Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

When you go to the drive through at McDonald's are you doing that to please god? You're over thinking the question.

Get very hungry and do 1 of the 2 things and see what happens

1. Have faith god will feed you, as much as you possibly can, lock yourself in your room, and wait for food to materialize in front of you.

2. Go out and get something to eat,

First you said go out and do something without faith. Not the same as the above. Number 2 even involves faith. No overthinking there.

What does God sound like for those blessed enough to have a direct link to his instructions?

Like you're father.

I have always wondered that as well. People that say, "God told me.............." I just always imagine that their conscious (moral compass that is present no matter your faith level) is telling you what "God" is supposed to be telling you. I doubt they hear a voice from a "God" telling them what to do.

Which is why there was an ambiguous answer of "Like your father."
You have faith when you go take a dump? You have faith when you sit and watch TV?

You're going to answer yes for the sake of your argument, but think about it.
"Beware of anyone who views debates as something to win or lose."
- Anonymous

That's at least the third time I've seen you say something like "You win" or "Ok, you guys got me" or whatever.

It's an exchange/discussion of of ideas, bro, not a battle. :smile:

*waits for "Just kidding"* :lol:

Just kidding for what?

Durty came back and confirmed what I was explaining.

If I say "you got me" or "you win", its usually a wiping of my hands with a discussion that is going in circles.

Went through this phase. Now I realize he's angry at an image, a facade, a cultural placebo (look it up).
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Why would I need faith to use the restroom?

So you admit sometimes you just go and do something right? So if that's the case why is it that "faith" gets all the credit when it was you who got up to do it?

"Faith will make plants grow, but only if you add water to that"

"Faith will pay your bills, but only if you go to work"
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Heb 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
So you admit sometimes you just go and do something right? So if that's the case why is it that "faith" gets all the credit when it was you who got up to do it?

Look at the verse I posted.

Who is crediting faith for every single action?
If I say "you got me" or "you win", its usually a wiping of my hands with a discussion that is going in circles.

Then why are you steady keeping the discussion going. It been going in circles from the moment it started...

2 Tim 2:14

Remind others about these things, and warn them before God not to argue over words. Arguing does not do any good but only destroys those who are listening.

Quoted from someone:

Understanding is an intellectual process. Acceptance is an emotional process. Believing is mostly will-programmed emotion. Unrealistic belief proves that a high percentage of stupid is stubborn.
Was the bible not written by other men? Why do they get a pass as being without flaws? Why is scripture always quoted and taken literally? Why use all the gifts god has bestowed upon but free will? Meh, I know I won't get real sensible answers. Just rehashed scriptures and arguments, and a condescending disregard as being ignorant despite growing up in the church and going to catholic school by born again who only recently discovered the faith when **** got tough and they realized they didn't have the fortitude to forge a path of righteousness on their own and then incorporate faith. Be damned if I'm judged by that type of hypocrite.
DO mentally handicapped people get free passes into Heaven?

Individual interpretations.


Thats all you're gonna get in response to questions like this. And when a question comes up in the ,science community that we don't know, yes, there might be schools of people w/ differing opinions, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON has an opinion based on physical evidence that they've tested and researched. It's not just "I think _______, because... well just because that's what I personally think."

"I think mentally challenged go to heaven, because... well, just because that's how I interpret the bible."

But what physical proof do you have? I'd like to test that evidence myself, maybe form a different opinion, maybe the same. Can I research the evidence that you formed your opinion from?

"My evidence is the bible. You can research it. Just open it."


There is NO EVIDENCE that lower functioning people go to heaven, or that there is a heaven, or a hell, or that we even have souls, or that there is a god.

The ONLY evidence... is a book, a book instructing people to just have faith and not rely on evidence, making it convenient to believe things based on nothing, making it easy to control the people that the first bibles were handed to by the rulers who wanted a mindless people. :\
So is faith in everything or what because we have two bible guys contradicting each other again
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