Tiger Mom: Some races are just better

this is some stupid ish.. really doesnt matter color or creed to me.. Honestly the difference between a good kid and a bad kid is one wrong decision, no matter the upbringing.. I've seen great black, white, hispanic, asian, parents with some bad *** kids, who dont amount to ish as adults.. Then i know some crack babies who have degrees and what not. People always want to play the rate a race game.. thing is its only skin deep at the end.. smh.
Here's the link to the story:


Amy Chua, the self-proclaimed “Tiger Mom” who, in 2011, published a book arguing that Chinese women are superior mothers — thus their offspring superior children — has even more to say.
In “The Triple Package,” Chua and her husband, co-author Jed Rubenfeld, gather some specious stats and anecdotal evidence to argue that some groups are just superior to others and everyone else is contributing to the downfall of America.


That family picture looks painful too.

What's wrong with that?

You know America is a country of immigrants, right?


What is the Race card????
It's like a trap card except for when played it never goes out of play and completely makes the argument (or who is arguing) pointless.
She outta get sent to the Bermuda Triangle
Is that like a trip to Belize?

Nah man, they should send her into Bolivia
i thought it was tiger woods' mom 
That's the thing though, they don't.

They grow up to be physicians, entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc.

Chinese culture is very different from American. Yes, we are raised a certain way, and to other cultures, it may seem extreme and/or inappropriate, and it might give the impression that we'll grow up to be ****** up and stuff, but for the most part, we all get through that phase and end up being much better for it academically and socially.

I don't necessarily agree with her belief that some cultures are superior to others - I think every culture has something to add. But there are definitely some cultures out there that value certain things above others and as a result, excel in those areas.


Cuz only those cultures become doctors lawyers and entrepreneurs.

I think some of you have lived relatively privileged lives...if you're black, at some point, good chance you're going through the system. I'm not going to consider myself a bad parent because my kid either made a mistake or because the system is designed against them...**** happens and I def don't want a kid that blindly follows the rules, if you choose you don't want to follow a certain rule and you face the consequences...so long as its not that serious (I.e major jail time/felony) I'm not going to be that upset.

I commented on her not being better because her whole Schtick is how she's a better parent and has better kids...nah b. not saying I'm the best person, but having more 'successful' kids doesn't make you better, being a better person makes you a better person, an I've meet some people that make me want to step my humanitarian game up.

To me, so long as your kids aren't a drain on you or on society you've done your job as a parent. Pushing your kids to achieve their dreams... They want to be a lawyer, help them, they want to be a doctor, help them. But never choose their path for them...that's either you're arrogance, ur disappointment or fear projected on them, it helps some but to me it's to hard on them.

Don't end up in prison, on the pipe, with the pimp, on the pole or in my pocket...and I'll feel good as a parent.

Anything past that is on them, hopefully I raise ambitious kids, ill try, but that's something built in a kid. However you can teach them to be good citizens, good people and self Suficient.

That surprisingly well written sir.

I think some of you have lived relatively privileged lives...if you're black, at some point, good chance you're going through the system.

I've read this statement 6 times. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around how you came up with this conclusion. Care to expound on that?
She's gonna say anything to get some press at this point now that people have forgotten about her. And yes, I'd eat the daughters butt.
The fact she got the spotlight on her, its not hard to see that this lady is seeking attention and by paying attention to her ignorance....she wins.
lol @ lebanese-americans making the list

i dont subscribe to generalizations, but to combat the rep in my area against the rep she has in her mind, they shouldnt be on the list at all
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