Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

i would agree that he was treated as an equal to god

Read the scriptures I just posted. Here is another.
Romans 9:5

5 To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.
You are going in to this with skepticism. You cant just sit there one day and say "Ok God how about you show me youre real... thought so" You havent truly opened your heart its quite obvious.
I'm not sure how I came off like that. I'm not doing this to prove he doesn't exist, I actually want to see God and I'm genuinely opening my heart like I said.
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?
Have faith my man. Doesn't hurt that you reach out to us on here either, we will pray for you as well.

Trust me, it will hit you if you keep reaching out to Him.
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?
be patient, pray some more, and be patient. lolol, seriously.

God answers prayers when he chooses, on his own time. And remember, he is God, our frame of time is different from his.
I took some time during work to try to reach out to God and asked him to reveal himself to me. I couldn't see or feel nothing. I genuinely opened my heart but nothing was there. What am I doing wrong?
I recommend you read the book of 

John. You'll understand God's character

much more.
Appreciate the words fam, I'll try to give the book of John a read and continue from there.
I'm a former Christian. Unless you convince yourself to accept the idea of god, you're not going to feel anything. You have to decide you're going to believe it in order to believe it. Just look at how the Christians in here keep telling you that you're not doing it correctly. 
Were you born in the church, or did you decide to join a church later in life?
I was raised by Christian parents. I went to Christian schools. I studied Christianity independently.
 What if a person uses faith to trust the wrong god? 
there is only 1 supreme TRUE god, all other gods are considered false. There is only 1 open spot for a Powerful being that can NEVER SIN, NEVER LIE, NEVER WRONG, NEVER BE EVIL, NEVER CHEAT, ALWAYS PEFECT INFINITE COMPLETE 24/7/365. can you truly imagine someone like that? That imo can only be God. Even jesus himself didnt understand his god.
Right, I'm aware that religions consider other gods not part of those religions false. However, since faith is blind, what happens if you have faith in the wrong god? Why is it acceptable to blindly follow on religion and not another if faith is a virtue? You just have to blindly follow the correct religion?
Appreciate the words fam, I'll try to give the book of John a read and continue from there.
Happy to see your personally seeking God.

Like another brother said, he comes to us when we truly

put our trust and faith in the Savior.

I'm still praying for you.

When you feel that tug in your heart 

know it is the Lord calling and answer to it.

We visited this earlier, but now the thread has some steam I wanna back track.

I stated earlier that when the time the bible was written the letter J did not exist. Hence the name Jesus, John, and Joseph etc weren't the true names of these people.

I was then referenced to his hebrew name "Yeshua". According do the hebrew texts (the Talmud specifically) Jesus/Yeshua was a false prophet and to be punished for his actions "he would burn eternally in boiling hot excrement."

How is that the Jews, which Jesus says he was, view him as that and this is the original text that predates the bible, yet "Christians" have a better understanding of his own people viewed him?
John 1:11 NIV

He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

Mark 6:5

And because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them

Matthew 13:37

And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family."

They did not believe that He was God. It was like a kid in your neighborhood who you've watched grow up suddenly begin speaking to you with divine authority.
I get that. But your Christian traditions are predated with jewish ones, and that's where you draw a lot of your worship experiences from. I've already stated the letter j didn't exist back then. So where does the authority come from to decide that Jesus is the name were going to rock with? Also what's these people's background and incentives?
I had this convo with someone yesterday after church...
Which KJV are you talking about?
bruh....PICK ONE.

American King James? King James 2000 Bible? 21st Century King James? New King James?

Which version do you prefer to see?
That's the kicker. Not to mention the different bible translations contradict each other, the holidays were made by pagan kings, and the most holy figures are known boy bangers
What are the contradictions?
Who are you to say that? Who are you to judge me? Why do you feel you're above me in a christian sense?

Don't try to apologize about it either because "it's the christian thing to do". God is vengeful, you can be too

Romans 12:19 NIV

Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, "I will take revenge; I will pay them back," says the LORD.
Blasphemous? How? Jesus was sent to earth to save us. That was his purpose.[/quote]

you just said you believe jesus (peace be upon him) is almighty god? You are saying your almighty god died. God cannot die.

I am confused[/quote]
God...the spirit....cannot die.

Is Jesus God? Yes. Did Jesus die? Yes. In the flesh, He died. His spirit left His flesh and tasted death.

