Top Secret about the early release jordan sneakers at Air-Randy and Marqueesole and sole-locker.....

Damn...those look hella clean.....all i care about is gettin tha pack when it comes out....
That guy on youtube gets his kicks 2 months+ in advance. Says he buys 3-4
pairs a week! That's a serious spender there. 3 pairs of titaniums (just happened to be #s 71,72, and 73) and a pair getting signed by MJ.
Haha look at all the chaos amidst, have we forgotten that they're just sneakers that we usually buy for a nostalgic reason?
Nah they're not just sneakers.

I realized that when the DMP released. Took this whole shoe thing to a whole different level.
Originally Posted by AIRGOLDEN2123

Haha look at all the chaos amidst, have we forgotten that they're just sneakers that we usually buy for a nostalgic reason?

You are right. In the end, we are buying sneakers. If you dont agree with the principles that JB's business model consists of, then we are notobligated to buy the shoes. All of the talk about hoping that the Jordan Brand gets screwed, and that it serves them right...That is ridiculous. Jordan Brandis a business, a business is supposed to make a profit. If Jordan Brand no longer makes a profit, we arent going to be getting our shoes anyway. If I own abusiness and somebody is stealing my product and potentially hurting sales and nullifying my advertising and "hype" tactics, then I am going to doall that I can to stop this from happening.

Cracking down on the likes of Air-Randy and others is probably going to be best for the brand in the long run. Will I miss getting an early peek at shoes?Absolutely. But I also understand the reasoning behind it.

EDIT: After RE-RE-RE-reading my above post, I hope that my point isnt lost amongst my mumble jumble. I dont know if I explained it right, but I cant think of abetter way. Oh well, I'll wait and see.
the ironic thing is; you guys argue and complain, but are the same people camping out at releases and pretty much giving JB your money...
I'm not going to lose any sleep if JB is losing a few bucks from this. With all the bs they do, they deserve it.

I would never buy from AR or MS because I think paying extra to get a shoe early is dumb, but I ALWAYS appreciate the pictures.

Hopefully they find a new connect and keep them coming =)
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

the ironic thing is; you guys argue and complain, but are the same people camping out at releases and pretty much giving JB your money...
You got that right! When the initial XX3 pics surfaced..maaad people were hating on the sketches including myself. But as soon as people heard the XX3Titanium was coming out, cats went straight out that door and lined up for days to get the first XX3.

I'm pretty sure JB has people that inform them about what the overall consensus of opinion is on their company tactics. But the brand is smart enough toknow that they have each and every one of us by every last cent in our pocket so as long as they're not going anywhere...we're not going anywhere!
Originally Posted by rickjames10

Originally Posted by 1Sdot

yeah my manager was telling me something about this... we cant "show off" or reserve shoes no more (as far as nikes; jordans, af1)...

Damn that sucks. Now we have to wait in line for the shoe and hopefully not get into a fight waiting for the store to open? I remember when I walked in to Champs and saw the Original XIII (Wh-Blk) shoe before release day. They also had the posters up for the shoe. I wonder how we will see the Jordans now because the commercials certainly don't show the shoe like they used to.

While, I don't condone stealing the shoes prior to release day, I certainly don't feel sorry for the Jordan Brand. Somewhere down the line, JB forgot about their customers that made them who they are and solely care about the almighty dollar. Instead of worrying about these leaked pics they should do an internal investigation and find out who is in charge of releasing these inferior products and colorways. It's a shame to see how this company has turned from something inspired by greatness to being inspired by profit. There is a way to have both. 2008, the year they killed Jordan Brand.

It's a shame to see how this company has turned from something inspired by greatness to being inspired by profit.

Ya'll look mad foolish assuming that everyone "complaining", as ya'll like to call it, is standing in line waiting for JB bait. Hard tounderstand that JB doesn't have everyone by the scrotum, ain't it? I ain't stood in a line in 8 years. I'm not alone. Cut that out.

Haven't ya'll realized the "don't like, don't buy" bull doesn't work?

Now you don't like "the chase" because you have to chase after the shoes also? Hypocrite bastard.

Originally Posted by realdillxxx

Yo, Fellas stop bringing y`all BP UP. It is just some shoes and stop saying you dont care about JB anymore becuase you will still be first in line to cop limited releases. Besides we care so much that we take time of our day to come in here to read, write and stress about JB. Please Stop the Frontin`.

Never lined up and never will.
Just like everyone else here, i love the jordan design and hold many with deep sentimental value, but also like many here, i feel as though i am beingtaken for a ride by jordan brand with all this limited release and chase nonsense. The company deserves to be criticised and held in contempt by their ownintentional actions.
Hell, my wife read an article on michael jordan where even he expressed dissatisfaction towards Jordan Brand and their methodology. I asked her for the link topost here, but it was a hard copy chinese magazine.

JB is rotten.
As soon as i can get my VI/XVII's, i'm out. I might get an odd shoe here or there to fill in my gaps as they're inevitably re-re-released. Speakingof which, what is this, star wars?
im laughing at all these people crying about shoes getting stolen. why anyone of you even care is beyond me. i myself love to hear about corporations takingL's, and this isnt even taking an L, this counts for way less then 1% of anything.
Originally Posted by dougsexy5

So.....does that mean no more air-randy early photos?
And does that mean the end of the guy who promotes
marqueesole to the grave? Who killed Biggie? I need answers!

That last part had me
Originally Posted by heat23

Poofyo101 wrote:
this is not new news as rock deep and b1lly have stated before
the shoes were being stolen out of the factory by the factory workers and being sent to sellers
this is how all the shoes leaked out and we the public got the pics of the new shoes
nike was beginning to catch onto this and as stated was missing one pair of the two pair shipment and just happened to be air randy had pictures posted asap
no one should condone the stealing of someone else's car
is it right for someone to steal a car from say bill gates just because he can afford to get it taken? NO
what has the shoe game become
it may be for the better that nike cracks down on this because there will be less fakes floating around before the shoes release
what has the shoe game become
first the incident with screech and the doctoring of shoes
now people stealing shoes out of the shoe factories.
No matter how much we love this hobby and how much it means to us, bottomline is SHOES are SHOES

That's funny, just this week YOU wanted me to get you a bundle of II's, XVI's and Carmines for your site from Randy. LOL Dude, you're a hypocrite. Mind your business Goofyo, Mind your business. Unless that's what you have to do to make your site look better. If so, that's SAD

I'm away from NT for a few days and ppl are snitching? The site will be updated in a few days. Eventually, everything in life must come to an end. EVERYTHING!

Here's a lil pic for my Carmine fanatics!

heat you gonna hook your boy up with a pair or what lol,least think you can do is when you go down to nyc pick up my og pair from chis's house lol
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