Tipping Vol. Why am I paying you extra to do your job?

Jan 2, 2011
I don't understand the point of tipping.  I do it, but I don't get it.  I'm paying you extra, yet all you do is bring me my food/drinks?  You don't prepare it you just walk it to me.  I don't get that.  And I don't want to hear no "they depend on it".  They should've thought about that before they took the damn job then. 
The people that deserve tips don't get them (or at least to my knowledge they don't).  Take for example UPS and USPS workers who have to get out of their vehicle and deal with the elements (rain/sleet/snow/heat) as well as animals like dogs just to ensure you get your packages.  They deserve tips but don't get them.  But I tip you for walking me a glass of water and my cheeseburger.  Doesn't makes sense to me.  

I personally am an Apple employee in NYC.  I had to deal with people on a daily basis who don't speak the same language as me but I still have to help them get their iDevices.  One day last year I sold over 50 iPhones in less than 3 hours.  Where's my tip?

I just don't understand it.  Discuss.  

Spoiler [+]
I know this thread has been made... several times
And here we go again. 15+ pages.

- It'll be about 65% in favorof tipping (current and ex-servers) and about 35% not in favor of tipping.

- Some responses will be "If you're too broke to tip then stay at home."
-You are tipping for the service.
- Why should I tip when the server only refilled my water once?
- Don't become a server if you need to rely on your tips.

Also, this video will be shared.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I don't understand the point of tipping.  I do it, but I don't get it.  I'm paying you extra, yet all you do is bring me my food/drinks?  You don't prepare it you just walk it to me.  I don't get that.  And I don't want to hear no "they depend on it".  They should've thought about that before they took the damn job then. 
The people that deserve tips don't get them (or at least to my knowledge they don't).  Take for example UPS and USPS workers who have to get out of their vehicle and deal with the elements (rain/sleet/snow/heat) as well as animals like dogs just to ensure you get your packages.  They deserve tips but don't get them.  But I tip you for walking me a glass of water and my cheeseburger.  Doesn't makes sense to me.  

I personally used to be an Apple employee in NYC.  I had to deal with people on a daily basis who don't speak the same language as me but I still have to help them get their iDevices.  One day last year I sold over 50 iPhones in less than 3 hours.  Where's my tip?

I just don't understand it.  Discuss.  
You don't have to, but its the courtesy. I would understand if they were rude but if they were nice and presentable, then I would tip.  
no waiter here, but they dont just bring you your food. They act as a liason between you and the restaurant. W/e your need is they take care of it. Honestly if a waiter is terrible, i dont tip and tell them the reason im not tipping them so that they can do a better job for the next customer
Thing that +@%+%@! gets me is the mailman/trash people ASKING for tips around X-Mas time.....
It really depends. For example, a job like a mechanic, these guys already make decent hourly pay. Some people give a mechanic a tip if he did a good job on the car but it's not considered necessary. However, a lot of restaurants don't pay their servers very much because they consider their tips a form of wages. So instead of paying them 8-9 dollars an hour, they pay them 4-5 bucks and expect them to make the rest in tips.
Just stop it.  Tipping is what people do at restaurants.  Why is that hard to understand for some nt'ers?  That's how it is over here in America.  It's not even mandatory, so I don't know why you're complaining.  Go move to Japan where they don't tip.
Bro they make 6 bucks a hour and they live off of tips. The tip is like, hey i know you get paid %*@# so ima give you a five because you are cute and i would smash. Also thanks for the soup.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Thing that +@%+%@! gets me is the mailman/trash people ASKING for tips around X-Mas time.....
I never had that happen to me..

I would tip a mailman/woman tho..they have some tough jobs to go through the elements and #%%..

But why aren't we tippin our construction workers..or our teachers..or our policemen/women..
Originally Posted by jusdre86

no waiter here, but they dont just bring you your food. They act as a liason between you and the restaurant. W/e your need is they take care of it. Honestly if a waiter is terrible, i dont tip and tell them the reason im not tipping them so that they can do a better job for the next customer
That's their job.  Why am I giving the waiter/waitress a few extra dollars to do their job?  It's what they're suppose to do.
You should have worked a strip club if you wanted tips instead of the apple store.

F i look like giving some ethnic centric looking dude a tip after spending a grand on mac product.

Tip your waitress people don't be cheap like op.
if someone does something for you in a professional situation, you tip them. thats all. waiter, bartender, tattoo artist, cab driver, movers, ect. tipped.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

only fast food over here, but I do tip everytime i hit up McDonalds or Wendys 
I never understood why we tip waiter but not people of the fast food industry. Their jobs are way worse at min wage.
Imagine a world where everyone has your mindset and doesn't tip. Well, in that world they simply pay the waiters and waitresses more in wages and raise the prices of meals all across the board so you end up paying the same thing regardless.
the simple question is why can't restaurants pay their waiters a normal or above normal wage per hour instead of having to tip to compensate that low wage? and trust me i get that waiters get low wages and they rely on their tips so its good to tip them...
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

only fast food over here, but I do tip everytime i hit up McDonalds or Wendys 
I never understood why we tip waiter but not people of the fast food industry. Their jobs are way worse at min wage.

You're tipping a waiter because they're constantly going back n forth to get you things you ask for. Why should I tip the 16 year old cashier at McDonalds? Because she punched a few buttons on a register? Those tips you put in the jar get split among the entire staff. The $8 in tips in the jar at the end of the night isn't benefiting those 10 people very much
I realize this discussion has occured many times over, but it's a legitimate question. I say it's legitimate because yes, it is their job and tipping customs vary from culture to culture. In North America it's the norm for people in the service industry, but in other countries, you don't tip. At all.
Where did tipping come from and why? I'd like to know if the North American custom has strictly come about because of tradition (were tips the only way people were making a living? when there was no minimum wage?) or if the tradition had some other roots. 
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