Not to mention he was born, grew up, felt pain, felt hunger, ect

If Jesus was god, god is not omnipotent, not eternal, not omnipresent
Right, was born, grew up, felt pain, felt hunger, rejection, temptation, ect., so He understands growing up, pain, hunger, rejection, temptation that we go through and overcame it. No one can say, you don't know how I felt, God. Oh yeah?
So he had human limitation and divine infinite simlutaneously?

so is jesus (peace be upon him) god or gods son? you guys are contradicting yourslef? you jsut said jesus (peace be opon him) is almighty god. now he is the son?
Yes. Saying otherwise limits what God can do. In my case, has done, is, etc.
Question about this, god can't manifest into a human, yet man was made in his image? So is god a man or is man a god?
I feel like this was asked but w/e

John 1:2

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

Let's split that up:

and the Word was with God

and the Word was God

He was with God in the beginning.

He who?

John 1:14

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth
i would agree that he was treated as an equal to god
Hebrews 2:9

But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone
Right, I'm aware that religions consider other gods not part of those religions false. However, since faith is blind, what happens if you have faith in the wrong god? Why is it acceptable to blindly follow on religion and not another if faith is a virtue? You just have to blindly follow the correct religion?

well if you put faith in the wrong god, you might get wrong results and putting faith in the right god could give you no results or the right one for some unknown reason. god apparently is jealous so he doesn't want someone to worship something else because He would think you are investing your faith in the wrong places. Its kinda of like the boss from the office, Michael Scott. God wants you to put in all your blind faith and love in him even though he may come off as a funny crazy and sometimes stupid being. Even if you secretly hate him at times. He wants to know that he is needed by human beings every time. He hears and sees everything, but he is not a machine that will spit out answers immediatley, the things will or will not happen according to time.

I don't know what the complete guidelines are for what is totally right, good, true and moral according to gods standards. i don't know what the formula is or if there is one for god to answer everyone's prayer.

this god of ours is a very odd one. He is checking to really see whether you lean upon your confidence and answers in life, or do you blindly accept whatever help God will give you....or not. Thats the odd catch, despite putting in all your energy faith and love in god for some reason He can help you or he wont, its just based upon time.

god is testing our loyalty and trust to him which would be a good thing since man has become more evil over time and this is probably one good reason why faith in god is good, to acknowledge that you have done bad things and that you need gods help to get on with your life, to make sure that you are successful, happy, positive, safe, healthy whatever. faith is the answer of worship that god wants to hear so that he could or could not do some things for you. whatever He could not do for you probably didnt happen because of some energy or negative deed you've committed, or maybe you have not proved yourself to him in some form or way.

Do you rely on your logic and observation to see things around you, to solve man made problems, to create things, to help or hurt society? yes. But when it comes to blindly believing in something you are just playing by the weird unwritten implicit rules of God. that's all really. these are rules that don't make any sense to any human being except for God. that's the point of blind faith, its a gamble, and atleast all you know is that you tried to put faith in god, whatever the outcome may be

would you truly listen to a supreme general whose orders are cryptic, illogical, good or bad because you have no one else on this earth to help you? that question is the one thing that separates people of faith versus people of reason. faith has no reasoning whatsoever. reason doesn't require much faith. one is the of the heart the other is of the brain.

they say don't make emotional decisions with your brain, use your heart instead. this is what faith is.
they say don't think with your heart, use your brain instead . this is what reason is.

reason cannot explain faith.
faith cannot explain reason.
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well if you put faith in the wrong god, you might get wrong results and putting faith in the right god could give you no results or the right one for some unknown reason. god apparently is jealous so he doesn't want someone to worship something else because He would think you are investing your faith in the wrong places. Its kinda of like the boss from the office, Michael Scott. God wants you to put in all your blind faith and love in him even though he may come off as a funny crazy and sometimes stupid being. Even if you secretly hate him at times. He wants to know that he is needed by human beings every time. He hears and sees everything, but he is not a machine that will spit out answers immediatley, the things will or will not happen according to time.

I don't know what the complete guidelines are for what is totally right, good, true and moral according to gods standards. i don't know what the formula is or if there is one for god to answer everyone's prayer.

this god of ours is a very odd one. He is checking to really see whether you lean upon your confidence and answers in life, or do you blindly accept whatever help God will give you....or not. Thats the odd catch, despite putting in all your energy faith and love in god for some reason He can help you or he wont, its just based upon time.

Do you rely on your logic and observation to see things around you, to solve man made problems, to create things, to help or hurt society? yes. But when it comes to blindly believing in something you are just playing by the weird unwritten implicit rules of God. that's all really. these are rules that don't make any sense to any human being except for God. that's the point of blind faith, its a gamble

would you truly listen to a supreme general whose orders are cryptic, illogical, good or bad because you have no one else on this earth to help you? that question is the one thing that separates people of faith versus people of reason. faith has no reasoning whatsoever. reason doesn't require much faith. one is the of the heart the other is of the brain.

they say don't make emotional decisions with your brain, use your heart instead. this is what faith is.
they say don't think with your heart, use your brain instead . this is what reason is.

reason cannot explain faith.
faith cannot explain reason.

