Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

When you trust someone
You abide to their words
And promises

Like atheists do

Our trust in God is
Much greater
He made us and
knows more than we
Think we know

So we lay our trusts
In his hand.

Worst answer I've ever heard.

You do realize we believe in science because there is actual proof right?

You're basing your whole life off of words from someone you've never seen/spoken to.
I'm about to start defending myself again and start asking questions of my own, specifically to those attacking me.

Questions such as assets, education, credit score, physical and mental state/shape.
I'm VERY curious to know these.

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world."
Great thread and mad props OP for taking this on.

As a Christian myself, there is no way I have enough wisdom of God's Word to know how to answer these questions, awesome for you brother.

I think a big part of being a Man/Woman of Faith is just that...Faith. Having Faith that the Trinity is always with you and believing in the feeling you got when you gave your life to God.

I will never ever forget the feeling at Younglife camp in the Summer of 2009 where it just hit me like BAM...every single thing that happened in my life up to that point was all apart of God's plan (Jeremiah 29:11)...if my father wasn't an alcoholic and put me through pain, I never would have moved to Kansas, I never would have met the people that I met, I never would have attend YL camp and met Jesus...who knows what would have happened to me.

Sure, there are a lot of tough questions for Christians to answer...but there are also tough questions for Atheists to answer as well...the main part of being a Christian is Mark 12:31..."Love your neighbor as yourself." Doesn't matter if they are atheists, rapists, murderers, homosexual, can disagree with someone's life choices/lifestyle but if you hate them, that is not the Christian way. You should pray for them to give their life to Him so that they can spend eternity in Heaven. People don't realize how small and microscopic our "life" is compared to spending eternity with God. Most people (including myself) worry about their jobs, money, their clothes, their appearance, their sports teams, etc...none of that matters. What matters is doing what you can do, loving others, spreading God's word, forgiving others of their sin, spending time with that you could spend ETERNITY in Heaven. THAT is what matters.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world."
that ether
Great thread and mad props OP for taking this on.

As a Christian myself, there is no way I have enough wisdom of God's Word to know how to answer these questions, awesome for you brother.

I think a big part of being a Man/Woman of Faith is just that...Faith. Having Faith that the Trinity is always with you and believing in the feeling you got when you gave your life to God.

I will never ever forget the feeling at Younglife camp in the Summer of 2009 where it just hit me like BAM...every single thing that happened in my life up to that point was all apart of God's plan (Jeremiah 29:11)...if my father wasn't an alcoholic and put me through pain, I never would have moved to Kansas, I never would have met the people that I met, I never would have attend YL camp and met Jesus...who knows what would have happened to me.

Sure, there are a lot of tough questions for Christians to answer...but there are also tough questions for Atheists to answer as well...the main part of being a Christian is Mark 12:31..."Love your neighbor as yourself." Doesn't matter if they are atheists, rapists, murderers, homosexual, can disagree with someone's life choices/lifestyle but if you hate them, that is not the Christian way. You should pray for them to give their life to Him so that they can spend eternity in Heaven. People don't realize how small and microscopic our "life" is compared to spending eternity with God. Most people (including myself) worry about their jobs, money, their clothes, their appearance, their sports teams, etc...none of that matters. What matters is doing what you can do, loving others, spreading God's word, forgiving others of their sin, spending time with that you could spend ETERNITY in Heaven. THAT is what matters.
Spoken like a true bible toting christian.

Why would GOD want to child have an alcoholic father, who would cause pain, just to "meet" him.
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that ether

Spoken like a true bible toting christian.

Why would GOD want to child have an alcoholic father, who would cause pain, just to "meet" him. will.

My father and grandfather when they were tempted to drink and be abusive to the was either follow Satan or follow God. They chose to be sinful and follow Satan.
Great thread and mad props OP for taking this on.

As a Christian myself, there is no way I have enough wisdom of God's Word to know how to answer these questions, awesome for you brother.

I think a big part of being a Man/Woman of Faith is just that...Faith. Having Faith that the Trinity is always with you and believing in the feeling you got when you gave your life to God.

I will never ever forget the feeling at Younglife camp in the Summer of 2009 where it just hit me like BAM...every single thing that happened in my life up to that point was all apart of God's plan (Jeremiah 29:11)...if my father wasn't an alcoholic and put me through pain, I never would have moved to Kansas, I never would have met the people that I met, I never would have attend YL camp and met Jesus...who knows what would have happened to me.

