***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

Originally Posted by nike4KJA05

^ how would you rate it proof?

Wish I could catch the midnight showing, but i'll just watch it tomorrow in imax.

And I'll be going into this movie with low expectations as well based on a lot of reviews I read, especially that on Roger Ebert wrote when he totally @#$% on this film.
4/5 I gauge movies on if I enjoyed them enough to watch them over again and I'm headed out to catch it again. It is long and some parts couldhave been cut but I dont care the movie is funny, action packed and if your not a "ritard" (hangover reference) the story is pretty good.
Just got back from watching it. I can honestly say it was one of the worst movies ive seen in a long time. Typical Michael Bay. The dialogue was terrible. So many unfunny corny one liners. There were so many scenes this movie couldve done without. Just a bunch of explosions and special effects. Id have to givethis movie "toe thumbs down" (word to Megan Fox) The first one was classic, this one however. I'm not so sure.
Damn man I have 2pm tix today, I hope I'm not disappointed.

I just want o be entertained on IMAX.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

So RT has the movie @ 22% and most of them say it doesn't have the "Human Touch". And "Up" was at 98%, Seems like the old men over at RT like soft touching movies. I really don't care about story line, Megan Fox doesn't have to day a word
, the main reason I got IMax tix is to fully enjoy action scenes, I just hope its worth it.

RT is a good site for Drama movie reviews, not summer blockbuster action movies. Which is why I rendered all of their reviews null and void in regards toTransformers 1 and 2.
my opinion on this movie is that people are reading way too much into this film. i read a review on one site that criticized the direction the blocks from thepyramid were traveling in the air
. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME is my reaction to that.

if you like movies for escaping for 2.5 hours and and enjoying explosions, fighting, megan fox, and anything that this testosterone-driven can offer, it'sfor you. michael bay aimed for bigger and badder, and that's what you get. maybe you'll have a problem w/ the film's length which is completelyunderstandable. geesh, you just gotta love nerdboy banter. seriously, people need to take their transformers cartoon porn (in their eyes) and find a darkroom where they can be all to themselves and do strange things.
It was an ok movie but it is not messing with the first one

I should have caught it over the weekend I am on 3 hours of sleep cause of it
Went to the midnight showing...IT WAS AWESOME....everything was entertaining and it had some more comedy in it. it was pretty long but whatever.MEGAN FOX WASBOMBIN
Originally Posted by parada45

It was an ok movie but it is not messing with the first one

I should have caught it over the weekend I am on 3 hours of sleep cause of it

Same here
This movie was not good. Aside from when they were battling and blowing things up, it was painful to watch. How did they stray so far from the first one.

The senseless disrespectful humor was awful. I mean if you like that Jar Jar Binks type of humor, maybe you'll like it.

I don't know how to do spoilers so I'll leave it at that.
Saw this last night and it was not that good and I loved the first one.
There was just so many things wrong and felt out of place.

Spoiler [+]
It felt like Bay just wanted more explosions and destructions so he threw in countless decepticons that were irrelevant.
The way they cut scenes was horrible for the most part of the movie. It's like they forgot to edit the movie right.
So many out of place things that feels less important. Like the Matrix, and the weapon that absorbs the sun (pretty much a huge solar machine).
Those had no creativity and practically biting the all spark from the first one just to have a sequel.
I could go on.

Action-wise, you can't complain, it's full of it but it was very confusing for the most part. At time I did not even know who was who.
Like the twins first form, the ice cream truck, it had an Autobot logo (I think it was an Autobot logo) and then said "sucks my popsicle."
I thought they were Decepticons. And then the R8, I thought it was an Autobot until the Corvette cuts in half in car form.

Another thing, how can Optimus become so freaking strong?
He was getting owned by Megatron int he first one but here Megatron was getting along with Starscream and another Decepticon?
It was a 3 on 1 for a while and he was holding his own, how was that possible?

The story really felt forced and had no creativity. All of a sudden Megatron isn't the supreme leader of the Decpeticons?

Trust me, I wasn't expecting a deep, emotional and moving story but this just felt like a real cliche and really, other than Megan Fox looking crazy hot and a few action scenes (if it didn't give you a seizure) the movie isn't even halfway good compared to the first one.
If you like fighting robots, explosions, and Ms. Fox then you won't be dissapointed. If you think too hard and try to dissect the movie for what it reallyis then you will realize how bad some parts were. Parts of the movie gave me the wait..what?!? factor but I immediately forgot them due to the awesomeness ofthe fight scenes.

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In Rogers review he says aliens are never heart by gunfire. If he paid attention regular gunfire never hut the decepticons the only time damage was done waswhen they were hit with missiles. Thats not a spoiler thats how it was in the first one also
Went to the midnight showing, movie was incredible!

The story was pretty different from what I was expecting.
smh @ the imax theater being packed 1.5hrs before a 2 pm showing, im stuck up front sitting in front of some annoying movie nerds talking non stop about JonConnor o_O
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