To all Obama supporters........(long read)

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

I have a question for the OP.

How much do you make? How will each candidates tax plans effect you?

We can all sit around and analyze other peoples specific situations. Obama's plan is not for everybody... Just as McCains plan is not for everybody. The
difference is McCain believes in trickle down economics (to a certain extent) while Obama supports strengthening the working class individual.

Just because you can find ONE individual and post a long narrative about his SPECIFIC situation that is critical of the opposing candidate does nothing in the
grand scheme of things.

The argument of voting for a candidate based upon a a specific set of circumstances while ignoring how the vote will impact you is crazy to me.

But back to my original question to the OP.... How do the Obama/McCain tax plans impact
How can you sit and say that you are entitled to someone else's money? Can you paypal me $10? I'll even vote for Obama...

See you won't. And even if you did, I'm not voting for Obama.

I never said I was entitled to anybodies money.

Where did you get that from?

As a matter of fact I did not even get a stimulus check because my taxable income was over the limit $75,000 limit. Did it suck? Yes. To me that was aredistribution of wealth in and of itself. However, I am not complaining I am doing just fine.

Once again it amazes me that people will base there votes on other peoples specific situations while ignoring their own....
Originally Posted by socaking

How can you sit and say that you are entitled to someone else's money?
no one is saying that. Obama just feels that the working class needs to be bolstered, and increasing taxes on those who can afford to pay more will help. Helping the working class will get us out of this struggling economy. I didnt realize that the essay wasnt the OPs words. So we cant really attack him. But yes we can since he posted it, maybe her agrees.....
Obama is. He told Joe the Plumber. Straight from his mouth.

He wants to spread the wealth around. Give other people a chance. Who's right is that to say that you have to rob Peter to pay Paul?
Why don't you Republicans start telling us why we should vote for your guy, instead of obsessing with trying to be anti Obama all the time?
Originally Posted by AG 47

Good for Cory the well driller. He is an exception, not the standard.

I'd love to see how many people with only high school diplomas have their own business let alone get loans to buy million dollar equipment.

Someone gets what's going on. The fact of the matter is that this trickle down stuff hasn't worked the way people expect it. Granted, ifyou did all the hard work to get to a certain point in your career, I commend you on it; they deserve all they have. But that doesn't help the little guy,and it's the millions of little guys who that stand to lose out in the coming years.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by socaking

How can you sit and say that you are entitled to someone else's money?
no one is saying that. Obama just feels that the working class needs to be bolstered, and increasing taxes on those who can afford to pay more
will help. Helping the working class will get us out of this struggling economy. I didnt realize that the essay wasnt the OPs words. So we cant really attack
him. But yes we can since he posted it, maybe her agrees.....
Obama is. He told Joe the Plumber. Straight from his mouth.

He wants to spread the wealth around. Give other people a chance. Who's right is that to say that you have to rob Peter to pay Paul?

You are not that smart. McCain has said the same thing

You Fail!

Originally Posted by early90s

^ Guy, did you even read ONE thing that was posted?
and wawaweewa your not the first person I've heard say instructor for my job who is ex-special forces "something" will occur within the 1st 6 months

That mandate by the Feds for going all digital always bothered me. It was like, "why force businesses to moveinto all digital"? Why not "encourage" or "provide incentives"?
Ever since the mandate I thought there was something up with that.

Then Biden, Powell, and Chertoff yapped away about "a crisis" soon after Obama takes office and..well.. you know...
I guess it'll be coincidental though.

On a more serious note though, look into how digital is different from analog and there lies the answer.

Oh, btw, JP Morgan and Blackstone Group just raised all the cash to upgrade every Movie Theatre screen in the US to digital.
Why movie theatres too?

Interesting, no?

