To all the american people bickering about immigration and border patrol

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

America should definitely model their laws around those set up by Iran, N. Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela...

This is quite possibly the dumbest post EVER on NT.
Originally Posted by livewyre

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

It cracks me up when a bunch of illegal aliens get together for a demonstration and act like they deserve equal rights.


actually they do have rights.
Yup Human rights. We treat people of all kinds greatly. People really don't see how much good we do for the world.....
I guess alot of you dont have any idea how much money it takes business owners to run a business without illegal immigrants, do any of you with so many opinions own a businnes or rather do you know how much it costs for small corporations(ie your pizzerias, restaurants, groceryies, supermarkets etc) to be able to employ a person legally? That 7.50 (or whatever min wage is in your area)an hour aint gonna get most of America by when prices for every single thing increase due to the costs of businesses doing everything by the "book."
BUT.... then again they would never try this in nyc, arizona and its citizens let it happen, i dare them to try to do this in NYC, the city would literally shut down. Some of you have no idea who actually keep this city running its halarious.
Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

I guess alot of you dont have any idea how much money it takes business owners to run a business without illegal immigrants, do any of you with so many opinions own a businnes or rather do you know how much it costs for small corporations(ie your pizzerias, restaurants, groceryies, supermarkets etc) to be able to employ a person legally? That 7.50 (or whatever min wage is in your area)an hour aint gonna get most of America by when prices for every single thing increase due to the costs of businesses doing everything by the "book."
BUT.... then again they would never try this in nyc, arizona and its citizens let it happen, i dare them to try to do this in NYC, the city would literally shut down. Some of you have no idea who actually keep this city running its halarious.
this is a rather incoherent thought.  employing illegal aliens increases the profit margin for the company, it doesnt reduce the cost of doing business.  i am willing to wager its you who has no idea.
First ... If you think the economy is bad now.... Send all the immigrants back and the economy will crumble
This place we call america was built on immigration we are all from another place and 99 percent of our ancestors came here illegaly some way another
Try living in a third world country and tell me u wouldn't hop on the first thing smokin to have a better life and a chance for you and your family
Our goverment was built by theives that stole everything in sight and now its comin back 10 fold ... So go somewhere else wit the trash
Originally Posted by SnowboardingPanda

You guys realize that most undocumented or "ILLEGAL" immigrants in this country that work in your cities still pay the same taxes every other legal citizen pays..

all the places that I know of pay their illegals cash

so they damm sure aren't paying income tax
Originally Posted by crod6926

The U.S is not a scum like the other countries...

why do you think so many people go to the U.S, there's opportunities for EVERYONE and Americans should be proud people go to their country for this.

The thing is there are always those people who will abuse the laws, but it isn't just them...more americans abuse their own country.
The thing is there aren't opportunities for everyone.  Look around, we are in one of the worst economic situations in decades.  Unemployment rates are as high as they have been since the great depression.  The land that was once looked at as the land of opportunity is finally dealing with the aftermath of this thinking and one of the biggest issues facing the US is over population.  Maybe OP's examples were extreme, but it does have a point.  People cross our borders everyday, some coming over multiple times.  The US doesn't do anything to deter them from coming back in, they just deport them and drop them off at the border thinking everything will be good and they will stay?  It isn't our countries job to look out for everyone in the world.  That is the biggest problem with our government, we get to involved in other countries garbage and we can't even address the issues that are happening right here within our own damn country.  We need to take a stand, get a system in place that deters these immigrants from coming into our country multiple times after being deported. 
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by crod6926

The U.S is not a scum like the other countries...

why do you think so many people go to the U.S, there's opportunities for EVERYONE and Americans should be proud people go to their country for this.

The thing is there are always those people who will abuse the laws, but it isn't just them...more americans abuse their own country.

You are speaking of a time where it was okay and immigration was actually helping our society. Right now we just cant take the immigration at this moment especially with our country crippling. Its a money thing. Everything about our country is a money.
You do realize some of our immigrants are actually accountants, doctors, engineers, etc.

I'd take them over some of the uneducated, skill-less and ultimately worthless people in America right now.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by crod6926

The U.S is not a scum like the other countries...

why do you think so many people go to the U.S, there's opportunities for EVERYONE and Americans should be proud people go to their country for this.

The thing is there are always those people who will abuse the laws, but it isn't just them...more americans abuse their own country.

You are speaking of a time where it was okay and immigration was actually helping our society. Right now we just cant take the immigration at this moment especially with our country crippling. Its a money thing. Everything about our country is a money.
You do realize some of our immigrants are actually accountants, doctors, engineers, etc.