Not sure where you are getting that from. One ofThe biggest difference between Christianity and any other religions is that fact that salvation is a gift in Christianity. Salvation is earned in other religions. Another difference is that other religions claim that you have to follow thre path to salvation. While in Christianity Jesus says the He is the way and the only way to Heaven. All you have to do is accept Him as your Savior.
yea, im just interpreting my understanding of god even though Im not being religiously literal (8 years no church)

I guess if you reallly want to follow and walk with god, just follow jesus. That is a very hard thing to do in today's age, but its possible if you believe and do it.
Well then you and the other bible guys have come to another disagreement

Luke 9:46

Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest.

Even the Disciples had disagreements.

We never stop learning. Christian or not.
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yea, im just interpreting my understanding of god even though Im not being religiously literal (8 years no church)

I guess if you reallly want to follow and walk with god, just follow jesus. That is a very hard thing to do in today's age, but its possible if you believe and do it.

My hope and prayer for you is that you get back into a Bible teaching church. I say this because I have been in a similar place. The Bible refers to the Devil as a roaring lion looking to destroy God's people. If you ever seen a lion hunt they always try to get their prey seperate from the pack. That is how the Devil attacks as well. He wants you away from other Christians. Proverbs 27:17 says Iron sharpens iron. As Christians we need each other. That is why the Bible says, God OUR Father. We are not called to go through life alone. You said it yourself. It's hard out here. Hopefully this plants a seed in you. God bless man.
Day two of RedBox hunting. Cant find Gods Not Dead anywhere. And I live in the hood. Sooo many heathens who act like they never heard of the concept of God, yet they snaggin up all the movie copies....
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Right, I'm aware that religions consider other gods not part of those religions false. However, since faith is blind, what happens if you have faith in the wrong god? Why is it acceptable to blindly follow on religion and not another if faith is a virtue? You just have to blindly follow the correct religion?
well if you put faith in the wrong god, you might get wrong results and putting faith in the right god could give you no results or the right one for some unknown reason. god apparently is jealous so he doesn't want someone to worship something else because He would think you are investing your faith in the wrong places. 
But there are plenty of people that follow other religions that believe they are putting their faith in the correct god. 
Day two of RedBox hunting. Cant find Gods Not Dead anywhere. And I live in the hood. Sooo many heathens who act like they never heard of the concept of God, yet they snaggin up all the movie copies....

Or the other areas are sold out and people come to your spots and snag yours :lol:
My hope and prayer for you is that you get back into a Bible teaching church. I say this because I have been in a similar place. The Bible refers to the Devil as a roaring lion looking to destroy God's people. If you ever seen a lion hunt they always try to get their prey seperate from the pack. That is how the Devil attacks as well. He wants you away from other Christians. Proverbs 27:17 says Iron sharpens iron. As Christians we need each other. That is why the Bible says, God OUR Father. We are not called to go through life alone. You said it yourself. It's hard out here. Hopefully this plants a seed in you. God bless man.
The bold goes with what I said yesterday morning about God's voice. It really sounds like your father. Even Samuel thought so.

1 Samuel 3:3-10

The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the LORD, where the ark of God was. Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, "Here I am." And he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." But Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down." So he went and lay down. Again the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." "My son," Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down."
Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him. A third time the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.'" So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
Crazy thing is I know a site I can go to for a HD quality stream. But I gave up pirating..... tryna go legit is so hard... Father help!

:wow: :rofl:

My Pastor was JUST talking to us about bootlegging movies and music.

I commend you. I gave it up too.

It was bitter sweet for me when I stop listening to hip hop. I like Drake, but I was listening one day and was like "Wait a minute this don't feel right or sound the same"

For the record I'm not condemning anyone :lol: . For ME it just wasn't the same.
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My Pastor was JUST talking to us about bootlegging movies and music.

I commend you. I gave it up too.

It was bitter sweet for me when I stop listening to hip hop. I like Drake, but I was listening one day and was like "Wait a minute this don't feel right or sound the same"

For the record I'm not condemning anyone
. For ME it just wasn't the same.
I feel ya.

Schoolboy Q is my favorite hip hop artist, but I had to quit.

The music loses the 'soul' you thought it had, but in reality

it probably never had it in the first place.

For each believer, his own conviction I guess.
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I feel ya.

Schoolboy Q is my favorite hip hop artist, but I had to quit.

The music loses the 'soul' you thought it had, but in reality
it probably never had it in the first place.

For each believer, his own conviction I guess.


School Boy Q was a fav of mine too.
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