Sure, there are a lot of tough questions for Christians to answer...but there are also tough questions for Atheists to answer as well...the main part of being a Christian is Mark 12:31..."Love your neighbor as yourself." Doesn't matter if they are atheists, rapists, murderers, homosexual, can disagree with someone's life choices/lifestyle but if you hate them, that is not the Christian way. You should pray for them to give their life to Him so that they can spend eternity in Heaven. People don't realize how small and microscopic our "life" is compared to spending eternity with God. Most people (including myself) worry about their jobs, money, their clothes, their appearance, their sports teams, etc...none of that matters. What matters is doing what you can do, loving others, spreading God's word, forgiving others of their sin, spending time with that you could spend ETERNITY in Heaven. THAT is what matters.
That's all great thoughts, and I like that you think like that. But you say the main part of being a christian is lobe your neighbor as yourself, doesn't matter what they are. If only everyone would follow that, things would be much better. So I definitely agree. Here's what I don't get, just as the bible says love your neighbor as your yourself, it contradicts itself by damning people who might interact with god in a different manner, meaning via different religions or customs. So love the differences in people, but a lot of those differences will lead that person to hell. Could you explain that one for me because it's a clear contradiction at least in my eyes. 

Why not connect with a higher being through different customs. Heck Ramadan just passed, fasting for a month, at least in my mind, teaches a great deal of things such as discipline, modesty, etc etc. So why not do that? Why not follow certain Buddhist or Hindu ideals that teach avoiding gluttony, etc. 

In all honesty, do you really think if there was a higher being out there, he (don't know what pronoun to use) would care HOW you connect with him? But according to the bible if you don't connect with him using it's ways, you aren't going to be with him after your life. 

And also obviously everyone thinks differently so explain this to me. If I were a strict Christian who believed the bible is the word of god, how could I truthfully accept a person following another religion? Deep down I would think he's wrong/making a mistake/below me. How are you able to avoid that thought process as a follower of the book?
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That's all great thoughts, and I like that you think like that. But you say the main part of being a christian is lobe your neighbor as yourself, doesn't matter what they are. If only everyone would follow that, things would be much better. So I definitely agree. Here's what I don't get, just as the bible says love your neighbor as your yourself, it contradicts itself by damning people who might interact with god in a different manner, meaning via different religions or customs. So love the differences in people, but a lot of those differences will lead that person to hell. Could you explain that one for me because it's a clear contradiction at least in my eyes. 

Why not connect with a higher being through different customs. Heck Ramadan just passed, fasting for a month, at least in my mind, teaches a great deal of things such as discipline, modesty, etc etc. So why not do that? Why not follow certain Buddhist or Hindu ideals that teach avoiding gluttony, etc. 

In all honesty, do you really think if there was a higher being out there, he (don't know what pronoun to use) would care HOW you connect with him? But according to the bible if you don't connect with him using it's ways, you aren't going to be with him after your life. 

And also obviously everyone thinks differently so explain this to me. If I were a strict Christian who believed the bible is the word of god, how could I truthfully accept a person following another religion? Deep down I would think he's wrong/making a mistake/below me. How are you able to avoid that thought process as a follower of the book?
What do you mean by damning people? Hating them? 

A1: The best way I understood this was the during the Michael Sam thing...I talked to my pastor and he said you are to love this person as if they are family. Now, you can disagree with their choices, but it doesn't matter, you are to love them and pray for them that they would come to God and have a relationship with Him.

A2: From what I have always connect with God through Jesus Christ. There is no way to get to God if you do not have Jesus...this includes having the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control)  

A3: Again, by loving them as your neighbor. If you disagree with their religion, God calls us to accept them, pray for them, talk with them, in hopes that they will become a Christian and give their life to God and accept Jesus. I don't think it's okay to think they are below you, the correct way to look at it is they are living with Christ and won't be able to live in Eternity with Him and God is calling you to change that...just as God calls us to help drug addicts, murderers, adulterers, and other sinful ways of life.
Whats up with this verse?
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know  the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are  the synagogue of Satan. Rev 2:9
What do you mean by damning people? Hating them? 

A1: The best way I understood this was the during the Michael Sam thing...I talked to my pastor and he said you are to love this person as if they are family. Now, you can disagree with their choices, but it doesn't matter, you are to love them and pray for them that they would come to God and have a relationship with Him.

A2: From what I have always connect with God through Jesus Christ. There is no way to get to God if you do not have Jesus...this includes having the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control)  

A3: Again, by loving them as your neighbor. If you disagree with their religion, God calls us to accept them, pray for them, talk with them, in hopes that they will become a Christian and give their life to God and accept Jesus. I don't think it's okay to think they are below you, the correct way to look at it is they are living with Christ and won't be able to live in Eternity with Him and God is calling you to change that...just as God calls us to help drug addicts, murderers, adulterers, and other sinful ways of life.
Why would Sam be a "thing". Oh yeah, cause religion spreads hate. Would you have the same feeling if you had not "found" jesus?

