Tomorrow is 9/11

Originally Posted by bijald0331


I re-watched all the popular mechanics and others v. loose change debates yesterday. $$$! is hysterical. These conspiracy bozos

Really you actually watched it? Because I saw no evidence that the people from popular mechanics had ANY answers to the questions posed. But hey some dude named osama did all this form a cave right

Watch for yourself if you have the time and tell me beyond a reasonable doubt that there are at least many un answered questions and fishy details unexplained. And this whole "the government is to big/incapable" of hiding it argument is crap.
^I'll let other people comment. I already watched it last night. Every time the LC brought something up, the PM guys refuted it. Every time PM guys brought something up, LC changed the subject. And it doesn't help your position when you yell "I'm not calling anybody a liar" and then proceed to call someone a liar. There is another debate with another host that shows the LC guys saying that their first attempts were woeful. They admit inaccuracies and chalk it up to "we were overwhelmed!!".
^I'll let other people comment. I already watched it last night. Every time the LC brought something up, the PM guys refuted it. Every time PM guys brought something up, LC changed the subject. And it doesn't help your position when you yell "I'm not calling anybody a liar" and then proceed to call someone a liar. There is another debate with another host that shows the LC guys saying that their first attempts were woeful. They admit inaccuracies and chalk it up to "we were overwhelmed!!".
let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"
let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"

We can possibly take back our country before its truly gone to the evil that run it.

Tomorrow we should not be burning the koran or the bible, we should be burning the "Patriot Act"

I saw those buildings fall, a plane doesn't cause that, falling free fall to ground, all it takes is to look at the evidence with a open mind and it becomes quite clear

they got caught lying about IRAQ....... You really think this beyond them?
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"

We can possibly take back our country before its truly gone to the evil that run it.

Tomorrow we should not be burning the koran or the bible, we should be burning the "Patriot Act"

I saw those buildings fall, a plane doesn't cause that, falling free fall to ground, all it takes is to look at the evidence with a open mind and it becomes quite clear

they got caught lying about IRAQ....... You really think this beyond them?
Originally Posted by A Beautiful Wave

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"

We can possibly take back our country before its truly gone to the evil that run it.

Tomorrow we should not be burning the koran or the bible, we should be burning the "Patriot Act"

I saw those buildings fall, a plane doesn't cause that, falling free fall to ground, all it takes is to look at the evidence with a open mind and it becomes quite clear

that's not the answer i was looking for. if i asked you "how does a light bulb get power" your answer is on the same level as "you plug it into the wall socket."

why don't you provide us with details of how to take back our country?
Originally Posted by A Beautiful Wave

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

let's just say for a minute that yes, this was all cooked up by the government in order to instill fear in the american population so that they can push their agenda.

what now? enlighten us "sheep"

We can possibly take back our country before its truly gone to the evil that run it.

Tomorrow we should not be burning the koran or the bible, we should be burning the "Patriot Act"

I saw those buildings fall, a plane doesn't cause that, falling free fall to ground, all it takes is to look at the evidence with a open mind and it becomes quite clear

that's not the answer i was looking for. if i asked you "how does a light bulb get power" your answer is on the same level as "you plug it into the wall socket."

why don't you provide us with details of how to take back our country?
In 2008, Zdeněk P. Bažant, Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science at Northwestern University, published with three coauthors a paper to examine whether allegations of controlled demolition might be scientifically justifiable. They found that the available video records are not consistent with the free fall hypothesis, that the size of the concrete particles is consistent with comminution caused by impact, and that the high velocity of compressed air explains why material from the towers were ejected to a distance of several hundred meters from the tower. The authors conclude that the allegations of controlled demolition do not have any scientific merit.[46] A spokesman for NIST said that any sightings of molten metal, including metal seen pouring from the South tower, were likely molten aluminum from the airplane, an explanation disputed by Richard Gage who stated that the colour of the molten metal rules out aluminum.[47] "Basically, gravity and the utter force of the upper floors forced the towers down," said NIST spokesperson Michael Newman.

I'm undergrad Illuminati though so take it FWIW.
In 2008, Zdeněk P. Bažant, Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science at Northwestern University, published with three coauthors a paper to examine whether allegations of controlled demolition might be scientifically justifiable. They found that the available video records are not consistent with the free fall hypothesis, that the size of the concrete particles is consistent with comminution caused by impact, and that the high velocity of compressed air explains why material from the towers were ejected to a distance of several hundred meters from the tower. The authors conclude that the allegations of controlled demolition do not have any scientific merit.[46] A spokesman for NIST said that any sightings of molten metal, including metal seen pouring from the South tower, were likely molten aluminum from the airplane, an explanation disputed by Richard Gage who stated that the colour of the molten metal rules out aluminum.[47] "Basically, gravity and the utter force of the upper floors forced the towers down," said NIST spokesperson Michael Newman.

