sin also).
Its what comes from those emotions that may result in sin. If you have 10 kids whom you sacrificed everything for, provide for them on all levels, and love endlessly no matter what, but yet they call another man Daddy, jealousy is the likely and natural emotional response. Thats NOT a problem. If you go kill this other man out of jealousy, thats when you have sinned.

So I gave you some of my background. And in terms of the Council and modern day chrisitanity, I have alot of issue with it. According to scripture ( and the encyclopedia, lol) you cannot observe Easter and christmas. They are pagan holidays and you shouldnt observe them and be a believer. Christians want to be comfortable, so they pick and choose with laws to follow. And say Jesus did away with whatever they dont want to do. Example: Gen 1 30 - Gen 2:4 say how they sabbath is sactified and holy and to honor it by rest. Then apart of the 10 commandments say keep the sabbath holy. The sabbath is sunset fri to sunset sat. Not Sun(god)day. But a christian will say, we changed it cus Jesus rose on that day. Scripture does not say, ok, illude, or support this at all. I cant even call myself christian anymore. They make up what they want to be righteous and still enjoy the pleasure of the world ( the same world they are to be in not of it (rom 12:2, John15:19, 1 John 2:15). If Im wrong in my beliefs then Im all the way wrong. I didn't half step. I live the word cus I believe in it and I have seen the fruit of it. It just saddens me when some say they do but they dont.

It sound like you're reaching on that jealousy stuff. You might as well let that one go. If god is omnipotent, omnipresent, is the almighty, the beginning and ending, he should never be jealous.

You acknowledged that bible has been tampered with, but you still believe in the word of Moses.
How did Moses write about his own death?
How did Hebrews even write anything down if they had no script?
If he really was in Egypt and led millions of Jews through the red sea shouldn't that have taken weeks?
If they wondered the land for 40 years why is there no anthropological evidence of it.
What evidence do you have your ancestors were ever enslaved Egypt?
^ isn't there a passage saying that if you hate your fellow man it's equal to the sin of murder? Emotion is a sin according to that

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. -1John3:

This verse and entire chapter is talking about loving fellow believers. If you have hate in your heart towards someone, what will become of that if you hold on to it? Nothing good. You experience these emotions and release them. Overall scripture is about control. Controlling your emotions. Understanding you are angry and letting that get no further. It is impossible to turn of your emotions. We have them as a gage, not for them to control us.
That just puts emphasis on my point. Why would "god" have these very human traits like ego and jealousy.
Or love. Who are you to say what god should and should not be?

“You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God...” 

This type of jealousy is like when you see your wifey macking with another guy. That's YOUR girl, and the flirting is deserved for YOU. He's "jealous" of what is rightfully HIS. The love and devotion of your wife belongs to you. When another man has not loved/cared for her, he is undeserving of it.

It's the type of jealous parents get of their spouse for their children.

The point of his statement is he doesn't want you to be led astray from his teachings, and not to worship false gods. It's not about his humanity or emotions.

Many of the issues brought up are with people who take a certain line and say they have issues with it in the bible. It's like opening up a random book, to a random page, and picking a random line then saying "This is messed up!". Taken all out of context.
It sound like you're reaching on that jealousy stuff. You might as well let that one go. If god is omnipotent, omnipresent, is the almighty, the beginning and ending, he should never be jealous.

You acknowledged that bible has been tampered with, but you still believe in the word of Moses.
How did Moses write about his own death?
How did Hebrews even write anything down if they had no script?
If he really was in Egypt and led millions of Jews through the red sea shouldn't that have taken weeks?
If they wondered the land for 40 years why is there no anthropological evidence of it.
What evidence do you have your ancestors were ever enslaved Egypt?

B back later
but heres a vid that answers most your questions

start at 22.00

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^i hear you on stuff being taken out of context. And I never claimed I think god should be a,b,c, or d. All I'm saying is that "god" has been anthropomorphized by the bible so it comes off very contradicting when there are mentions of "him" having these flawed human traits when he's supposedly the alpha and omega infinite and omnipresent being.
There are several, if not most that claim they're religion is the only real truth. Why is Christianity so bad? "Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. Quran (9:30)". 

I'm not sure the argument of "X religion is older than Christianity, how is Christianity right?" is a viable argument. The assumption that the oldest religion is the best/truest is a poor one. I'm not sure I follow the obviousness of where the 10 commandments came from. It's not that obvious to me, and I have dabbled with several religions.

There is evidence that Jesus Christ existed, outside the bible. There is this dude named Tacitus, he was a high-up Government official that histories everything that went on during his lifespan. Here is from Wikipedia: "Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (/ˈtæsɨtəs/; Classical Latin: [ˈtakɪtʊs]; c. AD 56 – after 117) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire. The surviving portions of his two major works—the Annals and the Histories—examine the reigns of the Roman Emperors Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and those who reigned in the Year of the Four Emperors (AD 69)...Tacitus is considered to be one of the greatest Roman historians."