And by your logic, if I go out to drink, I'm following satan? The Satan is my best friend cause getting wasted is pretty much a birthright for us Mexicans.
That's all great thoughts, and I like that you think like that. But you say the main part of being a christian is lobe your neighbor as yourself, doesn't matter what they are. If only everyone would follow that, things would be much better. So I definitely agree. Here's what I don't get, just as the bible says love your neighbor as your yourself, it contradicts itself by damning people who might interact with god in a different manner, meaning via different religions or customs. So love the differences in people, but a lot of those differences will lead that person to hell. Could you explain that one for me because it's a clear contradiction at least in my eyes. 

Why not connect with a higher being through different customs. Heck Ramadan just passed, fasting for a month, at least in my mind, teaches a great deal of things such as discipline, modesty, etc etc. So why not do that? Why not follow certain Buddhist or Hindu ideals that teach avoiding gluttony, etc. 

In all honesty, do you really think if there was a higher being out there, he (don't know what pronoun to use) would care HOW you connect with him? But according to the bible if you don't connect with him using it's ways, you aren't going to be with him after your life. 

And also obviously everyone thinks differently so explain this to me. If I were a strict Christian who believed the bible is the word of god, how could I truthfully accept a person following another religion? Deep down I would think he's wrong/making a mistake/below me. How are you able to avoid that thought process as a follower of the book?
What do you mean by damning people? Hating them? 

A1: The best way I understood this was the during the Michael Sam thing...I talked to my pastor and he said you are to love this person as if they are family. Now, you can disagree with their choices, but it doesn't matter, you are to love them and pray for them that they would come to God and have a relationship with Him.

A2: From what I have always connect with God through Jesus Christ. There is no way to get to God if you do not have Jesus...this includes having the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control)  

A3: Again, by loving them as your neighbor. If you disagree with their religion, God calls us to accept them, pray for them, talk with them, in hopes that they will become a Christian and give their life to God and accept Jesus. I don't think it's okay to think they are below you, the correct way to look at it is they are living with Christ and won't be able to live in Eternity with Him and God is calling you to change that...just as God calls us to help drug addicts, murderers, adulterers, and other sinful ways of life.
Appreciate your answers.

Damning people as in going to hell. So the bible states love your neighbor, respect their differences, maybe even embrace their differences? but ultimately they are going to hell for those differences

A1: I don't get how the Michael Sam situation relates to my question. It was why not connect with god, humble yourself, etc, through different customs/traditions. But you did later on answer this by saying you learned that the only way to connect with god is through Jesus. So in your mind the only legitimate means of connecting with a higher being is through christian customs? 

A2: So you learned you can only connect with God through Jesus. A question for you, how exactly did you come to accept/agree with this statement? What proved to you or what convinced you the only way to connect with God is through Jesus? 

So I know you stated you had rough situations in your life which led you to a group where you found God through Jesus. Let's say in a similar way, a person has very rough situations that he has had to constantly deal with, which ultimately led him to a group where they learned from the Quran. So a very similar situation as you, but the only difference is Bible vs. Quran. What makes one right the other wrong in your mind? You guys ultimately achieved tranquility in almost the same manner. 

A3: So if you are friends with a non-Christian, you pray for them? You pray they accept Jesus? What exactly are you asking for in your prayers. And you just related a person who believes a different religion/no religion to drug addicts, murderers, an adulterer etc. Does that really make sense? 
Great thread and mad props OP for taking this on.

As a Christian myself, there is no way I have enough wisdom of God's Word to know how to answer these questions, awesome for you brother.

I think a big part of being a Man/Woman of Faith is just that...Faith. Having Faith that the Trinity is always with you and believing in the feeling you got when you gave your life to God.

I will never ever forget the feeling at Younglife camp in the Summer of 2009 where it just hit me like BAM...every single thing that happened in my life up to that point was all apart of God's plan (Jeremiah 29:11)...if my father wasn't an alcoholic and put me through pain, I never would have moved to Kansas, I never would have met the people that I met, I never would have attend YL camp and met Jesus...who knows what would have happened to me.

Sure, there are a lot of tough questions for Christians to answer...but there are also tough questions for Atheists to answer as well...the main part of being a Christian is Mark 12:31..."Love your neighbor as yourself." Doesn't matter if they are atheists, rapists, murderers, homosexual, can disagree with someone's life choices/lifestyle but if you hate them, that is not the Christian way. You should pray for them to give their life to Him so that they can spend eternity in Heaven. People don't realize how small and microscopic our "life" is compared to spending eternity with God. Most people (including myself) worry about their jobs, money, their clothes, their appearance, their sports teams, etc...none of that matters. What matters is doing what you can do, loving others, spreading God's word, forgiving others of their sin, spending time with that you could spend ETERNITY in Heaven. THAT is what matters.
Much respect brother.
God bless you
So if the God's chosen people come from the tribe of Judah.... and those who call themselves Jews aren't real Jews but are actually from the synagogue of Satan.  

