Top Boy Series Thread - The Final Season Out Now On Netflix

Season was fire. Who y'all think done it?
Id have put my money on Jaq tbh.

I even paused after it happened to see if I could make out the shape. I'm still like 90% sure it's her.

Had the scene with Stef not have happened right before that I would've bet money on him.

I really liked how they set up Stef and Driz's daughter. The Sully connection and bloodlust being part of their unification was interesting. I think she would've stood tall if Stef did what he needed to do.

Dushaune got Stringer'd🤣
The fall off was crazy for everyone but the worst for Dushaune. Had that man lose everything and running from his own people in his own block, cold world.

I couldn't believe they did my boy like that. I actually felt kinda bad for bruv. He woukdve transitioned outta the game relatively peacefully had shorty not got him but once it was clear that he got took I knew some people would have to pay.

It is wild that he didn't even try to discuss it with Sully. I know someone in this thread pointed out several life and death situation in which dushane saved Sully's life, a conversation surely could've been had.
Dushane fall reminds me of Franklins. On top of the world & then get took for all their money.

The Sully & Dushane conversation was sad. You can tell it was love there.
Franks fall was harder cuz of the drugs. I'm glad we ain't have to see Dushane like that. I hate seeing ****** who truly know better fall a victim to that ****.

Sully proved to be a legit psychopath. I think homie was moving outta instinct rather than actual emotion with the Dushane ****. He actually could've afforded the loss. It's crazy he killed his man's for that ****.
Sully & Dushane were not mans anymore at that point.

This entire season boiled down to adults unable to clearly communicate with one another.

Sully & Dushane finally have a conversation they should’ve had years ago to actually clear the air while Dushane bled out.

The white dude should’ve told Dushane he got taken for his money too instead of screening his phone calls.

Jaq should’ve had a conversation with Sully after her bout of consciousness. Sully always ended up giving her a pass especially when Lauren was involved, I don’t understand why she thought he wouldn’t.

Dushane should’ve told Shelly he was taken for his money.

No one actually talked to each other.

For all of Sully’s shortcomings, he’s maintained the same code, just keep it one hundred with him.
Season was meh though. It felt like they brought in new writers who weren’t familiar with the characters.

Aaron would never leave Stef in a group home. That bothered me the whole season.

Keiron would’ve been better off getting deported.

Were we suppose to assume the new Irish connects were associated with Lizzie somehow? They served no purpose outside of giving us one last Dushane & Sully team up.

I did enjoy the nod to Ra-nell with the youngins playing soccer.

Sully my guy but that was absurd how he took out those dudes with automatic guns with just a hand gun.
and Si ending up as the Top Boy by default is nasty :lol:

and White Bruv dying like that before being able to invest in Manchester real estate really hurt my soul. Hurt more than Doo-Shane’s death.
and Si ending up as the Top Boy by default is nasty :lol:
After how Sully did him with the stick, ain’t no way bruv!

Dushane’s pride killed him. Killing mans after realizing he wasn’t getting the money back from Lizzie, then deciding to steal Sully’s food, instead of asking him for help, he was mad for that. Sully said he couldn’t feel at the end, shooting his mans was just him shooting someone that stole from him and was running away. Ending was poetic, dark and on some Shakespeare **** you get me?
After how Sully did him with the stick, ain’t no way bruv!

Sully dead
Dooshane dead
Keiron dead
Gun Dealer dead
Jaq out the game
Stef’s a square
White bruv dead so you know his homegirl left the game

Unless one of his mans decides to snake him, he’s Him!
The final scene was well worth the wait.

The way the captured the constant stress of street life, at all levels was very well done. A very realistic portrayal. From addicts to power brokers. To the people with actual power. Everything in between.

Sully & Dushane turning into real monsters and villains in their communities. Completely Lost from when we were introduced to them.

Hell of a season and show. Just wish it didn’t go Sopranos HBO ending :lol:
Season was meh though. It felt like they brought in new writers who weren’t familiar with the characters.

Aaron would never leave Stef in a group home. That bothered me the whole season.

Yeah, I didn't understand it unless Aaron just wanted to leave the show or got written off. Aaron was old enough to take care of Steph.

He said forget Steph, I have college?
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