Tiger Woods News Conference Scheduled :: FRIDAY 2-19-10

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Speech sounds way too prepared... Really makes it sound insincere.
I dont think that he's sorry...and I don't blame him...

Apologize to your wife Tiger...and no one else...keep stroking bro

I know but coming out and reading from his note cards sounding like a robot isnt helping his image at all... He NEEDS his image back.
 This is airing on the local channels and Comcast too! Pffffffff!
this dude is a *++$@%$ weirdo.

talkin bout Buddhism now, get outta here
weird watching tiger retire his



starting to get salty now, scolding the media ........
Originally Posted by TheGift23

 This is airing on the local channels and Comcast too! Pffffffff!

Yo they even got it live on youtube
...I aint eva seen nothing like this
this dude admitted to being a Buddhist?
......come on son conservative america is NOT going to like this lol ....
this dude admitted to being a Buddhist?
......come on son conservative america is NOT going to like this lol ....

I was thinking the same thing, he better be glad he wasn't talking about how to be better Muslim otherwise the live stream would have went to black ASAP.

Just return in time for the Masters and get it over with Tiger.
@ the cnn anchor using his golf voice to run the play by play of tiger hugging the front row
this #!!# is boooooring

knew he would blame the media
should have had a press confrence day number 1 and it would have ended so much quicker
I don't mind him having notes and %#@, but he's speaking like a machine, walked to mom duke like a machine too.
This was undoubtedly unnecessary. The media has hyped this up beyond it's actual impact.
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