Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

The problem with some Atheists or non believers, in my opinion, is the mocking condescension they have towards Christians.

If you and the other answered said questions in such a way that posed an actual answer then all would be good. "Believe" is not a logical answer.
If you and the other answered said questions in such a way that posed an actual answer then all would be good. "Believe" is not a logical answer.
This thread is based on the Word of God,

and the answers you'll get are Biblical

and lessons learned from God's guidance.

Would you go to an Italian restaurant

and ask for some Genral Tso Chicken?

If you are looking for theology

or self knowledge

youre free to make a thread.
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Dudes been trying for days to have people answer questions THEIR WAY.

NO! :lol:

You don't show up to a pick up basketball game and start asking people to go by Soccer rules. "No hands, just your feet" which would result in a kickball violation.
And, maybe god has a personality, no?

Well me personally, I study natural law amongst other things. And if you're familiar with it these are the laws inherent in nature that exist with or without man and are very impersonal. They are exact and unwavering. And we are governed by these laws regardless if we are cognizant of it or not. U can live in accordance with it and align your frequency with a higher spiritual existence. Or you can not.

If youre on a mountain with a 2 year old and while youre not paying attention the 2 year old walks off the cliff not knowing the dangers will he fall and die? Yes because the law of gravity doesn't care. At all. It just is. You do A? The result is B. Period end of story. The divine law works under those same principals. It's exact and impersonal.

I'm not fully grasping what you're saying, but getting bits.

Nonetheless, the narrative indicates that there are absolutes to God's personality (e.g. All powerful). At the same time that dies not require him to be impersonal. No?
The problem with some Atheists or non believers, in my opinion, is the mocking condescension they have towards Christians.
Having been on both sides of the spectrum...

The problem with Atheists or non believers, in my opinion, is the mocking condescension they have towards Atheists or non believers.

Ight I can see my fault.

I've been too focused on just delivering the message of God, that I've lost my sense

of how alot of you are going through. Most of you have been around judgmental and hypocritical Christians in your life

so a person like me on NT, throwing bible verses and scripture knowledge at you won't change a thing.

From this point onwards, I will show more of my humanity.


I am not a droid.

Ask questions as you will, personal or biblical. I'd be happy to take prayer requests as well.
Dudes been trying for days to have people answer questions THEIR WAY.

NO! :lol:

You don't show up to a pick up basketball game and start asking people to go by Soccer rules. "No hands, just your feet" which would result in a kickball violation.
Only becomes a problem when the decree is put out there "We have legit answers. Ask away."


You have faith-based answers, that are legit to you.

'faith-based answers that are personally legit' =/= 'legit answers for all, proven by unbiased critics'
They're some answers though that flat out will be based on faith. Would you guys agree?
Ight I can see my fault.

I've been too focused on just delivering the message of God, that I've lost my sense
of how alot of you are going through. Most of you have been around judgmental and hypocritical Christians in your life
so a person like me on NT, throwing bible verses and scripture knowledge at you won't change a thing.

From this point onwards, I will show more of my humanity.
I am not a droid.
Ask questions as you will, personal or biblical.
I assure you, THIS approach will yield results far greater than any other approach.

Even in the stories of New Testament discipleship, the first thing Jesus or any apostle/disciple did was NOT preach, or 'fix', or 'solve', or advise.

It was commune. And in every letter we read from Paul, he offered a greeting, praised his audience (Romans, church of Corinth, church of Galatians, etc), then expressed his gratitude and humility for their attention, and THEN spoke.

People care less about what you have to offer them, and more about how much you care to know them.

I'd be happy to take prayer requests as well.
There's a war in the middle east that could use some divine intervention. :\
They're some answers though that flat out will be based on faith. Would you guys agree?
I guess, but so far it's been the answer to about 95% of things asked here
Are you an Atheist or Agnostic?
What he is doesn't matter if the desire is 'universal truth', meaning 'truth that works for all', meaning 'Your belief system doesn't matter, because what I'm about to say is undeniable', meaning 'I don't need to know what you are in order to present what I've got.'

Only reason you need to know what your audience is: to bend your message accordingly. :wink:
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I wanted to know more about him and why he believes what he does. Getting to know my fellow NTer.

What he is doesn't matter if the desire is 'universal truth', meaning 'truth that works for all', meaning 'Your belief system matter, because what I'm about to say is undeniable', meaning 'I don't need to know what you are in order to present what I've got.'

Only reason you need to know what your audience is: to bend your message accordingly. :wink:

Bingo .

No matter who you are, where you come from 1+1=2. That's not debatable. No matter what you want to believe the earth is round. There's proof of that and is not debatable.
I believe in the possibility of a god. I have no proof for it, I have no proof against it. I DO however have proof against the bible.

Call me as you wish
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I wanted to know more about him and why he believes what he does. Getting to know my fellow NTer.

If true, then my bad. :smile:

Just seemed like, considering the dialogue the question was asked in, it just seemed like you were tying what he is to whatever you were about to answer when you asked "What was your question."
I believe in the possibility of a god. I have no proof for it, I have no proof against it. I DO however have proof against the bible.

Call me as you wish
What about the other books? So many religious groups point to certain things in their religious texts to prove the validity of their religion. One of the points Muslims point to is that the Quran has never been changed, unlike the bible. Therefore, it is the word of God. Any info on that? 
I assure you, THIS approach will yield results far greater than any other approach.

Even in the stories of New Testament discipleship, the first thing Jesus or any apostle/disciple did was NOT preach, or 'fix', or 'solve', or advise.

It was commune. And in every letter we read from Paul, he offered a greeting, praised his audience (Romans, church of Corinth, church of Galatians, etc), then expressed his gratitude and humility for their attention, and THEN spoke.

People care less about what you have to offer them, and more about how much you care to know them.


There's a war in the middle east that could use some divine intervention.
You're totally right man.

I was too focused on imitating what I would think to be the correct

presentation of my faith. But times are changing, and what may have worked in the

past isn't as effective today. 

Prayer sent!
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I'm glad you're trying a new approach man.

Don't be afraid to just say "I don't know" either.
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