TMac still a top 10 player

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

talent let alone, hes the best in atlanta.

its just matter of his fatigue issue.

he still has that shooting ability, passing, and natural instinct that nobody has.

if he plays 40 min, he can produce more than so-called hawks' franchise player "joe johnson"


LOL@ dudes thinking josh smith is a better basketball player than tmac.

drink some water.

What are you guys smoking? T-mac is better than Josh Smith RIGHT NOW? at what?
Man, I hate the Hawks sometimes... I swear the management gives us NO reason to even try sometimes.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

"I'm telling you, if you watch his court presence… and if you ignore his stats… and if you pay attention to his swag… and if you're not looking for 28-30 points… and if you ignore the shots he's missing right NOW… and THEN if you realize that he'll make those shots as the season goes on… and THEN if you consider the possibility of an offense being run through him… then I'm saying, he's a top 10 player."

Well damn.

You have said every single one of those things in this thread.


damn those top ten plays from last year were iight. if somebodys gotta take melos top ten spot why not tmac?
T-Mac can still find some magic and bust out with a great game or 2 here and there
but hes had too many miles on his legs and too many injuries to be a factor
I buckled @ somebody " laced your weed bro"
seriously tho this is comical TMac is finished
Originally Posted by PMatic

T-Mac getting a technical for staring down two refs at the same time.�
He looked like he wanted to die from exhaustion after that first dunk
Top 10 offensive presense in the league based on pure skill, ability to run your offense thru them (consisent half court sets), and attention from defenses.

Paul Pierce when healthy
David West (passing is suspect but this dude is a beast on the block)
Chris Paul
Rajon Rondo (the attention and chaos this dude causes when he has the ball is UNDERRATED)
TMac (yes, the tmac right now)
To me...the nba is in bad shape when it comes to guys who truly can have a offense ran thru them. In the 90s....75% of the league had a guy who could run a halfcourt set thru.

Dwight Howard would get laughed at in the 90s. I love the Bulls and Rose....but in this aspect, he hasnt shown me a halfcourt offense can tun thru him..and he was mvp.

I guess i just look at the game differently.
Originally Posted by PMatic

T-Mac getting a technical for staring down two refs at the same time.�
I don't know about all that Tmac is back talk but I wouldn't mind if y'all can update this thread with vids like the one I quoted since I'm still a Tmac fan but don't have league pass.

I think he can still help a team out though. 
tmac has a regular season resume, there's still an awe factor with young players, and hes a top 10 talent who is respected by his peers, but top 10 now? he's never going back to an allstar game or be considered for any international squad so that statement is ridiculous.

...If anyone remembers my Lebron commentary, they should know I could care less about stats. I have observed Tmac beginning in the preseason and until now... ...he's back. He has to get his rhythm going in terms of the game slowing back down in speed when he gets aggressive, but if you watch him and pay attention dude got his swagger back. To me, hes the hawks best player easily...his prensense on the floor on offense is still there and you can tell team's see him as the hawks most critical weapon lowkey. Its only a matter of time before he puts marvin on the bench.
Top 10 offensive presense in the league based on pure skill, ability to run your offense thru them (consisent half court sets), and attention from defenses.
Okay, maybe you're just talking about ability, and not considering injuries. If injuries don't count, I can kind of see where you're… … …
Paul Pierce when healthy
David West (passing is suspect but this dude is a beast on the block)
Chris Paul
Rajon Rondo (the attention and chaos this dude causes when he has the ball is UNDERRATED)
TMac (yes, the tmac right now)
… … … nevermind.
T-Mac been back for a minute now. The most valuable player on the Pistons last year and will help the Hawks off the bench. Back like 2001, negative. 
T-Mac IMO may have had the most natural talent of any player in the league.....wondered what could have been if he had the motivation and drive to be a champion....dude was nasty back in the day, one of my fav. players
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

talent let alone, hes the best in atlanta.
its just matter of his fatigue issue.
he still has that shooting ability, passing, and natural instinct that nobody has.
if he plays 40 min, he can produce more than so-called hawks' franchise player "joe johnson"


LOL@ dudes thinking josh smith is a better basketball player than tmac.

drink some water.

You sound foolish...if he plays 40 minutes, his knees leaving the arena on a stretcher...comical

thats why i said "talent let alone" 

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

talent let alone, hes the best in atlanta.

its just matter of his fatigue issue.

he still has that shooting ability, passing, and natural instinct that nobody has.

if he plays 40 min, he can produce more than so-called hawks' franchise player "joe johnson"


LOL@ dudes thinking josh smith is a better basketball player than tmac.

drink some water.

What are you guys smoking? T-mac is better than Josh Smith RIGHT NOW? at what?
LOL i mean he's good at shot blocking. but those can be done by many garbage bigs..
tmac can create shots and create for others. something that jsmith isn't familiar of

like how can you not see this? you rather pick jsmith over tmac in a pick up game? like seriously
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