October 1, 2008 6:00 PM
[h3]JPMorgan and Blackstone Group Help Movie Theaters Go Digital[/h3]
Posted by Rachel Breitman

Movie attendance tripled during the Great Depression. Distribution and exhibitors probably are hoping the trend will reemerge during the current financial crisis. With that in mind, JPMorgan Securities Inc. and The Blackstone Group, Inc., are helping to bankroll a billion-dollar deal to digitize 20,000 movie screens across the U.S.

The deal, announced Wednesday by Digital Cinema Implementation Partners (DCIP) will endow cinemas with digital projection systems. Film studios that have signed on include Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, The Walt Disney Studios, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Universal Studios, Inc., and Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation.

DCIP--a partnership formed in February 2007 between exhibitors AMC Entertainment Inc., Cinemark Holdings, Inc., and Regal Entertainment Group--has been working on the deal for more than a year. DCIP plans to enter into similar agreements with other major studios in the near future.

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by socaking

How can you sit and say that you are entitled to someone else's money?
no one is saying that. Obama just feels that the working class needs to be bolstered, and increasing taxes on those who can afford to pay more
will help. Helping the working class will get us out of this struggling economy. I didnt realize that the essay wasnt the OPs words. So we cant really attack
him. But yes we can since he posted it, maybe her agrees.....
Obama is. He told Joe the Plumber. Straight from his mouth.

He wants to spread the wealth around. Give other people a chance. Who's right is that to say that you have to rob Peter to pay Paul?

You are not that smart. McCain has said the same thing

You Fail!

You realize that that clip is before the Bush tax cuts right? McCain has stated he wants to lower the current Bush tax cuts... High five!
This man writes a compassionate piece, but is a hypocrite:

Penalization of the successful to reward the unmotivated
See? This dude talks about how class warfare should not be used to further ones politics....yet he says stuff like that. Who said that he was theonly one motivated because he was succesfull. Thats ignorance, other people work hard in this country too, but as my mom says "not everyones path is pavedwith gold". Its statements like this that make people so greedy and uncaring.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by rickybadman

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You
guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

Has the country not already been ruined?

How exactly will Obama do this?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

rickybadman wrote:
You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

You sound like those people in the McCain Palin mob videos.
Just how will he ruin the country, sir?
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by socaking

How can you sit and say that you are entitled to someone else's money?
no one is saying that. Obama just feels that the working class needs to be bolstered, and increasing taxes on those who can afford to pay more
will help. Helping the working class will get us out of this struggling economy. I didnt realize that the essay wasnt the OPs words. So we cant really attack
him. But yes we can since he posted it, maybe her agrees.....
Obama is. He told Joe the Plumber. Straight from his mouth.
He wants to spread the wealth around. Give other people a chance. Who's right is that to say that you have to rob Peter to pay Paul?

You are not that smart. McCain has said the same thing

You Fail!

You realize that that clip is before the Bush tax cuts right? McCain has stated he wants to lower the current Bush tax cuts... High five!

None the less...the man is saying the SAME thing that OBAMA is saying....the McCain-Palin ticketscurrent fundamental argument is that Obama is a socialist (or at least trying to get the US towards it) so if this is the case, this video makes McCain
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by rickybadman

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You
guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

Has the country not already been ruined?

How exactly will Obama do this?
You kno what I'm saying.....dudes is acting like Bush/Cheney didn't already drive the US intothe $@$# pile.....probably the same dudes that were all for Bush in '00 and '04.....

I wish Nov. 4th was here already....
This joe the Plumber guy is silly. i saw the video. what this guy doesnt get is that 10-15 years ago he would have loved Obama's plan. Its just that he hasbecome more successful. Thats that. Now, the rich have been given tax breaks while the poorer havent. Whats wrong with reversing it? Also I see the flaw inMccain-Palin' "Were fighting for Joe the Plumber1" act...... Didnt know that many people in the country owned a business that made 250,000 ayear. So in essence they are fighting for the rich? i know its arguing for the sake of it, but Mccain should stop saying Joe the plumber.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by rickybadman

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You
guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

How exactly will Obama do this?
By introducing his socialist ideas and by turning us into a communist country...