I'm undergrad Illuminati though so take it FWIW.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

In 2008, Zdeněk P. Bažant, Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science at Northwestern University, published with three coauthors a paper to examine whether allegations of controlled demolition might be scientifically justifiable. They found that the available video records are not consistent with the free fall hypothesis, that the size of the concrete particles is consistent with comminution caused by impact, and that the high velocity of compressed air explains why material from the towers were ejected to a distance of several hundred meters from the tower. The authors conclude that the allegations of controlled demolition do not have any scientific merit.[46] A spokesman for NIST said that any sightings of molten metal, including metal seen pouring from the South tower, were likely molten aluminum from the airplane, an explanation disputed by Richard Gage who stated that the colour of the molten metal rules out aluminum.[47] "Basically, gravity and the utter force of the upper floors forced the towers down," said NIST spokesperson Michael Newman.

I'm undergrad Illuminati though so take it FWIW.

What about the pentagon? The worlds most secure building with not 1 video camera??? And a "pilot" who took some cessna lessons able to control a 757 near max speed (500mph) 30 feet above the ground hitting the building at almost a straight angle?

The 9/11 report is a joke as well and people in that committee admit that, no mention of building 7 either...

I don't think you understand we are dealing with !!%+ Cheney Here.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

In 2008, Zdeněk P. Bažant, Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science at Northwestern University, published with three coauthors a paper to examine whether allegations of controlled demolition might be scientifically justifiable. They found that the available video records are not consistent with the free fall hypothesis, that the size of the concrete particles is consistent with comminution caused by impact, and that the high velocity of compressed air explains why material from the towers were ejected to a distance of several hundred meters from the tower. The authors conclude that the allegations of controlled demolition do not have any scientific merit.[46] A spokesman for NIST said that any sightings of molten metal, including metal seen pouring from the South tower, were likely molten aluminum from the airplane, an explanation disputed by Richard Gage who stated that the colour of the molten metal rules out aluminum.[47] "Basically, gravity and the utter force of the upper floors forced the towers down," said NIST spokesperson Michael Newman.

I'm undergrad Illuminati though so take it FWIW.

What about the pentagon? The worlds most secure building with not 1 video camera??? And a "pilot" who took some cessna lessons able to control a 757 near max speed (500mph) 30 feet above the ground hitting the building at almost a straight angle?

The 9/11 report is a joke as well and people in that committee admit that, no mention of building 7 either...

I don't think you understand we are dealing with !!%+ Cheney Here.

His claims, and those of the 1,270 architects and engineers who have signed on to the effort, were bolstered by the support of former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel, who said in a press release that "critically important evidence has come forward after the original government building reports were completed."

Gravel has been concerned with the events of September 11, 2001, for some time now. He has called for an independent investigation into 9/11.

"Unlike the first investigation, this commission should be granted subpoena power and full access to all governmental files and personnel," Gravel wrote. "George Bush should be forced to testify ALONE."

Allow me clear a few things things up here:
9/11 changed everything, and it seems some folks here are having trouble adjusting to the post 9/11 world.Here is a very short list things that should help get you all on your way:

1.Demolition companies are no longer needed,office fires can now completely collapse skyscrapers within seconds.
2.Passports are now fireproof and indestructible like the one found in the WTC rubble.
3.Passenger jet airline pilots no longer need rigorous training.
4.T.V. news broadcasters are now psychic ,as they can report a major event up to 20 minutes before it happens.
5.NORAD is useless once an object enters US airspace.
6.Airliners are now invisible to radar without transponder signals.
7.Office fires can now turn structural steel into "pools of molten lava".
8.Terrorist bandanas may be one of the only things to survive a crash into a field.
9.Most of a passenger jet,including engines, can vaporize in fire,but terrorist DNA on board easily survives to be isolated.
10.A 6'4" terrorist on dialysis cannot be captured in a desert or a cave.
11.The Af-Pak border is magical,no terrorist can ever be caught or located there.[not even with satelights that can read news papers from space.]
12.Running a simulation of an attack in no way means that one can envision such an attack .

Meanwhile, virtually all of the "Liberal" mainstream TV media; that is Obermann, Maddow, Matthews, and now O'Donnell, continue to refer to those of us degreed, experienced engineers and scientists who understand what happened as "crazy truthers".

