Trevor Ariza leaning toward leaving the Lakers, possibly to Cavs

I liked Ariza with the Lakers, but he is not worth more than 6 million a year. Good luck with whatever team he will be on, he will be replaced.
Some of ya'll scared he might be guarantee Finals trip for Cavs next year

Power moves. Thats what Cleveland is making this off-season. He can come off the bench for Lebron and our team wont miss a beat. I like this possibility.Mid-level is exceptional but I say go for the 1 year Ferry. Ariza has played on multiple teams over a short span of time. I say use him the same way you wouldShaq. Short-term acquire.

He hustles hard and crashes boards.

Lets get 'em Cleveland.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Any team that pays him more than the MLE is stupid. Take it or leave it, dood. You're a role player in this league. You're a gambler on defense. You just learned how to shoot this year.

If he leaves, I'd like to see the Lakers pursue Rodney Carney. Leave HIM open. Watch him scrap.

Hell, Matt Barnes is a FA. You can't convince me Ariza is a better player than him.

Rarely agree with you but this post is on point.
smh at the dudes whining about him leaving and complaining about the money. put yourself in his shoes. would you pass up all that money??? this could be thebest chance in his life to cash in. its probably all downhill from now. dude is hot right. would be a great pickup for cleveland.

anyways, the article said the clippers were interested. i know im going to see some jokes and "u crazy" gifs, but with ariza, arent the clips back tocontending for the playoffs??
I mean baron davis, a year older eric gordon, ariza, griffin, and kaman. i would like to see that. i could see them sneaking in...of course, griffin would haveto live up to the hype (instant double-double machine)
He's not going to leave to take the MLE. Why would he when he could take the MLE and stay in the town where he grew up and just won a championship? IfAriza leaves, which there is a good chance he will, it will be to Portland or Toronto for more money.

Oh, and BTW, some of you guys are overrating Trev. Yeah, he's a decent defender and terrific athlete, but dude can't create his own shot.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Some of ya'll scared he might be guarantee Finals trip for Cavs next year

Power moves. Thats what Cleveland is making this off-season. He can come off the bench for Lebron and our team wont miss a beat. I like this possibility. Mid-level is exceptional but I say go for the 1 year Ferry. Ariza has played on multiple teams over a short span of time. I say use him the same way you would Shaq. Short-term acquire.

He hustles hard and crashes boards.

Lets get 'em Cleveland.
won't miss a beat? have you watched trevor playbefore? he relies on other players to get him the ball in the right spots for an open J/open lane to the hoop... i don't think i've ever seen him on apick and roll; that might be cause his dribbling is suspect...
at the idea of replacing LBJ without missing a beat.

with that said, i'd hate to see him leave LA, but money talks... get paid, you deserve it...
Why would he take Clevelands MLE when he could take LA's and be on a championship proven team?????

Good for trevor going to get his money, he worked damn hard for it.
this is ridiculous. i cant believe someone is going to pay this dude so much money. hes a role player at best. his shot is terrible, he gets steals but hes noleader. hes not worth whatever hes gonna get paid. im glad the lakers arent going to overpay him.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

this is ridiculous. i cant believe someone is going to pay this dude so much money. hes a role player at best. his shot is terrible, he gets steals but hes no leader. hes not worth whatever hes gonna get paid. im glad the lakers arent going to overpay him.
Thank You

Exactly what I am trying to say. Dude is a great fit for a team like Boston/LA where he can be the 5th option. Defense isn't as great as everyone hypes itup to be. And you give me Anthony Parker or even most decent swingmen and they will knock down the shots that Trev did. Kinda helps when you are wide open.
Ferry better not be considering a sign-and-trade with Varejao for Ariza, because I'm gonna be pissed if we get stuck with him for 4 years and $8m of ourcap towards a role player. I would MUCH rather do that sign-and-trade for Artest, then get Frye if he's still available. That'd be very reasonable, andFrye has a decent jumper we can use with a pick and roll for LBJ and Mo. Lineup then:


We'd have length on D and SOME scoring at all 5 positions, and I think that's a very decent lineup. I really hope this is what Ferry has planned sinceCV is going to DET, and AV is unlikely to stick around.
^No need to worry about that. No chance the Lakers would be interested in Varejao for near the same price as Ariza. Especially not if Odom comes back.
LOL at "It's too bad it's not about Basketball anymore"...

You would all do the same thing.
What's anybody's take on Frye? Good pickup for the Cavs or no? I didn't catch many of his games last season.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

What's anybody's take on Frye? Good pickup for the Cavs or no? I didn't catch many of his games last season.
I always though the dude has the talent to be a solid player in the league. I remember him playing well with the Knicks his rookie season andthought he had a bright future.

Larry Brown screwed things up for him. The Knicks coaching staff basically told him that he needed to bulk up so he can play in the post more. It became prettyobvious that the dude can't play in the post and that he's a jumpshooting big man. That messed him up mentally imo. He then got injured and he wasnever the same.

To answer your question, I think he be a good pickup for the Cavs or any team. He's still young.
^That was exactly my thinking, that the injury and being on that Knicks mess of a team threw him under a bit. I think he could be a steal of a pickup, andhe's going to get a LOT of WIDE OPEN looks playing with the Cavs. And we don't really need him down low as we've got Shaq...
he got his ring, let him get paid..... the purpose of an nba career is to get a ring, now that he has that, go get paid, im a laker fan, but its time to cashin...
this is his one chance to get a big contract and yall are made at him for it...why?
IDK what it is, but fans of good teams on here are thinking backwards, that he'd take less, that Kobe would opt out to take less, that Z would opt out andtake the MINIMUM.

I mean, c''s a business first. we all know that, and woulda been years ago with situations the same.
Y'all gotta understand that he was a 2nd round pick. Why not cash in when you're hot. Jerome James did the same thing. Plus his agent is probablytelling him to get what he's worth.
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