I'd take them over some of the uneducated, skill-less and ultimately worthless people in America right now.
What about all the qualified people out there that are looking for jobs????  This is the same thing as out sourcing.  They are bringing in people from other countries to fill these positions so they can pay them a lower wage.  I just don't get how you don't understand that.  There are people in all of those fields that you mentioned that are struggling to find work.  Now please tell me how your argument holds any water. 
First of all, PLEASE someone show me where in the consitution it says these people are "Illegal Aliens." The word was used by conservatives to elicit the response that many niketalkers have on this board. Did you notice how this word is making some people feel? This word allows people to degrade and dehumanize HUMAN BEINGS! I agree that they are "undocumented" but they are not illegal. It is sad that many of you have so much hatred towards undocumented workers. Someone posted a statistics saying that for every "5 illegal immigrants, 5 Americans die" I would love for that person to show me the statistics for that because that is complete BS. Thats like me saying "for every 11,000 american babies born a day, 6700 americans die" So do I blame the deaths on the 11,000 babies, NO its statistics skewed to support a argument that has no sense.

Funny how ppl quickly assume "Mexicans" when there are South Americans, Central Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc. If you know your history, the Border crossed Mexicans and not vice versa. The U.S. took their land like the savages Americans have been for YEARS!!!! Some ppl need higher education for sure. Please dissect my post and give me a legitmate argument. Cut the childish remarks and lets debate this one like mature adults, or adolescents for some.

My question for those in favor of the Arizona bill, do you think the police will ask for documentation from a blonde hair, blue-eyed, Sweden man or woman? HELL NO
Originally Posted by DeeNyce

However, cross the U.S. border illegally, u get a job, a drivers license, a social security card, welfare benefits, food stamps, credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a new house, free education, free health care, the right to vote, and all without speaking a word of english. 

Say Word??? Where they do that at? i know "Illegal Aliens" that have been in this country for more than 15 years, never committed a crime, done their taxes every years, and worked their +#@ off for each one of those 15 years, yet right now they dont have a job, cant get a drivers license, dream of having a social security card, wouldnt accept welfare or food stamps cause they dont take hand-outs, dont have any credit cards cause they dont like owing money, and FYI you cant buy a home without a social security number, same goes for voting, and free health care? really... come on man, get your facts straight, at least do some research before posting BULLCHIT. ask anybody trying to become a resident how hard it is... and this goes for mexicans, cause i know your post is indirectly pointed towards them, hell id pay money for a cuban or filipino birth certificate if i was mexican, cause they got this immigration thing down... and thats not me hating on my fellow brown people, thats just me pointing out the unfairness of the U.S. legal system
Originally Posted by ediaz411

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

America should definitely model their laws around those set up by Iran, N. Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela...

This is quite possibly the dumbest post EVER on NT.

smells like sarcasm since grouping those countries together is pretty dumb since their laws are VERY different. 

however, venezuela and cuba have very interesting social structures and policies of which we should take some notice. Iran is totally diff. b/c of religion and N Korea is a whole different world altogether. 
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

I guess alot of you dont have any idea how much money it takes business owners to run a business without illegal immigrants, do any of you with so many opinions own a businnes or rather do you know how much it costs for small corporations(ie your pizzerias, restaurants, groceryies, supermarkets etc) to be able to employ a person legally? That 7.50 (or whatever min wage is in your area)an hour aint gonna get most of America by when prices for every single thing increase due to the costs of businesses doing everything by the "book."
BUT.... then again they would never try this in nyc, arizona and its citizens let it happen, i dare them to try to do this in NYC, the city would literally shut down. Some of you have no idea who actually keep this city running its halarious.
this is a rather incoherent thought.  employing illegal aliens increases the profit margin for the company, it doesnt reduce the cost of doing business.  i am willing to wager its you who has no idea.
You sir are completely incorrect, but let me explain it to you so maybe you can understand my point better. First do you own a businesses of any kind? Actually do you know the exact cost it takes for a small corporation to employ an individual? NO, do I? yes... and yes employing illegal aliens reduces the cost of doing business.. how? Employers must pay taxes on legal employees, workers comp, insurance, etc(not an exact dollar figure but it is a substantial amount) With an illegal alien those costs are eliminated. HOWEVER, if said illegal alien is eliminated and an individual is hired on the books those costs are now factored in to your business expenses, and thus the  price of your operating your business has now increased, now your profits have decreased, and to even out your gains with your losses the price of your product must now increase, and VOILA the price of a certain product has now risen Does that makes things clearer?
Originally Posted by THE FAME

