Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches - Jeremiah 9:23
@HTG Designs
 I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood? Dont know. Never looked into in. Off top, I'de guess some due to changes in their environment. ( I know its all water, but changes in currents, and location of food, relocation of predators, and all that stuff probably factor in) For the most part, Ide say no, cus they aint make it on the boat, but they still here.

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone? Dont know what you mean. IF your reffering to Dt.13:6-10 then I would answer: If you have cancer in your arm and the way only to stop the spread would be to cut it off. Im guessing you love your arm, but I would also guess you would strongly consider saving the rest of our body.

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'? Im guessing no.

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that? Whites also enslaved African because of how they wanted to twist scripture. I can use scripture for evil. That dont make it right or ordained by God. Constantine was power trippin.

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'? No. People lie everyday.

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity? All the same. They pick and choose commands the want to follow and make up their own interpretation of scripture to fit their agenda. That what makes them different. Yet they all claim the same book.

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations) Be obedient to the commands in the Torah ( Gen/Ex/Lev/Duet?Num) and accept Mashiach/ Messiah. ( Faith n works ftw) This is based off scripture.

- How do you feel about Judaism? I have deep love and respect for brother Judah. I feel that Judaism is the closest thing to truth.( missing Mashiach) Is the only belief system where God revealed Himslef to millions of people Mt.Sinai ( see Exodus) They have been obedient in keep Gods feast days and neglect the pagan holidays and rituals of the world. The have passed down their history from one generation to the next, as God instructed them to. The Tanakh/ Old Test. has been extremely preserved, specially compared to the New Test. and other texts. They are the known surviving of remnant of Israel, Gods chosen.
When the kings outright changed the bible and christian holidays for ever, do you believe in that stuff or no?
@HTG Designs
 I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood? Dont know. Never looked into in. Off top, I'de guess some due to changes in their environment. ( I know its all water, but changes in currents, and location of food, relocation of predators, and all that stuff probably factor in) For the most part, Ide say no, cus they aint make it on the boat, but they still here.

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone? Dont know what you mean. IF your reffering to Dt.13:6-10 then I would answer: If you have cancer in your arm and the way only to stop the spread would be to cut it off. Im guessing you love your arm, but I would also guess you would strongly consider saving the rest of our body.

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'? Im guessing no.

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that? Whites also enslaved African because of how they wanted to twist scripture. I can use scripture for evil. That dont make it right or ordained by God. Constantine was power trippin.

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'? No. People lie everyday.

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity? All the same. They pick and choose commands the want to follow and make up their own interpretation of scripture to fit their agenda. That what makes them different. Yet they all claim the same book.

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations) Be obedient to the commands in the Torah ( Gen/Ex/Lev/Duet?Num) and accept Mashiach/ Messiah. ( Faith n works ftw) This is based off scripture.

- How do you feel about Judaism? I have deep love and respect for brother Judah. I feel that Judaism is the closest thing to truth.( missing Mashiach) Is the only belief system where God revealed Himslef to millions of people Mt.Sinai ( see Exodus) They have been obedient in keep Gods feast days and neglect the pagan holidays and rituals of the world. The have passed down their history from one generation to the next, as God instructed them to. The Tanakh/ Old Test. has been extremely preserved, specially compared to the New Test. and other texts. They are the known surviving of remnant of Israel, Gods chosen.
I understand.

One more:

If God resides everywhere, is it fair to assume he is also in Hell?
Why did god create a being who's sole purpose is to turn his people away from him? Seems counterproductive
Why did god create a being who's sole purpose is to turn his people away from him? Seems counterproductive
He made us for fellowship. But in this world we have so many distractions and attractions. So he challenges us to the max so we show Him what is in our heart ( He already knows tho) and where our allegiance ultimately lies: w/ Him, ourselves, or some other man made construct.

He got angles to mindlessly do His bidding. He wants us to choose Him.
He made us for fellowship. But in this world we have so many distractions and attractions. So he challenges us to the max so we show Him what is in our heart ( He already knows tho) and where our allegiance ultimately lies: w/ Him, ourselves, or some other man made construct.

He got angles to mindlessly do His bidding. He wants us to choose Him.

But if there was no devil wouldn't we much better off? We can still choose or whatever. I do to think we need an ultimate evil to haunt us a our lives.

The existence of satan seems like a complete mistake on god part, (the fact that he even made him and hasn't done anything about him) leading me to believe that god cannot be perfect or all powerful
He made us for fellowship. But in this world we have so many distractions and attractions. So he challenges us to the max so we show Him what is in our heart ( He already knows tho) and where our allegiance ultimately lies: w/ Him, ourselves, or some other man made construct.

He got angles to mindlessly do His bidding. He wants us to choose Him.
But if there was no devil wouldn't we much better off? We can still choose or whatever. I do to think we need an ultimate evil to haunt us a our lives.

The existence of satan seems like a complete mistake on god part, (the fact that he even made him and hasn't done anything about him) leading me to believe that god cannot be perfect or all powerful
A more logical way to think about this is it's a form of checks and balances. You do good, follow us, God got your back. You do bad, don't follow us, going to be hanging out with the Devil. What incentive would people have to follow God if there was no Devil. Hence, another reason this seems man made. Good way for people to follow you is to strike fear. 
@HTG Designs  I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood?

