Toys R US Buy 2 get 1 Free Video Games...10/11-10/17

Originally Posted by chino905

^JayPesoz, if ur lookin for NBA2k10 for Xbox 360, try calling the TRU at Metropolitan ave. It was on of the games i returned for the 360 b/c i wanted it for the ps3.

will do. good looks
hmmm best case to get cash back then might be to match the deal at walmart and get gift receipts for each. they should return for cash on a gift receipt Iwould think? Although when you're price matching, and ask for a gift receipt on the non-free games they are probably going to know exactly whats up lol
Originally Posted by MarkyMark25

Any Seattle NT'ers know which spots are good bets for this?

I only got 2 TRUs near me. Southcenter and Tacoma. Don't know if I should try this...
@ commiting grand larceny to come up on a free game/accessories... That's the real definition of THIRSTY.
Had to abort mission...Soon as u walk into the TRUs to retun the 2 games...there's a dude fighting with a manager at Customer service about some %*%% withgames already being returned, and dude trying to get money back...dude ##**%$@ it up for me Ya think I should still try at the same TRUs in a couple hours???
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Has anyone successfully gotten Best Buy to match this deal?
nope i just tried... i called toys r us to see if they had 2k and uncharted in stock but they took mad long so i figured i call bestbuy which iscloser to my house.... so bestbuy had the 2 games i wanted and i asked on the phone if they would match toys r us if i bring the ad they simply said yes... butdumb me didnt get the girls name i spoke to... i get there and i get 2k uncharted and rockband which i was going to return later for call of duty mw2... taketo the register show the ad then some new lady at the register didnt know what to do so she called the manager and she was talking about the only price match 1item and not bundled deals... i guess i got an anal lady i dont know... im just mad i went there for nothing... on a side note im just happy i got chinese foodon the way... and i just called toys r us to see if they have those 2 games and they do so im on the road again
Got these for the 360.

Brutal Legend
Guitar Hero 5

I plan on keeping them... Maybe I will go back later and get some filler games...
Originally Posted by Showstoppa2345

hmmm best case to get cash back then might be to match the deal at walmart and get gift receipts for each. they should return for cash on a gift receipt I would think? Although when you're price matching, and ask for a gift receipt on the non-free games they are probably going to know exactly whats up lol

Theyll do store credit at best. Don't get your hopes up.
grand larceny

This law is not very specific and I think that's why other countries abolished it, because they have other laws that are more specific to theft and scams

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the USA the only that still has this law?

On a side note

Don't know if this is true but grand larceny also applies to affection?!?!

Doesn't make sense to me, so if a girl stole my affection I can sue her?
I know you return both games you recieved gift reciepts for, but isn't it obvious when you return two games that were purchased during the sale since thedate of purchase is on the gift reciept? Granted I know you can say you recieved them as gifts...
People keep talking about the date, why?

You can return at anytime within the given 45 days

Doesn't matter if you bought it at 12:00 and decided to return it at 12:02

I just hit them with the I thought about it and I really don't need these games
Originally Posted by GeNeRaTiOnZ

People keep talking about the date, why?

You can return at anytime within the given 45 days

Doesn't matter if you bought it at 12:00 and decided to return it at 12:02

I just hit them with the I thought about it and I really don't need these games
If folks are trying to return just to come up off a free game, it differs between each location.

One store might allow it while the next store won't. For every success story I read on forums, about 20 failure stories follow.
I passed on the scam...failed up front when I only got 1 gift receipt for all 3 games...however, i was able to return UFC today for Uncharted questionsasked...every TRU in columbus area was sold out of Uncharted by 1 PM
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