Tom Clancy The Division March 8th XBOX ONE PS4 and PC

Since I'm currently lvl. 10, would it be okay to do DZ?


Its dangerous to go alone... You will quickly become a victim. Highly recommend going with a crew when you're just starting, but they'll need to be level 15 and below so they don't get placed in a higher grouping.
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Its dangerous to go alone... You will quickly become a victim. Highly recommend going with a crew when you're just starting, but they'll need to be level 15 and below so they don't get placed in a higher grouping.
Cool, lol. I'll keep that in mind.
Flamethrower and Shotgun enemies are over-powered in this game.

When elites have them, they are even worse.

If you are running solo, make sure you are even level or a couple above the requirement.

And just try to keep him on the lower level while you stay high. Use grenades as much as possible, sticky grenade with disorient if you have it, and just fire from cover.

Stay as far away as possible and use AR's or Marksman rifles to do damage. The one good thing is that he is slow. That allows you to clear the other lesser enemies before dealing with him.
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Yeah I typically have been able to get it just me vs him with a few medkits left and I have the first aid ability as well to give me more health. I'm level 7. I got him down to like 20% health at one point but wound up dying.
If you can hit the tank on his back and make it explode, it'll knock off a significant portion of his health as well.

It might be worth trying to gain a level or two, but if you are that close, I feel like you can do it.
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I logged out before if it doesn't start me back at that level I'm gonna just try to gain more xp or do it in a group.
This game reminds me so much of Diablo it's crazy in terms of the loot system.

They really need to implement loot trading tho. That shoulda been available at launch.

I heard that they're going to do item sets in the future. That would be even more like Diablo lol. Looking forward to it. I put hundreds of hours into D2 and D3. If this game gets to that level, I may be putting in major time here.
trading is actually coming surprisingly enough
trading is actually coming surprisingly enough
Not really trading as you would think. You can trade loot that is awarded on an activity between your team members. If I get a high end gun and my friend gets a high end armor piece, we can trade that. You can't trade all your gear or trade with random people.

I was already getting ready to hustle if it was real trading :lol:
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^ Yeah, finding a group makes life so much easier... especially for the main missions.  My experience so far is that, despite working with random strangers, the team-work was there.  
trading is actually coming surprisingly enough
Not really trading as you would think. You can trade loot that is awarded on an activity between your team members. If I get a high end gun and my friend gets a high end armor piece, we can trade that. You can't trade all your gear or trade with random people.

I was already getting ready to hustle if it was real trading :lol:

"Drop the knife and I'll drop the cash" word to CS :rofl:
Power Plant is the daily challenge mode... 

Bout to knock it out when I get outta class. Pray for a young dude.
trading is actually coming surprisingly enough
Not really trading as you would think. You can trade loot that is awarded on an activity between your team members. If I get a high end gun and my friend gets a high end armor piece, we can trade that. You can't trade all your gear or trade with random people.

I was already getting ready to hustle if it was real trading :lol:
word? eh... I'll take it :/
What skill-set are you guys using?  

I'm using Turret and Pulse... haven't really experimented with the others.

And gun combo?  Do all 3rd-guns come with unlimited ammo?
What skill-set are you guys using?  
I'm using Turret and Pulse... haven't really experimented with the others.

And gun combo?  Do all 3rd-guns come with unlimited ammo?
ammo supply station and gas seekers or flash bang sticky

I always have an smg for close crit dmg and a marksman
Those that make it through and are bored, the Platinum trophy is fairly easy to get. Hardest trophy is the beating all missions on hard while being level 30. And that's just a little time consuming.
Those that make it through and are bored, the Platinum trophy is fairly easy to get. Hardest trophy is the beating all missions on hard while being level 30. And that's just a little time consuming.

U prob can get that over time also just doing the daily lol
Recently got the game. None of my friends have gotten it so I've been struggling to get a crew to play online.

If anybody is looking to play in the dark zone or orherwise lmk. My psn is senhalem
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