That would mean that the people who the fake jews exploit are the real jews.

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God gives humans free will and judges them according to what they choose to do correct? Does this mean god cannot see the future? Is that not a power limitation?
God gives humans free will and judges them according to what they choose to do correct? Does this mean god cannot see the future? Is that not a power limitation?

Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.
I told you guys.

Cheap bait is the worst.

Playing the victim as soon as you call their contradictions out

B-but why is everyone attacking me?!

It's like fat people. They come and ask why society seems to have a negative view on being overweight and you answer them and they choose to ignore the answers to keep playing the victim.

Me vs world type of people.

Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.

Do people really believe things like this?

"Ok im gonna let him do his thing, even though i have the power to see what hes gonna do ahead of time, but ill just wait."

like what is the point of being born into the physical world if our fates are already determinded by the almighty being in the sky?
I told you guys.

Cheap bait is the worst.

Playing the victim as soon as you call their contradictions out

B-but why is everyone attacking me?!

It's like fat people. They come and ask why society seems to have a negative view on being overweight and you answer them and they choose to ignore the answers to keep playing the victim.

Me vs world type of people.

Religious people have some of the most ridiculous, illogical, unjust viewpoints...but when we question/challenge them we're "not respecting their beliefs."

Ever come to think that maybe ideas such as homosexuals not deserving the same rights and treatment as heterosexuals, nonbelievers deserving eternal damnation regardless of the good they've done in the terrestrial world, and the notion that god allows people to act out atrocities because "free will" is seemingly more important than the lives of the innocent aren't ideas worth respecting?

Big meanies, we are.
I was speaking in a general sense, really.  You can question a religious person into a corner, and at the end of the day their response will always be "you just have to respect my beliefs."

Well sorry, but I don't respect an ideology that advocates slavery, denigrates women,  and condemns homosexuals.  You shouldn't either.
[quote name="OneSole""]Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.[/quote]Then he's negligent.

It he has the power to make people do what he wants but he CHOOSES to just chill, that means a little girl is some old dude's personal, live sex toy right now, and you believe that god COULD use his power, but he's just chilling.




That is not showing love for your creation, your child.

I have a child. NO... WAY... am I just chilling while someone is abusing him, like I'm supposed to hear him screaming, calling out to me and I'm supposed to be like "I could step in, son, but... free will; this pedo has free will, soooo... yeah. But hey, when you're done suffering, I've got some GREAT plans for you down the road, since you've showed me how strong you are!"




It's negligence, if you fully believe that he has the power to stop child rape and murder, but watches and does nothing.
God gives humans free will and judges them according to what they choose to do correct? Does this mean god cannot see the future? Is that not a power limitation?
Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.
Where in the Bible does it says this? I don't think this is a universal belief. 
Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.

But isn't god simply not knowing a lack of knowledge aka an imperfection? Either he knows and doesn't care or is incapable of knowing this limited in power
Originally Posted by OneSole  
Being that we are his creation, if he wanted to he could accurately predict what each and every one of us would/will do. However, he chooses not to us this power. Instead he allows us to show him who we are.
Then he's negligent.

It he has the power to make people do what he wants but he CHOOSES to just chill, that means a little girl is some old dude's personal, live sex toy right now, and you believe that god COULD use his power, but he's just chilling.




That is not showing love for your creation, your child.

I have a child. NO... WAY... am I just chilling while someone is abusing him, like I'm supposed to hear him screaming, calling out to me and I'm supposed to be like "I could step in, son, but... free will; this pedo has free will, soooo... yeah. But hey, when you're done suffering, I've got some GREAT plans for you down the road, since you've showed me how strong you are!"




It's negligence, if you fully believe that he has the power to stop child rape and murder, but watches and does nothing.
Hey, man..."God works in mysterious ways" 
"He puts his strongest through the toughest battles."

"We are all born into sin, and deserve the bad things in our life."

"Sometimes the evils we go through are really him preventing an even greater evil."

So many more.

The delusions are non-stop. Once your loyalty is tied to a cultish belief, your reasoning works in reverse; instead of using questions to challenge the legitimacy of your belief, you adjust answers to fit your belief.
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Let's say someone has a huge test and they study all night for a week and right before the test the person says a prayer to pass the test. Test scores comes back and he passed and you ask "how'd you do it", the person answers "because I prayed about it", thats kinda is illogical no?
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