Tipping Vol. Why am I paying you extra to do your job?

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

only fast food over here, but I do tip everytime i hit up McDonalds or Wendys 
I never understood why we tip waiter but not people of the fast food industry. Their jobs are way worse at min wage.

You're tipping a waiter because they're constantly going back n forth to get you things you ask for. Why should I tip the 16 year old cashier at McDonalds? Because she punched a few buttons on a register? Those tips you put in the jar get split among the entire staff. The $8 in tips in the jar at the end of the night isn't benefiting those 10 people very much
Yes, because walking to and from the chef area is so difficult and warrants a tip.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Imagine a world where everyone has your mindset and doesn't tip. Well, in that world they simply pay the waiters and waitresses more in wages and raise the prices of meals all across the board so you end up paying the same thing regardless.
Yeah, people think you can just get rid of tipping and it won't affect anything else.  You'll end up paying for it in other areas.
Like if you don't want to tip your barbers, they'll just raise the price of hair cuts to compensate.

I've honestly never seen anyone in real life complain about having to tip.  Maybe because i'm around normal people.  Nt'ers have a weird view on stuff.
You can't rule out the fact that waiters and waitresses depend on these tips to survive, its the truth. They're grown men and women who make on average $2.18/hr. I've worked in a restaurant and see ho hard they have it. When its busy they don't/can't stop running around, and even if the restaurant closes at 10, they'll probably be there anywhere from 12-2am cleaning, doing side work, all that. Not to mention the %%$%%++ customers they have to deal with all day, that 'don't believe in tipping'. Bottom line is tipping has been around as long as their has been restaurants and it's not going anywhere.

Not to mention at a good restaurant, on any given weekend (Fri-Sun. morning) a good waiter/waitress can make around $600 - That's why they took the job

All I know is I'll keep tipping, you don't have to... but you should
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Imagine a world where everyone has your mindset and doesn't tip. Well, in that world they simply pay the waiters and waitresses more in wages and raise the prices of meals all across the board so you end up paying the same thing regardless.
Yeah, people think you can just get rid of tipping and it won't affect anything else.  You'll end up paying for it in other areas.
Like if you don't want to tip your barbers, they'll just raise the price of hair cuts to compensate.

I've honestly never seen anyone in real life complain about having to tip.  Maybe because i'm around normal people.  Nt'ers have a weird view on stuff.

How? That makes no sense. 
For example: $20.00 bacon cheeseburger, $1.25 for my drink. after the tip, it's like $25 spent.  So if they raise the burger to $25 it's the same. 
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

only fast food over here, but I do tip everytime i hit up McDonalds or Wendys 
I never understood why we tip waiter but not people of the fast food industry. Their jobs are way worse at min wage.
They make more hourly wages then a waiter/waitress and usually by a lot
Originally Posted by nkwu11

I realize this discussion has occured many times over, but it's a legitimate question. I say it's legitimate because yes, it is their job and tipping customs vary from culture to culture. In North America it's the norm for people in the service industry, but in other countries, you don't tip. At all.
Where did tipping come from and why? I'd like to know if the North American custom has strictly come about because of tradition (were tips the only way people were making a living? when there was no minimum wage?) or if the tradition had some other roots. 

This should provide some insight if you're looking for the cultural aspect of gratuity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_(gratuity)
The federal government has set minimum wage at x amount for decades with the only !exception being waiters... that should be telling you something about the idea of tips... most only make between 3 and 4 bucks and believe me, as a cook, if you don't tip and hen come back, it wont be good for you... while the waiter may not deserve a huge tip, if you don't tip a all you're messing with their livelihood...
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

You're tipping a waiter because they're constantly going back n forth to get you things you ask for. Why should I tip the 16 year old cashier at McDonalds? Because she punched a few buttons on a register? Those tips you put in the jar get split among the entire staff. The $8 in tips in the jar at the end of the night isn't benefiting those 10 people very much
Yes, because walking to and from the chef area is so difficult and warrants a tip.

Oh my bad..I didn't know you went to restaurants where the waiter serves you and only you the entire time you're there
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by Hizzle

Imagine a world where everyone has your mindset and doesn't tip. Well, in that world they simply pay the waiters and waitresses more in wages and raise the prices of meals all across the board so you end up paying the same thing regardless.
Yeah, people think you can just get rid of tipping and it won't affect anything else.  You'll end up paying for it in other areas.
Like if you don't want to tip your barbers, they'll just raise the price of hair cuts to compensate.

I've honestly never seen anyone in real life complain about having to tip.  Maybe because i'm around normal people.  Nt'ers have a weird view on stuff.

