Trevor Ariza leaning toward leaving the Lakers, possibly to Cavs

You probably right KingJay, I'm sure someone will step up. PJ and Kobe will make a winner out of someone on that roster and Baked is the most likely.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

@ laker fans undervaluing him and cav fans overvaluing him......Ariza is worth nothing more then the MLE and even that is a stretch right now
I don't see many Laker fans undervaluing him, most of us are saying he's worth the MLE, but not the 7 to 10 mil his agent is trying to pryout of Buss.

As for Cavs fans, they are the masters of overhype: see Mo Williams and Mike Brown
Originally Posted by Andrew630

ariza is nothing without a lebron, kobe, or wade

He must play off a superstar that will draw the double teams to free him up. I can't say I ever saw him create his own shots.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

He will see how much tougher the game is w/o Kobe Bryant. If he does play with LeBron, he might be able to match his performance.

If I were in the same position, I'm staying where I can get another ring and still make millions and be in my hometown. Although Cle would be the fav to win if he signed, it is Cleveland. Just for the weather, I would be staying in LA if I being offered the same money by both cities.

I understand that now that he has a ring, he should get money. BUT all nba players getting money.
Seems about right.

Luckily for Trev, he has age on his side. All the other viable options at SF in free agency are close to or in their 30s.
I think Ariza knows he needs a superstar but if a team is dumb enough to give him more than the MLE, he's obviously smart enough to take it. This man hasbeen living off like minimum contracts the past couple years. Dude wants to cash in. He's got to take care of him and his family first.
got to get the money while you can.

this will probably be his only chance to get paid. you can't blame him

i like him on the lakers tho
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

dude has a limited skillset that unless he is in the perfect situation will be exposed.

Like you were saying this when he was playing well during the playoffs. Bitter Laker fans.....
Nobody is bitter, it's just the truth, he did well cause people were doubling and tripling Kobe leaving him WIDE open, most of us were saying the same thing in the playoffs and Finals so fall back.

Listen I don't think Ariza is amazing or us getting him would be a "POWER MOVE" Animal Thug said, but you don't think he's going to begetting those wide open looks in Cleveland?

He'd clearly be a good role player for Cleveland, but you guys are going to opposite extremes over this guy. Some say he's going to be an All-Star, andother guys are acting like he shouldn't even be in the league. I've never seen so much controversy over a decent role player
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

dude has a limited skillset that unless he is in the perfect situation will be exposed.

Like you were saying this when he was playing well during the playoffs. Bitter Laker fans.....
Nobody is bitter, it's just the truth, he did well cause people were doubling and tripling Kobe leaving him WIDE open, most of us were saying the same thing in the playoffs and Finals so fall back.

Listen I don't think Ariza is amazing or us getting him would be a "POWER MOVE" Animal Thug said, but you don't think he's going to be getting those wide open looks in Cleveland?

He'd clearly be a good role player for Cleveland, but you guys are going to opposite extremes over this guy. Some say he's going to be an All-Star, and other guys are acting like he shouldn't even be in the league. I've never seen so much controversy over a decent role player

He'd be fine in CLE cause he'd be in a similar situation that he is in LA now with LeBron drawing attention, I don't know if Trevwould be in the starting lineup though unless they move Bron to the 4 and have Shaq/Bron/Trev/Delonte/Mo...otherwise if he comes off the bench and has tocreate for himself....then that's where you have a problem. But if not then Ariza will be doing what he did in LA.

And as far as Artest, he has the same opportunity in LA and CLE as far as money-wise so really if I was in his situation and had to choose Hollywood or thedump that is Cleveland wouldn't be much of a debate at all
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

And now LeBron talking to Artest to sign in according to ESPN...CLE could be a problem
Well all CLE has is the MLE so we'll see

LA has the same thing to offer

I'm guessing Ron goes to HOU/CLE/LA
Trev goes to LA/TOR/POR/

According to a Twitter post by Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski, Trevor Ariza will become a very rich man at the hands of the team that loses out on HedoTurkoglu.
League executives believe Portland or Toronto, whichever team does not sign Turkoglu, will offer Ariza between $32 million and $40 million deal.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

dude has a limited skillset that unless he is in the perfect situation will be exposed.

