Tipping Vol. Why am I paying you extra to do your job?

Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I'm trying to say that that increase in the price of food that you're talking about is already there after you tip. They do have easy jobs. They walk to and from the chef window all day, write orders down, and communicate with people. That's difficult?

They communicate with people like you so it's pretty difficult.

Also, you didn't sell 50 iPhones that one day... you took 50 orders for an iPhone like at McDonald's. That's why you don't deserve a tip.

So.. going through the transaction, setting up the phone & contract, assisting the customer in buying accessories or other problems (like setting up their iTunes account, etc) isn't a sale? That's just taking an order?  Mind you, that's just if the transaction went right and I didn't have to contact ATT over contract issues as well as bill issues.  But there's no work in that? 
you know what.. (whether ppl want to admit or not), everyone has asked this question at one point or another.. whether to yourself or a friend, or a parent.. all you #$%^&*ers asked this very question... 
either you conform or become viewed as a cheapskate amongst your peers.. societal norms.. yay. 
I don't mind tipping at all, especially for good service. I really don't think twice about it. The only thing i hate
is you leave a generous tip, AND you get hit with gratuity. That just feels shady to me.
I'll say this, the folks at Chick-Fil-A are more deserving of a tip then the servers at most sit down restaurants

Grade A customer service
i tip based on the service i receive...i mean i'll give 15 or whatever just for eating there but if they are about their "waiting skills" if you wanna call it that i'll dip into the pockets deeper...
example: went out to eat last night with my girl and 2 boys...the waitress took the whole order without writing it down...had our drinks and refills coming on the reg....and even had the small talk convos....she also had like 10 other tables....ma was working it...so the bill between me n my girl came to around $51....i had no problem laying down $25 for her....she deserved that tip...
Tipping or no tipping, prices will raise. I tip the waiter/waitress even if they are bad. Ive heard getting tipped a dollar or two hurts more than not getting tipped at all.

2 short stories,

1. I was at the Olive Garden with the wifey one night. The waiter was horrible. It was taking him a while to bring us refills and utensils. He didnt even bring our meal out, someone else did. The total amount for my meal including tip was like $48 (rough guess). 3 days later I checked my bank account online and I see that olive garden charged me $51 instead of $48. I called and talked to a manager and he asked me to bring in my receipts. I did and it turned out that the waiter decided to give himself an extra $3 tip without my consent. I was given a $25 gift card and the waiter was fired (Per the manager). From that day forward, I never leave tip on my credit card. Always cash.

2. I was at Red Robin (yum). The waitress was cool. Very nice and on point. I asked for a refill on my coke when she came back with my drink, my soda tasted like rootbeer. I said "hey I think someone might have crossed the syrup. I taste rootbeer". Her reply was "Oh then I think I gave you his drink (pointing at another table) and he got your drink". That stuff grossed me the ##%* out. I talked to the manager and explained to her what happened. She ended up taking my meal off the tab. I left the girl a $2 tip and wrote on the receipt "Thanks for ruining my dinner".

I might been a jerk to her afterwards. But she deserved it. Its disgusting drinking out of someone elses straw. Even more disgusting if you dont know the person.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by iamsaikotic

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I'm trying to say that that increase in the price of food that you're talking about is already there after you tip. They do have easy jobs. They walk to and from the chef window all day, write orders down, and communicate with people. That's difficult?

They communicate with people like you so it's pretty difficult.

Also, you didn't sell 50 iPhones that one day... you took 50 orders for an iPhone like at McDonald's. That's why you don't deserve a tip.

So.. going through the transaction, setting up the phone & contract, assisting the customer in buying accessories or other problems (like setting up their iTunes account, etc) isn't a sale? That's just taking an order?  Mind you, that's just if the transaction went right and I didn't have to contact ATT over contract issues as well as bill issues.  But there's no work in that? 
I've worked for cell phone companies before and that's easy work. You have a portal where you put the information in, you click next a few times. You enter their credit card into iTunes... 1 minute max. Most iPhone buyers will buy a case and tell you what they want already. This whole process takes 5-10 minutes max. It's easy.
Im a delivery driver. Tips are part of my pay, i get a low hourly wage because its expected that people are going to tip

its just the way it is.. I cannot stand people like you though, you prob be giving smug looks and *%$! as you draw a line on the tip part of the receipt

"Have a good night, you too %##**!
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

 And I don't want to hear no "they depend on it".  They should've thought about that before they took the damn job then. 
you do know its not an option for most waitresses/waiters right?
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I'll say this, the folks at Chick-Fil-A are more deserving of a tip then the servers at most sit down restaurants

