Toys R US Buy 2 get 1 Free Video Games...10/11-10/17

Originally Posted by 430AM

Just a heads up about Walmart...

They recently changed their return policy... They no longer accept returns without receipts on certain items. I think video games falls under that category cause I tried to return a brand new game without receipt but they wouldn't budge.
Guess it varies because it worked for me about 4 hours ago
ONE11 - screw them anyways. They got, got. haha

Went to walmart to exchange a game for fifa. they were kool with it but Walmart hasnt received FIFA yet. *@#!!!!

I will try again after work if not im getting uncharted 2 then going to toyrus to drop the funds or exchange madden
Originally Posted by jrp44

Originally Posted by 430AM

Just a heads up about Walmart...

They recently changed their return policy... They no longer accept returns without receipts on certain items. I think video games falls under that category cause I tried to return a brand new game without receipt but they wouldn't budge.
Guess it varies because it worked for me about 4 hours ago
Yeah I just read your post... I think it's a new company policy though.
Maybe the employee that helped you wasn't informed yet.
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Originally Posted by JCH3

I returned NHL 10 and Beatles Rock Band at Wal Mart today, just told them I didn't have the receipt and they gave me store credit with no hassle at all. I just had to show them my driver's license and that was it.

So for $130, I am going to come away with:

SvR 10
NHL 10
Guitar Hero 5
Wireless adapter for 360
Charge/Play kit
1600 Microsoft points

Saved $250 + tax. I can't wait until they do this again. I will be looking for much bigger and better things then.

I highly doubt this will ever happen again.
I doubt it too, but you never know.
Some of you guys are looking into the walmart return thing way to serious.

Most of it is common sense.

I don't have a reciept, I used cash, I bought it some time last week, I don't remember what day, but I know I bought it here........

If they try and look up some of the games you purchased, who cares? Don't you think Wal-mart sells a ton of NBA Live 10's, 2K10's and whatever elsegames everyons trying to return?

You only get 3 returns without a reciept because they ask for your drivers license. However, i'm not sure if that's per store, or for every walmart.Worst case scenario you ask your gf or family to return another set of games.

If you don't want to make it obvious try returning two games to one walmart, tell them that you read their policy and you want store credit since the gamesare new, then try returning another 2 games at another wal-mart.

Some Wal-marts have a-hole employees just like any other store, but all you gotta say is show me where in your policy it states that I cannot return thesegames without a reciept.

Read their store policy online...It doesn't say anything about not being able to.
Yo sears takes unopened games with no receipt but if y'all want cash I suggest you do this. So I purchased NBA2k10 when it first released from gamestop andopened and played it the first day. I purchased it with cash. I got 2 Uncharteds from Best Buy since Toys r Us was out and a copy of NBA 2k10. What I did is Iused my receipt for my gamestop copy that was open to return my sealed copy from BB. So I got like 6 games in my possession, a $180 gift card from sears, $180from Walmart, and $120 from Toys r Us. So for when Tekken 6 and COD:MW2 comes out I'm gonna get my homies receipts and return that #!*$ with my unopenedcopies.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I returned Halo ODST and NHL 10 with no receipt to BestBuy for store credit withno problem[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)],I'm gonna try at another BB and hope it continues to work!!![/color]
I just returned ODST to Walmart w/o a receipt today.

The lady thought I was just there returning another game. Must of been another NT'er lol.
Originally Posted by BigShake

Originally Posted by Im Soooo Hungry

Originally Posted by BigShake

I wanted 2k10, halo 3 odst and modern warfare 2, but when I went to the TRU 2k10 was sold out, so i bought madden 10, live 10 and got halo 3 for free, then I tried this "scam" but I took the two games i bought to TRU customer service they said I needed to return all three games. I tried 3 TRU's all had the same reply. So I took one game to Target for store credit and picked up 2k10 and my mom took one to Target for store credit (gift card) which I will use for when mf2 drops.

I guess it was worth it modern warfare 2 when it comes out.
Did Target ask for a receipt or anything?

Yes, BUT you can take one item PER YEAR back to target without a receipt (value must be under $70.) and get store credit for it. They just need to swipe your license (my california dl.) Since you can only do it once a year, I took a game back with my id and my mom took back a game for me. got $130 back in 2 target gift cards

Is that $70 policy for all Target's? If so, then I am going to try to get store credit for my copy of 2k10 then.
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Originally Posted by BigShake

Originally Posted by Im Soooo Hungry

Originally Posted by BigShake

I wanted 2k10, halo 3 odst and modern warfare 2, but when I went to the TRU 2k10 was sold out, so i bought madden 10, live 10 and got halo 3 for free, then I tried this "scam" but I took the two games i bought to TRU customer service they said I needed to return all three games. I tried 3 TRU's all had the same reply. So I took one game to Target for store credit and picked up 2k10 and my mom took one to Target for store credit (gift card) which I will use for when mf2 drops.

I guess it was worth it modern warfare 2 when it comes out.
Did Target ask for a receipt or anything?

Yes, BUT you can take one item PER YEAR back to target without a receipt (value must be under $70.) and get store credit for it. They just need to swipe your license (my california dl.) Since you can only do it once a year, I took a game back with my id and my mom took back a game for me. got $130 back in 2 target gift cards

Is that $70 policy for all Target's? If so, then I am going to try to get store credit for my copy of 2k10 then.

I can't guarantee this but I'm pretty sure it is. Also, don't forget to tell them you payed cash for the game if they ask how you paid for it.
im just going to go to walmart instead of target. I mean if they only accept one thing per year shiit itll take forever to get all my games for cash.
Originally Posted by Boomatic206

I just returned ODST to Walmart w/o a receipt today.

The lady thought I was just there returning another game. Must of been another NT'er lol.
The one in Renton.

The old as** lady was saying something about receipts/gift receipts and started naming all these other stores. I wasn't really paying attention but shestill did it for me anyways.
I went to return my fight night at TRU and the guy said that I needed all 3 games I was like @+* but
the promo is over so why does it matter? And he said that it's still good for 90 days. Then he says that
it's in the ad that u need to return all 3 games. It wasn't on the first ad I got so I think if they do this again
they are definetly gonna put it down that u need to return everything I noticed that on their new ad for the
fisher price toys that they are doing right now
^ Well if you had gift reciepts for the two games you paid for, you could return one one day, and another the next. How would they ever know?
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

^ Well if you had gift reciepts for the two games you paid for, you could return one one day, and another the next. How would they ever know?
by typing to code into the computer and it saying if its part of the 3 for 2 deal. But even so he was just trying to exchange which is what itried doing. Only reason they are saying no is because they are butt hurt for how much games they lost.

EDIT: woops i thought it said exchange not return. bruh just know the schedule of the workers is all and go return it during the time a young person is workingis all. hopefully the manager isnt around cause they will forsure type the barcode into the computer and then look it up
From my personal experience, they can only type it in and check on the computer if you purchased it from that particular store. If not, it should work outfine. Especially if you only return one game per time, they'll figure you just got one game as long as it's the games you originally paid for.
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