Like you were saying this when he was playing well during the playoffs. Bitter Laker fans.....
Nobody is bitter, it's just the truth, he did well cause people were doubling and tripling Kobe leaving him WIDE open, most of us were saying the same thing in the playoffs and Finals so fall back.

Listen I don't think Ariza is amazing or us getting him would be a "POWER MOVE" Animal Thug said, but you don't think he's going to be getting those wide open looks in Cleveland?

See, that's why I like JDB... he's one of the few level headed Cavs fans and doesn't say crazy things. I agree that Ariza would be anice fit on the Cavs, and could help with the perimeter defense, but some fans are acting like Ariza is the next coming. Would he be a good piece? Absolutely.Will he be the piece to push the Cavs over the top? I don't personally think so, but it def. wouldn't hurt to sign him.
I am thinking the Lakers have already been in talks with Ron Artest and are ok with letting Ariza go, that is why the lowball offer. The Rockets have said thatthey would only offer Artest a 1 year deal, I am thinking the Lakers would offer more than that. If they get Ron and sign Odom i would be fine with that.
Unless he is on a team with LeBron, Kobe, or Dwight, he is going to be buns.

Sure hope we get Artest if we lose Ariza.
cavs don't have cap space to offer more than the Lakers

only POR and TOR do

Trevor needs to understand the Lakers are doubling his salary to show their appreciation. He is not worth $8 mill a year IMO.
So he's worth 5.6 but not worth 8?

The thing with Ariza is, he's young. His O is improving, can knock down the 3 ball, and is a lengthy defender.

Sure he benefited playing with Kobe, but these are the type of guys you give the dough too. Young dudes showing their potential. Plus he basically won theLakers the 'ship with his scoring bunches.

I'd feel slighted too if I was him. MLE is a low ball offer.

For a team that doesn't care about the luxuary tax, making draft day deals and getting money back and then only offering your guy the MLE, LA, you'rebetter than that.
i think the moves the spurs did have the lakers pursuing artest moreso than signing ariza which imo is a no brainer. who in their right mind would pay arizajust as much as ron artest?
Originally Posted by franchise3

So he's worth 5.6 but not worth 8?

The thing with Ariza is, he's young. His O is improving, can knock down the 3 ball, and is a lengthy defender.

Sure he benefited playing with Kobe, but these are the type of guys you give the dough too. Young dudes showing their potential. Plus he basically won the Lakers the 'ship with his scoring bunches.
Ideal example of people buying too much into big playoff performances... He shot 31% over the course of 82 regular season games...

I've said it over and over, but if he wants what's best for his career on the court, he'd stay in Los Angeles... Somewhere like Miami or Toronto,where he's arguably the second or third best player on the roster...
Exposed with the quickness...

I ain't gonna knock a dude for trying to put more money in his pocket and doing what's best for his family, but staying in LA would benefit his careermore long-term than leaving would...
Originally Posted by franchise3

So he's worth 5.6 but not worth 8?

The thing with Ariza is, he's young. His O is improving, can knock down the 3 ball, and is a lengthy defender.

Sure he benefited playing with Kobe, but these are the type of guys you give the dough too. Young dudes showing their potential. Plus he basically won the Lakers the 'ship with his scoring bunches.

I'd feel slighted too if I was him. MLE is a low ball offer.

For a team that doesn't care about the luxuary tax, making draft day deals and getting money back and then only offering your guy the MLE, LA, you're better than that.
I know money in sports is imaginary but have you seen LA's payroll? Kobe? Pau? Andrew? All three of those guys have crazy contracts. Nextpriority is Odom who will get 9 or 10 million. Not to mention Luke's and Sasha's contracts?

There are limits to money
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