Grade A customer service

Don't quote me, but I think chickfila employees make more than minimum wage
I'm a good tipper I think

But for some things like in the bathroom in clubs, dog I'm not gonna give you a dollar for puttin soap in my hand an handing me a paper towel. !#$% outta here
it's not really ''extra'' though. like others have said, their wages are way lower than the minimum. i'm sure if you added what they're tipped to their checks, you'd see they make just as much as those who works minimum wage and doesn't get tipped.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

I'm a good tipper I think

But for some things like in the bathroom in clubs, dog I'm not gonna give you a dollar for puttin soap in my hand an handing me a paper towel. !#$% outta here
I hook them dudes up.  Then grab some Jolly Ranchers, a stick of gum,etc.  I come out that thing like I just came from Wawa. 
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by puddinpopp

op are you black?

 I'm surprised no one asked this on the first page. But to answer the question, yeah. 
I'm not even tight w/my money.  I just don't understand the premise of tipping. 
I got black friends that dont tip, my friends who are barbers say its usually the black customers that dont tip. And the other day I was at Trader Joe's and overheard two coworkers conversation (one black and one white) and the black coworkers was saying how he doesn't believe in tipping.His white coworker was shocked saying how these people live off of tips etc...
why is that it seems a majority of black people dont tip? Not taking shots at OP cause he said he tips just doesnt understand the premise...
My girlfriend and I were talking about something similar to this.
We like to go to different kinds of restaurants some upscale, some real low key, and some chains. We find that since we both are African American no matter where we go we dont get good service because most servers(of all races) think that since we are black we wont tip right off the back. Thus, we get terrible service and they expect a huge tip. This has happened too many times here in South Carolina. SO the question is after I have had terrible service do I tip the person way more than their effort called for in order to break stereotypes? Or do I play into the typical African American stereotype and not tip them well based off of a poor performance? I usually find myself leaving some a much better tip then they deserve. 
Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by puddinpopp

op are you black?

 I'm surprised no one asked this on the first page. But to answer the question, yeah. 
I'm not even tight w/my money.  I just don't understand the premise of tipping. 
I got black friends that dont tip, my friends who are barbers say its usually the black customers that dont tip. And the other day I was at Trader Joe's and overheard two coworkers conversation (one black and one white) and the black coworkers was saying how he doesn't believe in tipping.His white coworker was shocked saying how these people live off of tips etc...
why is that it seems a majority of black people dont tip? Not taking shots at OP cause he said he tips just doesnt understand the premise...

you don't need to generalize based on your experience
i went out yesterday with my cousins to get some ramen in UES, NYC. our waitress was nice and also very attentive. between all of us she got about a $20 tip. good service deserves a good tip IMO. not to mention the ramen was

for those who dont tip, learn how to cook or stick to your tv dinners.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

My girlfriend and I were talking about something similar to this.
We like to go to different kinds of restaurants some upscale, some real low key, and some chains. We find that since we both are African American no matter where we go we dont get good service because most servers(of all races) think that since we are black we wont tip right off the back. Thus, we get terrible service and they expect a huge tip. This has happened too many times here in South Carolina. SO the question is after I have had terrible service do I tip the person way more than their effort called for in order to break stereotypes? Or do I play into the typical African American stereotype and not tip them well based off of a poor performance? I usually find myself leaving some a much better tip then they deserve. 
If you don't understand the concept of tipping, don't tip. Point blank. I tip...thats just me, though.
I dont get how the concept of tipping started...did a restaurant manager just wake up one day and decide "hmm I think I'll lower my waiters' salary so they can be motivated to provide exceptional service in order to get a good tip"
Who decided what jobs require/expect tipping? Let's face it, in almost any job an employee can provide subpar or excellent service.
I always tip 20%+ btw
Originally Posted by jhobson5

My girlfriend and I were talking about something similar to this.
We like to go to different kinds of restaurants some upscale, some real low key, and some chains. We find that since we both are African American no matter where we go we dont get good service because most servers(of all races) think that since we are black we wont tip right off the back. Thus, we get terrible service and they expect a huge tip. This has happened too many times here in South Carolina. SO the question is after I have had terrible service do I tip the person way more than their effort called for in order to break stereotypes? Or do I play into the typical African American stereotype and not tip them well based off of a poor performance? I usually find myself leaving some a much better tip then they deserve. 

But I hear what your saying...it's like because your black you get dismissed as a non-tipper and get #$!%%! service which then probably makes a normally good african-american tipper to tip low.  It's like a vicious cycle.
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