There is overwhelming evidence is that the Official Government "Conspiracy" Theory is totally fraudulent. Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of basic physics and the ability to reason is capable of understanding this fact. But the first and most difficult obstacle is to overcome the "shock and awe" brain washing so thoroughly applied to most Americans by the Pentagon/CIA/MSM psy-ops Kool-Aid. The job was so complete and masterful that the safe self-deception of most can not be penetrated by any logic, physical analysis or evidence. No matter what one presents the recipient invariably responds with "I don't believe it!". But in harebrained opposition they are willing to believe that 19 rag-tag "Islamo-Fascist" hijackers outfoxed the entire American intelligence apparatus and the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and then destroyed the entire WTC complex and hit the pentagon to boot! And this belief is held as ABSOLUTE truth with little more evidence than the MSM and government, ad nauseum, saying it so. To this very day one is hard pressed to hear any alternative views or evidence on any media including the rapidly fading and failing "Progressive" talk radio. It is clear they all have been told what to say and how to summarily dismiss the subject by attacking the ultimately "shooting" the messenger.

9/11 was a sophisticated military operation most likely surreptitiously "overlaid" into one of the many war games going on that day. The planning and execution would have required the involvement of at least some part of the US military and intelligence agencies and quite possibly the highest civilian leadership and foreign entities. The result is the absolute ascendancy of the Pentagon and the developing total militarization of the country.

Some additional points to ponder :

1) Why did NIST reject a Freedom of Information Act request to release the data sets used in their black box computer simulation of the destruction of WT7? (They asserted it would harm national "security"! I think they can't because it's junk).

2) Why has the FBI refused to release any of the area security tapes confiscated of the supposed AA77 757 crash into the Pentagon? (The small video available shows nothing. There is no evidence of a large aircraft crash and the initial photos and MSM reportage on 9/11 show only a small hole and NO wreckage.).

3) Why did the 9/11 Commission stop all analysis of the WTC1 and WTC2 destruction on the onset of what they asserted was "inevitable collapse"? (They simply ignored the subsequent video, audio, thermal and seismic evidence and reports from survivors and first responders).

4) Why did the 9/11 Commission not even mention WTC7 in the final report?

5) On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld revealed that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from the Pentagon budget. After the attacks the next day it has never been mentioned again.

There are dozens more equally weighty questions left unanswered.

His claims, and those of the 1,270 architects and engineers who have signed on to the effort, were bolstered by the support of former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel, who said in a press release that "critically important evidence has come forward after the original government building reports were completed."

Gravel has been concerned with the events of September 11, 2001, for some time now. He has called for an independent investigation into 9/11.

"Unlike the first investigation, this commission should be granted subpoena power and full access to all governmental files and personnel," Gravel wrote. "George Bush should be forced to testify ALONE."

Allow me clear a few things things up here:
9/11 changed everything, and it seems some folks here are having trouble adjusting to the post 9/11 world.Here is a very short list things that should help get you all on your way:

1.Demolition companies are no longer needed,office fires can now completely collapse skyscrapers within seconds.
2.Passports are now fireproof and indestructible like the one found in the WTC rubble.
3.Passenger jet airline pilots no longer need rigorous training.
4.T.V. news broadcasters are now psychic ,as they can report a major event up to 20 minutes before it happens.
5.NORAD is useless once an object enters US airspace.
6.Airliners are now invisible to radar without transponder signals.
7.Office fires can now turn structural steel into "pools of molten lava".
8.Terrorist bandanas may be one of the only things to survive a crash into a field.
9.Most of a passenger jet,including engines, can vaporize in fire,but terrorist DNA on board easily survives to be isolated.
10.A 6'4" terrorist on dialysis cannot be captured in a desert or a cave.
11.The Af-Pak border is magical,no terrorist can ever be caught or located there.[not even with satelights that can read news papers from space.]
12.Running a simulation of an attack in no way means that one can envision such an attack .

Meanwhile, virtually all of the "Liberal" mainstream TV media; that is Obermann, Maddow, Matthews, and now O'Donnell, continue to refer to those of us degreed, experienced engineers and scientists who understand what happened as "crazy truthers".

There is overwhelming evidence is that the Official Government "Conspiracy" Theory is totally fraudulent. Anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of basic physics and the ability to reason is capable of understanding this fact. But the first and most difficult obstacle is to overcome the "shock and awe" brain washing so thoroughly applied to most Americans by the Pentagon/CIA/MSM psy-ops Kool-Aid. The job was so complete and masterful that the safe self-deception of most can not be penetrated by any logic, physical analysis or evidence. No matter what one presents the recipient invariably responds with "I don't believe it!". But in harebrained opposition they are willing to believe that 19 rag-tag "Islamo-Fascist" hijackers outfoxed the entire American intelligence apparatus and the most sophisticated air defense system in the world and then destroyed the entire WTC complex and hit the pentagon to boot! And this belief is held as ABSOLUTE truth with little more evidence than the MSM and government, ad nauseum, saying it so. To this very day one is hard pressed to hear any alternative views or evidence on any media including the rapidly fading and failing "Progressive" talk radio. It is clear they all have been told what to say and how to summarily dismiss the subject by attacking the ultimately "shooting" the messenger.