For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth shall die. Genesis 6:17

Earth is defined as land in the bible and the creatures of the sea were not listed in the creatures God said he'd destroy.

I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them Genesis 6:7

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone?

Which people? Israelites or Christians. If Christians, you must be thinking of the Catholics who are their own religion and killed many Christians.

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'?

That would go against him giving us free will. You either obey him through faith or you don't at all.

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that?

Catholics aren't Christians, neither are the wicked who claim in the name of Jesus.

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'?

Not at all.

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?

The whole division thing is unnecessary. As long as they stick to the Word and Spirit, fine by me.

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)

Yes one set key. Trust in Christ and Be born of the Spirit

- How do you feel about Judaism?

They need to accept Jesus as messiah. 

Feel free to chime in as well @DurtyRaspburry  n @RKO2004. I would also like if you went back n answered or gave your thoughts on what I have said recently. If you please?
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If you don't mind, just curious, what's your race and ethnicity?  
Okay cool. You do know that the reason a good portion of your people follow Christianity (and other religions)  is because of what you just said was not justified right? Some were forced to change their religion/customs, some were offered incentives, etc. 

You would probably be something else, if Christians/other religious people left your people alone. 
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The bible is suppose to be literal, right?

Earth is and was covered by water so it is, in fact, part of earth. You can't separate the 2 if they are 1.

That's the thing. If the story of Noah is taken literally by people then I don't know what to say about that
Okay cool. You do know that the reason a good portion of your people follow Christianity (and other religions)  is because of what you just said was not justified right? Some were forced to change their religion/customs, some were offered incentives, etc. 

With the arrival of the British in Nigeria, they brought

their english customs as well as the Gospel, which has

been a great blessing. 

Did you know some bloodlines were made as offerings to demonic idols in Nigeria?
@HTG Designs  I have some more questions. Some pertaining to the Bible, the history of Christianity, n your beliefs:

- Did marine life die when God caused the flood?

For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth shall die. Genesis 6:17

Earth is defined as land in the bible and the creatures of the sea were not listed in the creatures God said he'd destroy.

I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them Genesis 6:7

So was this flood water fresh water or salt water? If it was fresh water, the salt water animals would die. If it were salt water, the fresh water animals would die. Also, God would have killed the plant life by drowning them. If there are no plants there is no oxygen to breathe. Did 'he' just bring plant life back after the flood? If so, where is this mentioned in the Bible?

- Why did God send his people to kill non-believers if he loves everyone?

Which people? Israelites or Christians. If Christians, you must be thinking of the Catholics who are their own religion and killed many Christians.

I was actually referring to the Canaanites. They were attacked in a seemingly genocidal mission ordered by God to the Israelites.

- Wouldn't it just have been easier to show them 'the light'?

That would go against him giving us free will. You either obey him through faith or you don't at all.

I thought God had a 'plan' for everyone. How is there a plan, but we have free will?

- During the course of history, Christians have exterminated peoples for being non-believers. What are your thoughts on that?

Catholics aren't Christians, neither are the wicked who claim in the name of Jesus.

They actually are Christian by definition. They believe in Jesus as the son of God. The other stuck by the 'word' n 'spirit' n yet they massacred millions. If you disagree, then are those slaughtered spared by God?

- Is it justified because it was in the name of the 'lord'?

Not at all.

- How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity?

The whole division thing is unnecessary. As long as they stick to the Word and Spirit, fine by me.

What if their interpretations differ from yours. Case in point, your notion that the Catholics aren't Christians.

- Is there only one set of beliefs that allow you into Heaven, or are there several routes? (By this I mean denominations)

Yes one set key. Trust in Christ and Be born of the Spirit

- How do you feel about Judaism?

They need to accept Jesus as messiah. 

Feel free to chime in as well @DurtyRaspburry  n @RKO2004. I would also like if you went back n answered or gave your thoughts on what I have said recently. If you please?
I also asked that if God resides everywhere, does he also reside in Hell?
Okay cool. You do know that the reason a good portion of your people follow Christianity (and other religions)  is because of what you just said was not justified right? Some were forced to change their religion/customs, some were offered incentives, etc. 

With the arrival of the British in Nigeria, they brought

their english customs as well as the Gospel, which has

been a great blessing. 

Did you know some bloodlines were made as offerings to demonic idols in Nigeria?
I hope you think about that a little more either now or later on in life. The British blessed your people. 
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-You have free will to follow God's plan for you, or go for your own glory. Most people do things for their own glory as you can see.

-The secular world sees all religion the same, lets be real.

Christianity is direct communion with God through the Spirit.

Catholicism is the attempt to be good in God's eye through deeds. They believe in Jesus and follow the bible through the interpretation of the priests an pope with their own non-biblical religious practices.

Christianity simply states, no deeds will get you into heaven, for eternal life is a free gift through Christ.

-I am no denomination, Im just a biblical, Spirit filled Christian. If you ask any other born again Christian who actually reads their Bible, they'll tell you the same thing about false prophets.
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