America is what is today because of immigration.
America was built upon immigration.
Why would they stop it now?
You think they give a F about your job?
The so called "Economy"?
Civil rights?
I don't think its should be considered a right to be enslaved by a corporate.
They need those that WANT what they have to offer,
along with the fact that they have nothing to lose but deportation breathing down their necks.
The work force thrives off of immigration, they advertise overseas for petesakes!
On top of this all they are the reason Immigrants feel the need to run over to "America"
because they are robbing the shhhttt out of the land that they live on.
"Immigrants" pack your food produce, build your houses, weave the clothes on your back...etc..etc
Wake up!

When general society starts thinking independently, they will be better off.

Stop raising your children to go work for someone else.

^ Realest sentence I have read in this entire post

It's about time we make our own.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

Bottom line/key word in this whole debate is "Illegal" These people are here illegally, they dont deserve a red carpet rolled out for them. you people crack me up, they dont have any rights.
Please, enlighten me on this red carpet that my parents forgot to tell me about in their journey to this country.
so you don't believe that people have certain rights as human beings? not saying that illegal immigration is not a crime, but certainly you can't believe that running across the border somehow makes a person less of a human being and less entitled to certain "inalienable" rights.

^ Why do you bring in the Human factor? What does being a Human have to do with crossing the border illegally when you can be all the Human you want either by staying where you have citizenship or taking the proper legal route to migrate to a perceived better place? That's like saying "well I am a Human so i should be able to go swim in a random lake with Piranhas knowing all along you are bleeding and mad you got eaten alive" SMFH....basically we are all Humans but that does not take away from doing something illegal and then trying to flip the script or use the Human factor to fill the void of your illegality. You shoot at a cop you are no longer a Human but a crazed suspect who is about to get killed and if not killed thrown under the jail, period!
Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

I guess alot of you dont have any idea how much money it takes business owners to run a business without illegal immigrants, do any of you with so many opinions own a businnes or rather do you know how much it costs for small corporations(ie your pizzerias, restaurants, groceryies, supermarkets etc) to be able to employ a person legally? That 7.50 (or whatever min wage is in your area)an hour aint gonna get most of America by when prices for every single thing increase due to the costs of businesses doing everything by the "book."
BUT.... then again they would never try this in nyc, arizona and its citizens let it happen, i dare them to try to do this in NYC, the city would literally shut down. Some of you have no idea who actually keep this city running its halarious.
this is a rather incoherent thought.  employing illegal aliens increases the profit margin for the company, it doesnt reduce the cost of doing business.  i am willing to wager its you who has no idea.

Hahahaha lmao and not to mention the liability issue or the fact that you run the chances of being shut down, smh
Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

I guess alot of you dont have any idea how much money it takes business owners to run a business without illegal immigrants, do any of you with so many opinions own a businnes or rather do you know how much it costs for small corporations(ie your pizzerias, restaurants, groceryies, supermarkets etc) to be able to employ a person legally? That 7.50 (or whatever min wage is in your area)an hour aint gonna get most of America by when prices for every single thing increase due to the costs of businesses doing everything by the "book."
BUT.... then again they would never try this in nyc, arizona and its citizens let it happen, i dare them to try to do this in NYC, the city would literally shut down. Some of you have no idea who actually keep this city running its halarious.
this is a rather incoherent thought.  employing illegal aliens increases the profit margin for the company, it doesnt reduce the cost of doing business.  i am willing to wager its you who has no idea.
You sir are completely incorrect, but let me explain it to you so maybe you can understand my point better. First do you own a businesses of any kind? Actually do you know the exact cost it takes for a small corporation to employ an individual? NO, do I? yes... and yes employing illegal aliens reduces the cost of doing business.. how? Employers must pay taxes on legal employees, workers comp, insurance, etc(not an exact dollar figure but it is a substantial amount) With an illegal alien those costs are eliminated. HOWEVER, if said illegal alien is eliminated and an individual is hired on the books those costs are now factored in to your business expenses, and thus the  price of your operating your business has now increased, now your profits have decreased, and to even out your gains with your losses the price of your product must now increase, and VOILA the price of a certain product has now risen Does that makes things clearer?
It seems to me that Southern plantation owners made a similar claim to keep from freeing their slaves prior to the Civil War.  They said that by increasing the cost of labor, they would be destroyed.  However, the opposite became true.  By eliminating slavery, and thus "free" labor, it forced them to be more innovative with what they had since their costs would go up.  As a result the cotton gin was invented and they were forced to diversify their economy.  Within 20 years, the industrial revolution started and over a century later the South is one of the healthiest regions for business in the entire nation.
Originally Posted by jordan723