How? That makes no sense. 
For example: $20.00 bacon cheeseburger, $1.25 for my drink. after the tip, it's like $25 spent.  So if they raise the burger to $25 it's the same. 
What are you trying to say?  The point was if tips were eliminated at restaurants than the price of food would probably go up.  There would have to be a change in servers' wages.  Restaurants want to make up for that raise in salary expense.  We don't live in a vacuum.  Changing one thing will change other things.
You also make it seem like waiters have easy jobs.  They might but why don't you try being one during a busy weekend and see if they don't deserve to get tips.
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Aslo in other countries where tips are not expected waiters receive a real income...

gratuity is usually included.
I'm trying to say that that increase in the price of food that you're talking about is already there after you tip. They do have easy jobs. They walk to and from the chef window all day, write orders down, and communicate with people. That's difficult?
Heres how i handle it:

You start with a $5 tip, a dollar will be taken back if the following happens

-ATTENTIVENESS ( I know you got a lot of tables but you can at least greet us and say be right back)
-My drinks are refilled in a timely manner
-Food is hot (too often they are in the weeds and the plate is SITTING there at the pass)
-If there are any problems waiter handles it quickly and efficiently.

No more than a $5 will be given PERIOD.
Originally Posted by Hizzle

Originally Posted by nkwu11

I realize this discussion has occured many times over, but it's a legitimate question. I say it's legitimate because yes, it is their job and tipping customs vary from culture to culture. In North America it's the norm for people in the service industry, but in other countries, you don't tip. At all.
Where did tipping come from and why? I'd like to know if the North American custom has strictly come about because of tradition (were tips the only way people were making a living? when there was no minimum wage?) or if the tradition had some other roots. 

This should provide some insight if you're looking for the cultural aspect of gratuity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_(gratuity)

I peeped that, but I'd still like to know the origins of tips and gratuities.
I forgot to mention (as others have mentioned), a lot of place sin North America have a lower minimum wage with the expectation that wait staff will receive gratuities - I don't understand why you wouldn't tip then.
Originally Posted by IamMD

UPS drivers get compensated very well.
THIS. They get great benefits and get payed nicely.

Doesn't sound like you ever worked a food service job before. It's a lot more stressful then you're making it out to be. I don't understand why it's that big of a deal to tip any way...
In my experience, it's always the people who have never worked in a restaurant who complain about tipping. Anyone ever seen the movie "waiting" with ryan reynolds in it?
Originally Posted by puddinpopp

op are you black?

 I'm surprised no one asked this on the first page. But to answer the question, yeah. 
I'm not even tight w/my money.  I just don't understand the premise of tipping. 
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by shogun

Yeah, people think you can just get rid of tipping and it won't affect anything else.  You'll end up paying for it in other areas.
Like if you don't want to tip your barbers, they'll just raise the price of hair cuts to compensate.

I've honestly never seen anyone in real life complain about having to tip.  Maybe because i'm around normal people.  Nt'ers have a weird view on stuff.

How? That makes no sense. 
For example: $20.00 bacon cheeseburger, $1.25 for my drink. after the tip, it's like $25 spent.  So if they raise the burger to $25 it's the same. 
What are you trying to say?  The point was if tips were eliminated at restaurants than the price of food would probably go up.  There would have to be a change in servers' wages.  Restaurants want to make up for that raise in salary expense.  We don't live in a vacuum.  Changing one thing will change other things.
You also make it seem like waiters have easy jobs.  They might but why don't you try being one during a busy weekend and see if they don't deserve to get tips.

How bout this... this Friday you go to a local upper mid level restaurant around 7:30... order about $150 worth of food while asking the waiter about every dish and what to expect flavor wise... then order a couple bottles of wine... and then pay the waiter while letting them know they don't deserve a tip even though they've filled all your requests, answered a your questions, and made your dinner a better experience... I asure you the chef will come out and tear you a new %*!@$%@ in front of the entire restaurant... believe me they'll pass your name around and you will be blackballed from enjoying a nice dinner in that town... personally you disgust me...
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I'm trying to say that that increase in the price of food that you're talking about is already there after you tip. They do have easy jobs. They walk to and from the chef window all day, write orders down, and communicate with people. That's difficult?

They communicate with people like you so it's pretty difficult.

Also, you didn't sell 50 iPhones that one day... you took 50 orders for an iPhone like at McDonald's. That's why you don't deserve a tip.
I understand for those who live in states where they get 2 dollars an hour or whatever plus tips but here in Cali they get min wage AT LEAST + tip, how do you guys feel about that?
5 dollars 

stay your broke $@@ at home.

Tipping is highly based on tradition. In all honesty I feel mcdonalds workers work hard if not harder than waitresses and with the right smile and extra effort they'd be more deserving.

You tip for service jobs thats just how it goes. Because of this tradition that has been established they make less than minimum wage and are expecting to make up for it in tips.
You really don't know how much waiters make do you?
A swanky restaurant offered me a job.

I was only going to make 2.50 an hour plus tips.

Waiters literally would make NOTHING if it wasn't for tips. If you can afford the service, then you can afford to show some gratitude to the person serving you.

I tip the pizza guy $5 on a $20 bill. Anything more than $25, I will gladly tip him more.

Restaurants is different, the waiter/waitress is going to get a tip from me, bad service or excellent, sure the tip is going to vary on how well their job was done, but they're still going to receive something from me.

Fast food?

You're not getting a tip, chances are you're getting paid a dollar and some change more than me. So no.

I work at Sears, I occasionally get offered a tip, I thank the customer and deny the tip, my job is to load your merchandise, I make 7.25, minimum wage, but I get plenty hours and don't pay bills so I feel what I make is good enough that I won't don't have to accept a tip.
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