Top Boy Series Thread - The Final Season Out Now On Netflix

Y’all must have never had real opps. I am not making amends with a youngin who was trying to kill me. Jamie had to die.
Leon was trying to be captain save a *** and got clipped in the end. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Nah, Sully was a top-tier ***** *** sucka for that

Grown *** man had a problem with a teenager for no good reason, and wanted to rob him.

Dushane told him nah, and he agreed to chill

He then goes behind his partner's back, takes help, and his incompetent *** couldn't pull it off.

Then his dumb *** killed someone trying to help Ra'Nell

Then goes crying to Dushane, then gets mad when Dushane holds him accountable

The only *** in the situation was Sully
In season 2

His dumb *** ****s up a scheme where he kidnaps his damn cousin

Dushane has to bail him out again

Yet he is still upset that Dushane didn't save the life of his ****head partner with the deal he cut to save him
Last season

Dushane saves his life again

And tells dude that he is keeping Jamie around because he is going to use him to be able to leave the drug game

And Sully still kills him

Sully is a top tier, grade A, gold medal-winning ***-*** ************

He has earned that bullet to the head

**** SULLY!
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I can’t separate sully from Kano. But he has shown growth since the first season until now.
Dushane knew what Jamie was up to, was at war with Jamie too, and made the call to keep him alive

Dushane just saved your life....again. Told you to let dude be, and Sully again doesn't listen

Man forever in his feelings

Mans a bigger **** up than Pebbles
I still stand by this.

That storyline was pretty weak imo.

You went from fearing this one person who knew your dark secret, to telling your employee and her two friends about this dark secret… Now there are 4 people who can extort you.

All the while you are willingly dating and laying up with a murderous sociopath who could easily take care of the initial person who’s hitting you up for cash… but you choose not to ask for the help. :lol:
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