Tom Clancy The Division March 8th XBOX ONE PS4 and PC

What's the Stash box for?
To keep items outside of your immediate inventory. Say you want to save a gun but dont need it on you at all times, throw it in there.

It also carries items between characters. You start a new character and want to switch a gun over, the stash works for that.

Lastly, it is where your items you extract from the DZ go. It only holds 30 items, so every 3 or 4 extractions, you have to leave the DZ and empty out your stash so you can extract more.
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Ah, thanks.  I was wondering what to do with some guns that I wanted to save for later.
I started doing side missions and was so juiced to find some tactical pants, a beanie, and a scarf lol.
The power plant challenging difficulty is absurd :smh:

Like 10 shotgun guys one shotting everything :smh:
Today's Challenge mission was definitely easier than the power plant yesterday. blew through it in about 30 minutes. :lol:
Haven't got a gold tier drop from a DZ boss in the last 9 hours of gameplay.

I may be done until new content. Unbelievably frustrating. 
What weapon-DPS are you guys at?

I'm still rocking 4-5K guns... 
Haven't got a gold tier drop from a DZ boss in the last 9 hours of gameplay.

I may be done until new content. Unbelievably frustrating. 
welcome to online rpg's, it's called grinding :lol:
you shouldn't have everything handed to you. you still should be able to earn things and make the game last longer

What weapon-DPS are you guys at?

I'm still rocking 4-5K guns... :\
I need a new Aug cuz mines is a lvl 28 but it does 7541 dmg with a 71,690 dps then there's also 18.5 headshot dmg buff. I do like 26000-36000 on a headshot crit

Today's Challenge mission was definitely easier than the power plant yesterday. blew through it in about 30 minutes. :lol:
I don't get how anyone did the power plant, joint was OD wack. 5 shotgun dudes rushing you from the jump sucked
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just got back from vacation and totally forgot i preordered this from Amazon &  it was waiting for me when I get home. 

finally have time to play so i'll be on today.

PSN - DanyoSahn
I was up for some Lvl13 action, but Delta logout issues right now! Ugh.
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What weapon-DPS are you guys at?

I'm still rocking 4-5K guns... :\
I have a high end Vector that does 110k DPS and a high end M1A that does 250k a headshot. All my other weapons do about 75k dps average.
Don't worry guys your gear will grow with you I'm almost 50k in all classes now at 30 just hunting for gear at this point
My man talking about quitting the game because he played 9 hrs and not getting what he want. Bruh, I've been grinding with level 30 friends dying left and right and I'm only a level 24 or 25, so you can imagine while they're getting gold drops I'm over here getting blue items dropping and some purple. Stay on that grind!

How people begging for more content when the game drop a week ago exactly?

This content is far better than most mmo

Word to ffxi player when the game first dropped.... tryna make it to lvl 20 was a PROCESS. .

COD killed the rpg format.
I feel like these ******* video games know who I am or hear when im talking ****

First ******* coat drop was a blue jacket

I was half a second away from dropkicking my tv

Hope to hit lvl 30 by the weekend then go in the dz
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Generally speaking should I choose 'blue' weapons over 'green' ones, despite a higher DPS on the green weapons?
I wanted to jump on last night so bad. But work is taking a lot of my time. 

Where did all my free time I had as a kid go? lol (not srs)
How do you guys survive in the DZ without a squad? I'm only level 15 and level 11 in the DZ. The enemies in there are grouped 5-7 and wash me everytime. On top of that, there's groups of rouge players running around killing and stealing the trash drops I've been getting in there :x
Still haven't copped yet, probably will this weekend. Am I in for it being that I started so late?
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