Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

There's no record of any of it because it never happened and these figures never existed. It's the greatest STORY ever told and nothing more than that. A story. I'm not saying that there aren't any spiritual truths in the bible but it has been twisted and used as a tool for profit and suppression. Astro theology is the cradle of all religion.

Nobody in this thread has provided an inkling of proof or evidence that anything in biblical account ever took place. Not 1 fact. And yet there's vast amounts of proof and evidence that civilizations that predate biblical account existed and worshiped the sun.
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I was trying to word it that way as well last night.

Is there a record of Ezekiel, James and Paul being real?


Yes, there is non-biblical record of a Saul of Tarsus, which seems to be biblical Paul. And if it's the same person, Saul of Tarsus had a KNOWN reputation as a homophobic, angry, maniacal, chauvinist, schizophrenic bully.

And of course, the explanation behind how he could have written like 80% of the New Testament lies in the belief that 'god' can use anyone 'he' calls; of course, the calling only has to be in their OWN spirit/heart (read: mind), unless you're Moses, who saw a bush on fire, but wasn't being burned.

See, the more a person actually unravels these stories, the more evident it becomes that we're talking about people who were completely clueless to the vast wealth of information we have now.

- earth trembles now: "Aaah!! Get under a table! Earthquake!"
- back then: "God!"

- Northern Lights now: "Sooooo beautiful! Nature is so awesome. :smile: "
- back then: "Angels, dancing. :smile: "

- someone has the flu now: "Water, and cold wash cloths! Poor thing. :\ We'll help, Josh. Want some soup & 7-up?"
- back then: "Come out, you demon!! Everyone pray this demon out! Josh, what did you DO to anger god? :\ "

- meteor, now: "Scientists have said it came from planet so-and-so."
- back then: "GOD WILL SMITE US ALL DOWN, STARTING NOW! :frown: "
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^ I can only imagine how they treated the mentally ill back then. Probably all kinds of exorcism were practiced.

James 4:7

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Yes, there is non-biblical record of a Saul of Tarsus, which seems to be biblical Paul. And if it's the same person, Saul of Tarsus had a KNOWN reputation as a homophobic, angry, maniacal, chauvinist, schizophrenic bully.

And of course, the explanation behind how he could have written like 80% of the New Testament lies in the belief that 'god' can use anyone 'he' calls; of course, the calling only has to be in their OWN spirit/heart (read: mind), unless you're Moses, who saw a bush on fire, but wasn't being burned.

See, the more a person actually unravels these stories, the more evident it becomes that we're talking about people who were completely clueless to the vast wealth of information we have now.

- earth trembles now: "Aaah!! Get under a table! Earthquake!"
- back then: "God!"

- Northern Lights now: "Sooooo beautiful! Nature is so awesome. :smile: "
- back then: "Angels, dancing. :smile: "

- someone has the flu now: "Water, and cold wash cloths! Poor thing. :\ We'll help, Josh. Want some soup & 7-up?"
- back then: "Come out, you demon!! Everyone pray this demon out! Josh, what did you DO to anger god? :\ "

- meteor, now: "Scientists have said it came from planet so-and-so."
- back then: "GOD WILL SMITE US ALL DOWN, STARTING NOW! :frown: "

Yea, Saul was of Tarsus = Rav Sh'aul = The Apostle Paul. He used to go around killing believers and then became arguably the most integral believer of all.

I think that the information that we have now reveal layers that we did not understand or see earlier in mankind existence. However, I don't see how they disprove or are discount the Creator of all.
Scientific Inaccuracies, inconsistencies, fallacies of the Bible

A. Earth is about 6000 years old, as calculated from the genealogies in Gen and Luke 3. (see the problem of a young earth later in the outline)       Its true.

B. Birds were created before land animals (Gen 1:20, 24). - Fossil record shows exact opposite                                                                                  Also true.

C. Earth has four corners, and floats on water (Isa 11:12, Ps 24:2, 136:6, Rev 7:1).                                                                                                        East, West, North, and South. The Earth was but water until God said let there be dry land, and he called the dry land Earth (Gen 1:9-10)

D. Earth is a circular disk (Isa 40:22).
Some translations use circle and some disk. What do both words have in common? Round.
E. Earth is flat (these verses were used for centuries by the church to prove this: Ps 93:1, Jer 10:13, Dan 4:10-11, Zech 9:10, Matt 4:8, Rev 1:7)
Most of these are misinterpretations

or just playing ignorant on purpose.


Yes, there is non-biblical record of a Saul of Tarsus, which seems to be biblical Paul. And if it's the same person, Saul of Tarsus had a KNOWN reputation as a homophobic, angry, maniacal, chauvinist, schizophrenic bully.

And of course, the explanation behind how he could have written like 80% of the New Testament lies in the belief that 'god' can use anyone 'he' calls; of course, the calling only has to be in their OWN spirit/heart (read: mind), unless you're Moses, who saw a bush on fire, but wasn't being burned.

See, the more a person actually unravels these stories, the more evident it becomes that we're talking about people who were completely clueless to the vast wealth of information we have now.

We feel the earth treble now: "Aaah!! Get under a table! Earthquake!"
back then: "God!"

We see Northern Lights now: "Sooooo beautiful! Nature is so awesome.
back then: "Angels, dancing.

someone has the flu now: "Water, and cold wash cloths. Poor thing.
We'll help, Josh. "
back then: "Come out, you demon!! Everyone pray this demon out! Josh, what did you DO to anger god?
What did the non-biblical record of Paul say?

While the calling for Paul had to be in his own spirit/heart, there was also provision made elsewhere to confirm what was done/said.

Different POVs between you and me, really.

I see that the unraveling of these stories reveal how in tune they were with God as opposed to now where we are in tune with ourselves. Dangerous ground.

You see our current times as being more aware of certain elements and majority of it is true.

I see that but also see how far removed we are from having a reverence of God. I don't take away from explanations and procedures for dealing with the sick or natural events but I won't dismiss God either.
Here comes the brigade.

Read the verses.

The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty;
The Lord is clothed,
He has girded Himself with strength.
Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved.
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According to the narrative...because he was finished?

When you finish something you stop, no?

The idea that the creator would cease for any amount of time = the end of everything in existence. Unless he had somebody work a shift for him
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