You can delete the word Fear from that sentence altogether. "Showing the mite of Lord and instilling belief" (delete and fear). Would have been the right words IMO

Again you're completely missing the point. Africans of the Nile Valley had the 42 Negative confessions which are very similar to the 10 commandments.

Egyptians had the very first known holy trinity... the father, the son, and the mother. Christians have the father, son, and holy ghost.

Egyptians have a legend about the son who was born from a virgin birth in December, etc.

These are similarities you can not ignore. There is nothing original about the Cristian faith and as for your evidence of Jesus existing outside of the bible, you have yest to post any PRIMARY evidence. Only secondhand information from a Roman historian.
Dudes in here legit arguing what another man chooses to believe in. :lol:

I honestly feel bad for people like that. There is usually something going on in their life and I want no parts of it.
You can only hope that they find some kind of peace, so that they may let others live in peace.

It's not an argument, its a discussion. Exchange of ideas. That's the whole purpose of a forum. Get off your high horse. Everyone has the right to question peoples beliefs as long as it is not with malice or anger. It's about bringing forth information.

htg designs htg designs
Will watch vids later. Going to the gym.
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Again you're completely missing the point. Africans of the Nile Valley had the 42 Negative confessions which are very similar to the 10 commandments.

Egyptians had the very first known holy trinity... the father, the son, and the mother. Christians have the father, son, and holy ghost.

Egyptians have a legend about the son who was born from a virgin birth in December, etc.

These are similarities you can not ignore. There is nothing original about the Cristian faith and as for your evidence of Jesus existing outside of the bible, you have yest to post any PRIMARY evidence. Only secondhand information from a Roman historian.
Yes, They are very similar, maybe they are both speaking about the same god?

They had the first trinity, since it was first, this must be the correct one. It was first, after all.

"Scholars generally consider Tacitus's reference to the execution of Jesus by Pontius Pilate to be both authentic, and of historical value as an independent Roman source.[5][6][7] Eddy and Boyd state that it is now "firmly established" that Tacitus provides a non-Christian confirmation of the crucifixion of Jesus.[8]"

All I have is evidence from one of the worlds' most renowned historians, in the history of mankind.
"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God" Ex 34:14

This makes no sense. Is this not a blemish? If so god cannot be perfect
Precisely. It's another contradiction.

"But but but...There is a difference between holy jealousy and sinful jealousy."
Explanation I found online in the spoiler, which sounds like a cop out and a bunch of crap.

Jealousy is jealousy :rolleyes.

Holy jealousy means that one is appropriately possessive of something that belongs to him or her. For example, I am not willing to share my husband's heart or body with any other woman because he is mine. I'm happy to share his gifts and energies with the body of Christ and the larger world, and I even love to see that happen, but I want his heart and soul to be exclusively mine. That is a kind of holy and entirely appropriate jealousy.

Sinful jealousy is the desire to have something that doesn't belong to us; another word is envy. When we want something God has not given to us, such as other people's fame, or material goods, or a job, or favor, or a spouse, that is a sin. Sometimes we see this in a jealous person who wants all the attentions of their loved one to be directed to themselves. I have seen people who fly into a rage when they learn that their spouse or significant other has talked on the phone with anyone, or had any kind of conversation with a third person. Such a jealous person desires to have a level of exclusivity that doesn't belong to them.

God exhibits holy jealousy because our love and adoration rightfully belong to Him; He is jealous with a holy jealousy when we love and worship false gods in idolatry. His kind of jealousy is not sinful because we belong to Him and He created our hearts to belong to Him as well.
Precisely. It's another contradiction.

"But but but...There is a difference between holy jealousy and sinful jealousy."
Explanation I found online in the spoiler, which sounds like a cop out and a bunch of crap.

Jealousy is jealousy
The point trying to be depicted is not with jealousy: It's saying don't pray for false gods or else

Welp, now that you proved jealousy is jealousy, that must mean that God is a fraud and all religions that use the bible are false 
If nothing matters, whats the point of you living?
Who said nothing matters? Not me.

Obviously, the whole idea of having a consequence or reward AFTER you die isn't enough to keep people in line. But for an atheist, who believes that there is no consequence or reward after death, we live for RIGHT NOW.

I'm good to someone because they're a good person, not because I believe some magical sky dude is gonna welcome me after I breath my last breath.

If I'm mean to someone, I try to not be like that later, but the reason isn't because I think I'm going to be swimming in fire after I take my last breath.
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