TLC: Virgin Diaries

Guy is a gump....
Watching that vid, I felt like she was the one kissing all crazy and then he just kinda followed suit. I can't imagine the way he felt when he got that first nut off. I get the feeling dude never even beat before. Just 20yrs backed up in him. He prob came while she was in the bathroom getting ready.
the random laugh by the guy in the pink polo shirt was priceless


That was by far one of the most disturbing things I've ever witness. BY FAR!

@ that "reclaimed virgin". Those chicks were definitely mad

reclaimed w/7 bfs...i feel like there are some non-bfs in there that made her take that reclaimed virgin step

i dont think i could date a 35 yo virgin...  
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

why are they rubbing each others back, and look how the cameras are zooming in.

thought the same...wonder if they've had girl on girl experience
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