First of all, PLEASE someone show me where in the consitution it says these people are "Illegal Aliens." The word was used by conservatives to elicit the response that many niketalkers have on this board. Did you notice how this word is making some people feel? This word allows people to degrade and dehumanize HUMAN BEINGS! I agree that they are "undocumented" but they are not illegal. It is sad that many of you have so much hatred towards undocumented workers. Someone posted a statistics saying that for every "5 illegal immigrants, 5 Americans die" I would love for that person to show me the statistics for that because that is complete BS. Thats like me saying "for every 11,000 american babies born a day, 6700 americans die" So do I blame the deaths on the 11,000 babies, NO its statistics skewed to support a argument that has no sense.
[h1]Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution[/h1]
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Originally Posted by SnowboardingPanda

You guys realize that most undocumented or "ILLEGAL" immigrants in this country that work in your cities still pay the same taxes every other legal citizen pays..
where they do that @?
Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by THE FAME

America is what is today because of immigration.
America was built upon immigration.
Why would they stop it now?
You think they give a F about your job?
The so called "Economy"?
Civil rights?
I don't think its should be considered a right to be enslaved by a corporate.
They need those that WANT what they have to offer,
along with the fact that they have nothing to lose but deportation breathing down their necks.
The work force thrives off of immigration, they advertise overseas for petesakes!
On top of this all they are the reason Immigrants feel the need to run over to "America"
because they are robbing the shhhttt out of the land that they live on.
"Immigrants" pack your food produce, build your houses, weave the clothes on your back...etc..etc
Wake up!

When general society starts thinking independently, they will be better off.

Stop raising your children to go work for someone else.

^ Realest sentence I have read in this entire post

It's about time we make our own.

LOL at that sentence. Everybody works for somebody. Even if you own your own business, your paying taxes to the government. Consider paying taxes to the government as a job. If you don't pay them on time, your slacking on your job.
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

Originally Posted by SnowboardingPanda

You guys realize that most undocumented or "ILLEGAL" immigrants in this country that work in your cities still pay the same taxes every other legal citizen pays..
where they do that @?
Every time you buy something, you pay a tax. Consider that a form of paying taxes. And illegal immigrants spend plenty of money. Plus if it wasn't for them, some countries wouldn't be standing. Look at it like this, illegals here send billions of dollars back to their home country. We provide jobs for them which allows them to help their people back home which in turn helps their home country. Lets just say plenty of countries would be nowhere if it wasn't for illegal immigrants.
Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by THE FAME

America is what is today because of immigration.
America was built upon immigration.
Why would they stop it now?
You think they give a F about your job?
The so called "Economy"?
Civil rights?
I don't think its should be considered a right to be enslaved by a corporate.
They need those that WANT what they have to offer,
along with the fact that they have nothing to lose but deportation breathing down their necks.
The work force thrives off of immigration, they advertise overseas for petesakes!
On top of this all they are the reason Immigrants feel the need to run over to "America"
because they are robbing the shhhttt out of the land that they live on.
"Immigrants" pack your food produce, build your houses, weave the clothes on your back...etc..etc
Wake up!

When general society starts thinking independently, they will be better off.

Stop raising your children to go work for someone else.

^ Realest sentence I have read in this entire post

It's about time we make our own.

Most people on here know nothing about the effects of world banks on 3rd world countries, or anything about globalization in general so why argue with them? If people in Mexico, Central and South America were actually able to provide for their families without economic restrictions of the U.S. and banks like the IMF you think we'd still be coming over to grow the food that feed your families? Now that's just silly. When 80% of the wealth in the U.S. is distributed to about 10% of the population, for regular Americans to point the finger at immigrants as the blame for their problems, those that have no alternative but to get exploited by corporate heads... were is the sense here? You're getting played and you're just too subservient to realize it.
Originally Posted by the north west

why should mexicans be able to come to this country illegally while many other just as deserving minorities have to wait and follow the rules like everybody else

Google "wet foot, dry foot", Cubans gain citizenship the minute they land on American soil, this immigration law just proves that this is aimed at Mexicans, and they use the drug war as a crutch, just racism at its best, nothing new in the Good ol Us of A
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