To all the american people bickering about immigration and border patrol

why should mexicans be able to come to this country illegally while many other just as deserving minorities have to wait and follow the rules like everybody else
Originally Posted by the north west

why should mexicans be able to come to this country illegally while many other just as deserving minorities have to wait and follow the rules like everybody else
Like the  other  35% of illegal immigrants  that  aren't Mexican?
Originally Posted by the north west

why should mexicans be able to come to this country illegally while many other just as deserving minorities have to wait and follow the rules like everybody else

A rep from arizona said their biggest problem are chinese immigrants. Because they come through mexico doesn't mean they are all mexican.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

u really think mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in the US??

obviously they are not the only illegals in america

but they make up the overwhelming majority
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

DeeNyce wrote:
[h6]something to think about for americans especially people against the immigration act in Arizona...[/h6][h6]
[/h6][h6]If u cross the north Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor. If u cross Iranian border illegally u get detained indefinitely. Cross the Afghan border u get shot. Cross the Saudi border u will be jailed. Cross the Chinese border you will never be heard from again. Cross the Venezuelan border u will be branded a spy and your fate sealed. Cross the Cuban border u will b thrown in prison to rot.[/h6]

However, cross the U.S. border illegally, u get a job, a drivers license, a social security card, welfare benefits, food stamps, credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a new house, free education, free health care, the right to vote, and all without speaking a word of english. This should piss Americans off.
You know what.. I'll bite.

Where the hell do you get off comparing the United States of America to those countries in the first place. You come off ignorant as hell.

 dude said something to think about like he had something intellectual to say 
I have no problem with immigrants coming over, our country was founded on the backs of immigrants. The problem comes from them doing so illegally. We can't just have a bunch of people crossing our border freely. If so theirs no telling what kind of drugs, weapons and criminals are just coming back and forth as they please. The recent lawa that had been passed in Arizona are not the way to go about it though, that is incredibly racist.
i think it comes from recent spike in cartel violence
and from what i read
their only supplying the drug needs of america
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

u really think mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in the US??

obviously they are not the only illegals in america

but they make up the overwhelming majority
only because it's easier to sneak across the border than it is for an impoverished individual from asia, africa, the middle east, easter europe, etc. to afford airfare and overstay their visa. but that happens everyday too. 
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

It cracks me up when a bunch of illegal aliens get together for a demonstration and act like they deserve equal rights.


That was so %@%#+!# racist
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

u really think mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in the US??

obviously they are not the only illegals in america

but they make up the overwhelming majority
only because it's easier to sneak across the border than it is for an impoverished individual from asia, africa, the middle east, easter europe, etc. to afford airfare and overstay their visa. but that happens everyday too. 

overstaying your visa happens all the time, but it does not remotely compare to the amount of people who cross the border everyday
Originally Posted by AirJapan707

They're ILLEGAL. This board is way too liberal.
you're an idiot to think Liberals want illegal immigrants, and think that the problem is fine, great an we need to do nothing... We are talking about the racial profiling of Actual Americans that result from the current bill and as I have posted early it has already happened

But who cares about the rights of American Citizens if you can demoralize illegal immigrants..

This board isn't too liberal.. There is just too many idiots on the other side of the argument who lack common sense. And I am talking about people who support the bill. Which happen to be very few liberals.

Just like when we were screaming about how bad the Patriot Act was.. WE WERE RIGHT THEN. And we will be right here.
its cool, you think da US hates spanish folks...wait till puerto rico becomes a 51th state one gonna have folks comin in from there too
never said it did. but your statement seemed to imply that non-mexicans were incapable of being illegal immigrants. it's a "crime" of opportunity. if it were as easy for all those others to get to the US as it is for mexicans the numbers would be much closer.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

It cracks me up when a bunch of illegal aliens get together for a demonstration and act like they deserve equal rights.


That was so %@%#+!# racist
How is his statement racist? He's not pointing out a race and discriminating against it. You don't even know what racism is. Ya'll so quick to call racism on anything. I swear, a lot of people are ignorant people. Reading NT makes your head hurts because a lot of people just want to make claims with no form of basis. It's so ridiculous how people use prior knowledge to judge a situation. That's a real closet racist right there.
First off OP, if I were an dude living in China with no job, no schooling, no future; you're damn sure i'm risking my life trying to get to america. It's heaven on earth. Those who won't admit this live in a sheltered home with all essentials. Ya'll don't know what human diginity is.

America is like santa, he'd love to satisfied everyone desires but theres too many people and not enough toys to go around. Overpopulation is a serious problem. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

its cool, you think da US hates spanish folks...wait till puerto rico becomes a 51th state one gonna have folks comin in from there too
da US doesn't hate Spanish folks

da US does hate illegal Spanish folks

much like da US hates any illegals
Originally Posted by ninjahood

its cool, you think da US hates spanish folks...wait till puerto rico becomes a 51th state one gonna have folks comin in from there too

U.S. territory already, they are free to come and go if they want. Have U.S. citizenship also. Also have a primary in U.S. elections.
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by ninjahood

its cool, you think da US hates spanish folks...wait till puerto rico becomes a 51th state one gonna have folks comin in from there too
da US doesn't hate Spanish folks

da US does hate illegal Spanish folks

much like da US hates any illegals

so how come mexicans are da ONLY form of illegal immigrants i ever here from when there's thousands of countries in which its native come here illegally?
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

its cool, you think da US hates spanish folks...wait till puerto rico becomes a 51th state one gonna have folks comin in from there too

U.S. territory already, they are free to come and go if they want. Have U.S. citizenship also. Also have a primary in U.S. elections.

But I heard they want to make it a state though.
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