To the broken-hearted alpha's (yes, there is such a thing) Girl related.

Dec 7, 2006
Let me start off by saying.... Who the hell does she think she is??? I'm tall, black, handsome, well-educated, got a little money in my pocket, pursuing my career, and I don't over-indulge in every self-destuctive behavior. I say that to say this... When you know that you have a lot going for you but some girl still tries to front on you does it not make you just LOL sometimes? I mean, im not saying every girl has to melt at my charm but let's be serious girls complain about how lame guys are and how we aint on they level, and how we need to "step our game up", and "get our @%$! together" but actually wouldn't know a good guy if he threw a rock at her and then wonder why some dudes adopt motto's such as "m.o.b" and other silly acronyms. I'm not some conceited prick trying to shine on NT, I actually love this forum, but you gotta feel me on this. I know my worth, trust me honey I do, so when you show such lack of interest in a young man whose intentions were actually good, it shows poor judgement and immaturity on your part. I know how dudes are talking to and approaching girls out here, so when i make an effort to make a mature advance dont act like i'm not on your level, because actually you're not on mine. I refuse to settle and i dont think anyone ever should. Especially when it come to relations and relationships. It just makes me curious as to who they will eventually end up with because 8 times out of 10 it's a guy who cant hold a candle to your swag...smh. My point is that these girls out here are silly as can be and don't know a good thing when they see one, so we should continue to keep our swag, beliefs and appearance on 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x eventually all these "dimes" will see whats what and realize that they have no choice but to submit, or else risk losing a great guy forever to the next "dime" who had her head on straight... thats the way this was designed.. No simping over here.  
Let me start off by saying.... Who the hell does she think she is??? I'm tall, black, handsome, well-educated, got a little money in my pocket, pursuing my career, and I don't over-indulge in every self-destuctive behavior. I say that to say this... When you know that you have a lot going for you but some girl still tries to front on you does it not make you just LOL sometimes? I mean, im not saying every girl has to melt at my charm but let's be serious girls complain about how lame guys are and how we aint on they level, and how we need to "step our game up", and "get our @%$! together" but actually wouldn't know a good guy if he threw a rock at her and then wonder why some dudes adopt motto's such as "m.o.b" and other silly acronyms. I'm not some conceited prick trying to shine on NT, I actually love this forum, but you gotta feel me on this. I know my worth, trust me honey I do, so when you show such lack of interest in a young man whose intentions were actually good, it shows poor judgement and immaturity on your part. I know how dudes are talking to and approaching girls out here, so when i make an effort to make a mature advance dont act like i'm not on your level, because actually you're not on mine. I refuse to settle and i dont think anyone ever should. Especially when it come to relations and relationships. It just makes me curious as to who they will eventually end up with because 8 times out of 10 it's a guy who cant hold a candle to your swag...smh. My point is that these girls out here are silly as can be and don't know a good thing when they see one, so we should continue to keep our swag, beliefs and appearance on 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000x eventually all these "dimes" will see whats what and realize that they have no choice but to submit, or else risk losing a great guy forever to the next "dime" who had her head on straight... thats the way this was designed.. No simping over here.  
i feel you.. but you sound a lil' salty man. just let that go and keep it moving. way too many fish in the sea
i feel you.. but you sound a lil' salty man. just let that go and keep it moving. way too many fish in the sea
I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..
I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..
For my Black male NT'ers consider this;

- In American Black women outnumber Black men 4 to 1

- According to ABC news, Of all Black men in America ages 18-65, 51% is either unemployed, did not finish high school, or is doing/have done time in jail.

The moral of the story is; Girls are like buses, miss one, next 15 one comin (gucci!)
For my Black male NT'ers consider this;

- In American Black women outnumber Black men 4 to 1

- According to ABC news, Of all Black men in America ages 18-65, 51% is either unemployed, did not finish high school, or is doing/have done time in jail.

The moral of the story is; Girls are like buses, miss one, next 15 one comin (gucci!)
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..
           I'm not asking you to rate an ex- GF... just read the paragraph and pretend you graduated pre-k. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..


but on the real, you probably just didnt keep that pimp hand strong on this breezy
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..


but on the real, you probably just didnt keep that pimp hand strong on this breezy
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

I on the phone with firefox tech support right now..

They dont know why the photos arent showing up either..
           I'm not asking you to rate an ex- GF... just read the paragraph and pretend you graduated pre-k. Thanks.
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