Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Correct: 'believed'.
Why don't you anymore?
I grew up, increased in knowledge, used logic, and actually studied the Bible (key word: 'study', which is more thorough than 'read').
What did you find in it (specifics) that made you do a complete 180? 
- verses that say when a woman is to be 'given' to her master (and you have to study to know the sexual nature of the 'given')
- verses outlining rules for slave ownership (meaning the Bible condones slavery)
- stories that completely copy stories from texts that were written before the copied story in the Bible (there are too many examples; almost every Biblical story is copied from a story from a previous civilization)

Not to mention looking into how the King James Version of the Bible even came to be. People aren't following the teachings of Christ; they're following the teachings as remembered by men who had their versions doctored by King James and then spread through fear by Constantine.
 - verses that say when a woman is to be 'given' to her master (and you have to study to know the sexual nature of the 'given')
- verses outlining rules for slave ownership (meaning the Bible condones slavery)
- stories that completely copy stories from texts that were written before the copied story in the Bible (there are too many examples; almost every Biblical story is copied from a story from a previous civilization)

Not to mention looking into how the King James Version of the Bible even came to be. People aren't following the teachings of Christ; they're following the teachings as remembered by men who had their versions doctored by King James and then spread through fear by Constantine.
Like how Noah's Ark is taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh?
That is because the Epic of Gilgamesh was based on the same real-life massive flood. Its often cited as proof of "Noahs Ark"
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- verses that say when a woman is to be 'given' to her master (and you have to study to know the sexual nature of the 'given')

- verses outlining rules for slave ownership (meaning the Bible condones slavery)

- stories that completely copy stories from texts that were written before the copied story in the Bible (there are too many examples; almost every Biblical story is copied from a story from a previous civilization)

Not to mention looking into how the King James Version of the Bible even came to be. People aren't following the teachings of Christ; they're following the teachings as remembered by men who had their versions doctored by King James and then spread through fear by Constantine.
Like how Noah's Ark is taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh?
One of many examples, yes.
[quote name="oneilmatt"]That is because the Epic of Gilgamesh was based on the same real-life massive flood. Its often cited as proof of "Noahs Ark"[/quote]By Christian historians, yes.
That is because the Epic of Gilgamesh was based on the same real-life massive flood. Its often cited as proof of "Noahs Ark"
The Epic of Gilgamesh predates the Bible. Additionally, it's more than just the event that the Bible seems to plagiarize. There are many very similar details written into the Noah story that appear to come from the Epic of Gilgamesh. 
In what findings? Did you actually read the bible, how is a God that sent a flood to wipe out a whole planet less evil than Satan?

...just when I thought I was out....

Scroll through the last 3 pages of the thread. I answered this best I could already. If you want a better explanation/ understanding, pray and seek. got you on almost every version. ( I recommend the Scriptures/ISR. Derived from the textus receptus, Hebrew to English/ while preserving Hebrew names. No King James vernacular required).
If the real Israelites are scattered and lost... that would mean they can't be any of the ones running the church or any other large connected group of people...

If the real Israelites are scattered and lost... that would mean they can't be any of the ones running the church or any other large connected group of people...


It would mean they don't know who they are (their own identity). It wouldn't be a collective, just random ppl here and there. No way to really know. So 10/12 is pretty much everybody. All there is to account for today are the Jews ( which include Benjamin).
Serious question here. So Christ is the son of god right. We all come from the same source a.k.a God. Doesn't that make us the same as Christ? You know we are all children of God. Is that why there are so many religions with so many Christ figures? Doesn't that mean we can all be like Christ? So why follow when i can walk along side Christ.
If the real Israelites are scattered and lost... that would mean they can't be any of the ones running the church or any other large connected group of people...

It would mean they don't know who they are (their own identity). It wouldn't be a collective, just random ppl here and there. No way to really know. So 10/12 is pretty much everybody. All there is to account for today are the Jews ( which include Benjamin).
HTG, what made you choose Messianic Judaism? Was it family influence or what you grew up around? Why aren't you let's say a Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist, etc, etc? What made you want to follow one specific religion, rather than any of the other ones? 

Also for the religious folks. If you are friends with a person that isn't religious, or better yet follow another religion, do you believe they are wrong? Do you think they're damned or what not?
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aite so god made dinosaurs in his image?


Another question..... God made man in his image yet isn't of flesh and blood due to god being spirit in nature. So what image are we talking about?

That's where the ego of man truly shows itself. The highest being and he looks like us?
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HTG, what made you choose Messianic Judaism? Was it family influence or what you grew up around? Why aren't you let's say a Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist, etc, etc? What made you want to follow one specific religion, rather than any of the other ones? 

Also for the religious folks. If you are friends with a person that isn't religious, or better yet follow another religion, do you believe they are wrong? Do you think they're damned or what not?