He even said it himself... He wants to "Spread the wealth"...

Do you want to give half of your hard earned money to people who don't work? No, right?

So then why do you support Obama?
that article had a number of troubling flaws in it. my biggest grief with it was the notion that he's the only hardworking person in america and since hemade it, anyone could make it. people really don't understand the role that luck has in shaping our lives. (Read Nicholas Talib's Fooled By Randomness,it will blow your mind).

Over the past 8 years people making over 250k have seen there net worth expand at a rate that dwarfed what those making less than 50k have seen. All economistsgenerally agree that this was the first business cycle where real wages decreased after taking inflation into account. People made less in 2006 than they madein 1996 in spite of the stock market roaring up until that point.

now, if taxes are our biggest issue, that's fine and a valid point to vote on. But i look at it like this, everything costs something. People who say thatthey don't want to be taxed for universal healthcare rarely take into account what they are already paying out of their pockets to pay for the uninsured.either way you have to pay either upfront or on the back end. not paying anything isn't an option. let that myth go.

The presidents job is to provide economic stability for the country, not just the wealthy. We've seen this theory of trickle down economics before andwe've given it a chance to work, with mixed results at best. Being that our economy is largely consumer based, it seems logical to spur growth bybolstering the middle class. Afterall, putting money in their pockets can spur spending which would seem to people.

Also, Republicans let the myth of getting rid of big government go. you had the chance to do it and you blew it, while scaring voters that the tax and spendliberal is gonna spend through the roof. From Reagan - W (you guys had control of the house and senate during clintons years) you were in a position to pushyour agendas through and we see the culmination of your theories.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by early90s

^ Guy, did you even read ONE thing that was posted?
and wawaweewa your not the first person I've heard say instructor for my job who is ex-special forces "something" will occur within the 1st 6 months

That mandate by the Feds for going all digital always bothered me. It was like, "why force businesses to move into all digital"? Why not "encourage" or "provide incentives"?
Ever since the mandate I thought there was something up with that.

Then Biden, Powell, and Chertoff yapped away about "a crisis" soon after Obama takes office and..well.. you know...
I guess it'll be coincidental though.

On a more serious note though, look into how digital is different from analog and there lies the answer.

Oh, btw, JP Morgan and Blackstone Group just raised all the cash to upgrade every Movie Theatre screen in the US to digital.
Why movie theatres too?

Interesting, no?

October 1, 2008 6:00 PM
[h3]JPMorgan and Blackstone Group Help Movie Theaters Go Digital[/h3]
Posted by Rachel Breitman

Movie attendance tripled during the Great Depression. Distribution and exhibitors probably are hoping the trend will reemerge during the current financial crisis. With that in mind, JPMorgan Securities Inc. and The Blackstone Group, Inc., are helping to bankroll a billion-dollar deal to digitize 20,000 movie screens across the U.S.

The deal, announced Wednesday by Digital Cinema Implementation Partners (DCIP) will endow cinemas with digital projection systems. Film studios that have signed on include Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, The Walt Disney Studios, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Universal Studios, Inc., and Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation.

DCIP--a partnership formed in February 2007 between exhibitors AMC Entertainment Inc., Cinemark Holdings, Inc., and Regal Entertainment Group--has been working on the deal for more than a year. DCIP plans to enter into similar agreements with other major studios in the near future.

wawa, can you explain the digital thing? I haven't quite heard or read about it yet. Does this mean our currency is going to go digital,which basically means all transactions will be monitored by the government?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by early90s

^ Guy, did you even read ONE thing that was posted?
and wawaweewa your not the first person I've heard say instructor for my job who is ex-special forces "something" will occur within the 1st 6 months

That mandate by the Feds for going all digital always bothered me. It was like, "why force businesses to move into all digital"? Why not "encourage" or "provide incentives"?
Ever since the mandate I thought there was something up with that.