9/11 was a sophisticated military operation most likely surreptitiously "overlaid" into one of the many war games going on that day. The planning and execution would have required the involvement of at least some part of the US military and intelligence agencies and quite possibly the highest civilian leadership and foreign entities. The result is the absolute ascendancy of the Pentagon and the developing total militarization of the country.

Some additional points to ponder :

1) Why did NIST reject a Freedom of Information Act request to release the data sets used in their black box computer simulation of the destruction of WT7? (They asserted it would harm national "security"! I think they can't because it's junk).

2) Why has the FBI refused to release any of the area security tapes confiscated of the supposed AA77 757 crash into the Pentagon? (The small video available shows nothing. There is no evidence of a large aircraft crash and the initial photos and MSM reportage on 9/11 show only a small hole and NO wreckage.).

3) Why did the 9/11 Commission stop all analysis of the WTC1 and WTC2 destruction on the onset of what they asserted was "inevitable collapse"? (They simply ignored the subsequent video, audio, thermal and seismic evidence and reports from survivors and first responders).

4) Why did the 9/11 Commission not even mention WTC7 in the final report?

5) On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld revealed that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from the Pentagon budget. After the attacks the next day it has never been mentioned again.

There are dozens more equally weighty questions left unanswered.
One incident that has been conveniently been ignored by conspiracy theorists (and reason not to take any of them seriously): The San Fran bridge fire a couple years ago.

That's all I need to know. That fire proved what conspiracy theorists have tried to claim wasn't true since the steel melted in the towers. But they conveniently ignore facts and other examples that completely destroy their argument.
One incident that has been conveniently been ignored by conspiracy theorists (and reason not to take any of them seriously): The San Fran bridge fire a couple years ago.

That's all I need to know. That fire proved what conspiracy theorists have tried to claim wasn't true since the steel melted in the towers. But they conveniently ignore facts and other examples that completely destroy their argument.
A Beautiful Wave wrote: 
Keep believing the nonsense you are getting fed through the idiot tube then..... your all a bunch of sheep
Oh you're so smart Mr Conspiracy Theorist
A Beautiful Wave wrote: 
Keep believing the nonsense you are getting fed through the idiot tube then..... your all a bunch of sheep
Oh you're so smart Mr Conspiracy Theorist
Originally Posted by A Beautiful Wave

Allow me clear a few things things up here:
9/11 changed everything, and it seems some folks here are having trouble adjusting to the post 9/11 world.Here is a very short list things that should help get you all on your way:

1.Demolition companies are no longer needed,office fires can now completely collapse skyscrapers within seconds.
2.Passports are now fireproof and indestructible like the one found in the WTC rubble.
3.Passenger jet airline pilots no longer need rigorous training.
4.T.V. news broadcasters are now psychic ,as they can report a major event up to 20 minutes before it happens.
5.NORAD is useless once an object enters US airspace.
6.Airliners are now invisible to radar without transponder signals.
7.Office fires can now turn structural steel into "pools of molten lava".
8.Terrorist bandanas may be one of the only things to survive a crash into a field.
9.Most of a passenger jet,including engines, can vaporize in fire,but terrorist DNA on board easily survives to be isolated.
10.A 6'4" terrorist on dialysis cannot be captured in a desert or a cave.
11.The Af-Pak border is magical,no terrorist can ever be caught or located there.[not even with satelights that can read news papers from space.]
12.Running a simulation of an attack in no way means that one can envision such an attack .
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
Originally Posted by A Beautiful Wave

Allow me clear a few things things up here:
9/11 changed everything, and it seems some folks here are having trouble adjusting to the post 9/11 world.Here is a very short list things that should help get you all on your way:

1.Demolition companies are no longer needed,office fires can now completely collapse skyscrapers within seconds.
2.Passports are now fireproof and indestructible like the one found in the WTC rubble.
3.Passenger jet airline pilots no longer need rigorous training.
4.T.V. news broadcasters are now psychic ,as they can report a major event up to 20 minutes before it happens.
5.NORAD is useless once an object enters US airspace.
6.Airliners are now invisible to radar without transponder signals.
7.Office fires can now turn structural steel into "pools of molten lava".
8.Terrorist bandanas may be one of the only things to survive a crash into a field.
9.Most of a passenger jet,including engines, can vaporize in fire,but terrorist DNA on board easily survives to be isolated.
10.A 6'4" terrorist on dialysis cannot be captured in a desert or a cave.
11.The Af-Pak border is magical,no terrorist can ever be caught or located there.[not even with satelights that can read news papers from space.]
12.Running a simulation of an attack in no way means that one can envision such an attack .
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
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