Grew up knowing of God n Jesus. Thats it, no church or much bible reading just head knowledge. Used to pray tho when I needed stuff ( good grades w/o studying, kicks, chicks) Late H.S. to college, became athiest. I always loved science, logic, philosophy and that grew and I just didn't have time to entertain those fantastical ideas and stories anymore. They dont make any sense at all and completely break the laws that our existence as we know it is governed by and go completely against my sense of reality.

Then met my wife and she got pregnant with our first kid. ( Insert Young Jeezy: TM103, track no.7 chorus here) She wanted to ' become a better person' for ur kid and started looking religions that follow the bible. She became Baptist cus they were the closet thing she found to true bible believers. I was like, good for you, as I watched her go to church by herself. *FFWD* moved to CT and was living in a car while she stayed with her parents. Had no job no hope no help. She kept a bible in the car so I read that and started prayer for a better way. I was desperate. Rock bottom would have been cloud 9 for me cus life was a b with aids at that time. I read the bible like, whatever you say God. Sounds nuts, but im buying it all. Who am I to say this isn't real? My knowledge is limited and life is finite, so I'll go out on this wild limb here.

Then things started happening for me. My wifes friend reached out and let me crash on their couch, then I got a job, then got an apartment and was balling. I then forgot about reading and praying and dwas back to doing me. Then shortly after, things started becoming really stressful at work, arguments started at home, and I felt depressed and unfulfilled. I had everythign I wanted, a truck huge tv, and a nice place. Then picked the book back up again more diligently than before. Started letting in convict me and change me and it was soothing. I started going to church ith my wife, which blew her mind and there was a joy and peace in my life I had never experienced.

After a year of church I began realizing that some of my interpretations of scripture and Pastors differed. I used him as a guide, not as a source life most ppl do. So i researched what I was finding in the word different from what he was ( I didnt bring it to him cus he went to bible college, trained to defend and blow off whatever that dont line up with what he was taught.) Then I came across a slew aof resources (119 ministries, passion for truth ministires) that shared, expanded, and explained what scripture had been pointing me towards. That once you accept Messiah as your savior, you are grafted into the House of Israel and you should keep all the commands of Yehovah. Flipped my world upside down. But I look at my life and see that Hes been calling me for the longest time. And now I get to properly answer.

The Bible is the main tangible factor her I guess, to how I got to where I am. Scripture says that this is the way. I accept that. But I dont dwell on that and focus on that cus I am not the ultimate authority, so that isn't my call to make. i have no clue how that all works, if theres more than one path to God. So I just dont think about it . I dont even spread my belief. I just live according to the way he wants me to in the word and answer questions as I am asked. I would like to know how it all works but I dont need to know. Can fit the ocean in a cup, and Im ok with that.
Another question..... God made man in his image yet isn't of flesh and blood due to god being spirit in nature. So what image are we talking about?

That's where the ego of man truly shows itself. The highest being and he looks like us?

GEN 2:7

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Dust and breath. One from the ground, one from God.
The breath/ spirit is what can connect us to God. It what seperates us from everything else. God is a spirit. It is how we are created in His image.
Serious question here. So Christ is the son of god right. We all come from the same source a.k.a God. Doesn't that make us the same as Christ? You know we are all children of God. Is that why there are so many religions with so many Christ figures? Doesn't that mean we can all be like Christ? So why follow when i can walk along side Christ.
I can see the misconception.

We are the son of man(Adam)

Jesus Christ is the unique 

Son of God that he is the only

way to the father.

Once we accept and receive

Christ through repentance

Christ abides in us

and the Father sees Christ in

us, rather than just man

with sin.

So we are children of God.


Lots of religions have 

men with followers.

Jesus Christ was the

Son of God in flesh


Us as regular men can't 

walk along side Christ

we are too sinful to compare.

Its only through accepting

Christ do we get the Holy Spirit

which gives us the characteristics

of Christ (God) or in our terms

the Fruits of the Spirit.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

are God 

in One
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Dudes on here really took this thread for granted but everybody have their own beliefs just got off the phone with a friend of mine he told me he went to this seminar about relationships , and the dude said that its a sin to kiss your significant other because shes not yours until you get married with her .

I just read what i posted smh sound kinda crazy but i just wanted some input .
if africa hosted the original people on the earth.. and god created the first man is his image.  does that make brothers the realest of all?
No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.
if africa hosted the original people on the earth.. and god created the first man is his image.  does that make brothers the realest of all?
No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.

:rofl: :wow: yoooo!

Post this ******** in spoilers or close it so the rest of us don't have to see it.
No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.

:stoneface: troll bait averted
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No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.

Obvious troll is obvious
Dudes on here really took this thread for granted but everybody have their own beliefs just got off the phone with a friend of mine he told me he went to this seminar about relationships , and the dude said that its a sin to kiss your significant other because shes not yours until you get married with her .

I just read what i posted smh sound kinda crazy but i just wanted some input .
Galations 5:19

Now the works of the flesh are manifest,

which are [these]; 




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