Then Biden, Powell, and Chertoff yapped away about "a crisis" soon after Obama takes office and..well.. you know...
I guess it'll be coincidental though.

On a more serious note though, look into how digital is different from analog and there lies the answer.

Oh, btw, JP Morgan and Blackstone Group just raised all the cash to upgrade every Movie Theatre screen in the US to digital.
Why movie theatres too?

Interesting, no?

October 1, 2008 6:00 PM
[h3]JPMorgan and Blackstone Group Help Movie Theaters Go Digital[/h3]
Posted by Rachel Breitman

Movie attendance tripled during the Great Depression. Distribution and exhibitors probably are hoping the trend will reemerge during the current financial crisis. With that in mind, JPMorgan Securities Inc. and The Blackstone Group, Inc., are helping to bankroll a billion-dollar deal to digitize 20,000 movie screens across the U.S.

The deal, announced Wednesday by Digital Cinema Implementation Partners (DCIP) will endow cinemas with digital projection systems. Film studios that have signed on include Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, The Walt Disney Studios, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Universal Studios, Inc., and Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation.

DCIP--a partnership formed in February 2007 between exhibitors AMC Entertainment Inc., Cinemark Holdings, Inc., and Regal Entertainment Group--has been working on the deal for more than a year. DCIP plans to enter into similar agreements with other major studios in the near future.

Wow this is great stuff. Makes me want to major or minor in a history
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Dear Cory,

Deez nutz

for some reason i was listenin to the trilogy all weekend

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Why don't you Republicans start telling us why we should vote for your guy, instead of obsessing with trying to be anti Obama all the time?

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

AddictedToFreshKicks wrote:

rickybadman wrote:

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You

guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

How exactly will Obama do this?
By introducing his socialist ideas and by turning us into a communist country...

He even said it himself... He wants to "Spread the wealth"...

Do you want to give half of your hard earned money to people who don't work? No, right?

So then why do you support Obama?

Half? Oh, I'm sorry...where did Obama say he was going to tax half of everyone's income?
Soo the op doesn't care about the teachers that may help his children study one day ......doesn't care about the factory worker that makes sure his 30or 40 thousand dollar car is safe for him to drive......doesn't care about the people that sit around and do the paperwork for his million dollarloans.......doesn't care about the people that make the items that makes his everyday life easier and get paid minimum wage to do so....I get it.

Those people are important too....not just the people that (I must say) can afford to pay a little more in is the root of all evil......andit seems as if that's all you are worried about.

The small man is what makes the world go round.....not the well driller.....which I must say is useless to me here in MO.....soo if you wanna try and getsomeone to understand your situation....go blog on a website full of people that make 250k a year or more...not on a sneaker community that is full of peopleunder the age of 25 year olds that would benefit from mr obama.

Vote for who you want and pray your retirement funds will still be ther if the next 4 years are stil full of bush policies
Do you want to give half of your hard earned money to people who don't work? No, right?
ignorance. people that don't work? how can you give people a tax break who have no taxable income?

a tax break for a certain group of people is not an example of the government taking money from column A and giving it to column B. If you logically followedthat train of thought to conclusion, then the Bush tax cuts were an example of the government taking hard earned money from the less wealthy and giving it tothe wealthy.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by rickybadman

You guys can post all the anti-Obama stuff you guys want but sooner or later all of you will have to shut and just accept the man will be your President. You
guys crack me up, you don't want Obama because he is saying he wants to change a broken system that most agree needs changing.
I can't accept the fact that he will ruin our country...

How exactly will Obama do this?
By introducing his socialist ideas and by turning us into a communist country...

He even said it himself... He wants to "Spread the wealth"...

Do you want to give half of your hard earned money to people who don't work? No, right?

So then why do you support Obama?

someone embed this for me

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