Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.

Obvious troll is obvious
Not trolling. I know, because I used to believe same foolishness. :\

I bet dude also believes that HIV is a consequence given by god to gays.

And that blessings are because you are in god's favor, and when bad things happen, it's because he's upset w/ you. "Flat tire? What'd you do to god? Friend request from that chick you been trying to get at? You must've made god happy."
No because Africans only became black after millions of years of sun exposure and adaptation. They started out white which is why Europeans, etc. are still white. They left Africa early on.
Obvious troll is obvious
Not trolling. I know, because I used to believe same foolishness.

I bet dude also believes that HIV is a consequence given by god to gays.

And that blessings are because you are in god's favor, and when bad things happen, it's because he's upset w/ you. "Flat tire? What'd you do to god? Friend request from that chick you been trying to get at? You must've made god happy."
This is one of the many bones I have to pick with religious/spiritual thinking.  The thought process behind the reasons for misfortune or good fortune are absolutely infantile.

Glad to see you finally saw the light, DarthSka.
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I hope he's not the same man who raised you to bash other people and their beliefs.

If it is, I kind of feel bad.
Is your dad the same man that raised you to bash people and invalidate their opinions based on their appearance and weight?
Why would anyone want to take advice from some fat, middle-aged loser who looks like he's gotten no yambs other than his wife's in his lifetime?

Your belief in god has clearly made you a better person.
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You didn't really elaborate but okay.

Why do you feel that a "man-made machine" can't be trusted? Is that forbidden in the bible?

Do you totally disregard all sciences? Or do you just ignore those that present something that is contrary to the scripture?
I tell you the truth 


I feel you folks 

can relate to 

King Solomon.

He was wise,


and powerful.

But like you 

men, he turned

his back on God

and worshipped his idols.

In the end 

he found no joy

in all earthly 


The book of Ecclesiastes 

is a warning of wisdom.

Don't think you are 

to wise and powerful

for God

For it is he that gave

you all you have.

All you will 

find from chasing 

your worldly pleasures

is vanity and dissatisfaction.

Don't make Solomon's

This thread was meant to be so much more than what it has become.

People don't notice the kind of poison they bring in to places where positive ideas are meant to be shared.
Makes you wonder what is going on with them that they feel the need to try to argue, dispute and mock things that other people have the utmost respect for.

But [emoji]128056[/emoji][emoji]9749[/emoji]️

I just came in here, but it seems a bit ironic to try and take the high road when you're guilty of the same sins.

You posted meterialistic things to try and prove what 'god' gave you, thats in a way mocking both the religion, as materialism is a bad thing lolz and the person you were arguing with trying to seem like you're superior than them. Being egotistical is also against the word of god last time I checked.

Just pointing out some irony.

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I will
Ignore all facts
Because it's
Not in
The bible.

Which was written
By a bunch
Of farmers
That thought
The earth was square


Sorry famb. Had to do it one time. :lol:
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