Tom Clancy The Division March 8th XBOX ONE PS4 and PC

Just got to level 30. 
I recommend you guys buy the first wave M1A from the crypt safe house. It's a bad *** gun. Especially for you sniper guys.
Me and my crew had a hard time with the Armherst Apt. Mission. We literally must have died over 10 times at the last checkpoint and a few at the checkpoint before that. The enemies were 5+ levels above two of my boys and a few above me and the other guy. We finally figured out we all needed to rock with the snipers

Didn't watch the whole thing but I guarantee you every single person that died went on a witch hunt for dude 

Bought the Black Market AK-74 from the Special Weapons Vendor in the Tech Wing a couple days ago and have been bodying the game since.

120k DPS. Been grooving through challenge modes and the DZ.

I do it. Figured i'd get this shot while im dead in challenge mode 

I do it. Figured i'd get this shot while im dead in challenge mode :lol:
nvm nt being weird. had to copy image link and paste it.
nice, I'm using a vector for crit and armor dmg. just I have a little more in electronics compared to healing but imma change that.
apparently the dude that's dz rank 99 goes all stamina, has 40k dps and just w.e in electronics
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Finally got all the collectibles. 

Rocking the pink jacket 
 the other reward jackets for getting all collectibles aren't anything special
Yo lemme hold that pink bubble coat tho 

I cant even front. Really enjoying this game. Still have a lot to do thought. Got to lvl 15 and 14 in DZ

When I strolled into dead zone the first time dolo just to get cred for the training portion and this was me with in 3 minutes



Honestly have no idea what im doing with all these stats and attributes but my new AK getting headshots regularly 
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I went into the DZ solo and got murked four times straight. My guy's only level 7 so I guess I should wait till I build him up more and get better gear before going in there.
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I'm not really seeing that much rogues in the DZ at lvl 30. I've only been shot once while extracting but I keep a shotty equipped any time I extract so I can instantly wash anyone who tries.

Son thought he was being sneaky shooting me in the back but he wasn't ready for that shotgun to his face 

Most people are pretty helpful though, I was flourishing solo in the DZ yesterday
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yea alot of people believe its not worth it going rogue so until they add a greater incentive for going rogue it wont change 
Welp, just got washed by a squad of 4 rogues annihilating everything in sight 
So what's the best way to succeed in the DZ? Avoid all bad guys and hit up the extractions? I want some gear.
DZ is pointless right now because the drop rate for phx creds and high end gear were nerfed into the ground.

Ubisoft needs to buff drop rates quick or else people are gonna stop playing the game.

The only way to get the best possible gear right now is to farm phx creds/crafting materials and buy the level 31 blueprints, which is pretty stupid.

If I can't get level 31 stuff from enemies, what exactly is the point of me playing the game? :lol:

^ What's your scavenging percentage at? I heard that plays a huge role in getting more gold tier drops.

That said, mine was 87% and I had the exact same luck as you. One gold gun mod in ~9 hours. 

Scavenging % is broken right now, same w/ that gun talent that claims you get an autoreload 23% of the time on kills.

I was running around w/ +200% scavenging and got 0 gold drops in 12 hours.

For that auto reload, I killed like 50 enemies and saw it activate 3x, :lol:

Ubisoft ******* stinks right now but I'll give them some time to fix things because Destiny was pure foo foo when it first dropped.

Hopefully it doesn't take Ubisoft a year to figure things out like it took Bungie.
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Got to lvl. 10 simply from doing side missions. 

Also happy I took some of the advice about crafting rather than selling old gear. I had enough material to make some pretty neat gear.
Havent used any of my crafting at lower levels waiting til i hit 30. in the meantime i just use whats dropped 
This game reminds me so much of Diablo it's crazy in terms of the loot system.

They really need to implement loot trading tho. That shoulda been available at launch.

I heard that they're going to do item sets in the future. That would be even more like Diablo lol. Looking forward to it. I put hundreds of hours into D2 and D3. If this game gets to that level, I may be putting in major time here.
So im going to let y'all in on a DZ leveling secret.. In class rn and going back to work after so it'll be awhile before I respond to Q's.

In DZ03, that extraction in what me and my boy have dubbed, "Death Park" jumpstarts the respawns on all the surrounding landmarks spawns.

So what you do is you clear out the underground subway, move to Arch Plaza, hit the unmarked boss spawn headed East from the safehouse, then hit the refueling station, then extract.

Rinse and repeat that and you will be eating DZ exp. Do it with 4 people ofc to do it faster.

Not sure why imgur has been acting fugazi lately.

And that Diablo comparison is spot on. I was telling my boy its just a cover shooter version of Diablo. Im not complaining.
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