Trevor Ariza leaning toward leaving the Lakers, possibly to Cavs

Originally Posted by franchise3

He had that huge 3rd quarter and DFish closed the deal which wrapped up the series. Trevor is younger than Pietrus and stays active on the defensive end though with his length. Dude stay getting steals
yes we know that..but i also do know that

artest> ariza
if this materializes
"trevor is easily replaceable"

ask the other 29 teams in the L how "easy" it is to get a young atheletic wing player like trev
Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

"trevor is easily replaceable"

ask the other 29 teams in the L how "easy" it is to get a young atheletic wing player like trev

Ok, I asked all 29 teams and they said he is replaceable.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Can someone enlighten me as to how Ariza is going to "get paid"? What teams can offer him more than the MLE? Eric Broussard was saying last night, and I doubt this story is true, that Ariza felt it was a slap in the face to be offered the MLE and that he would now take another team's MLE to spite the Lakers. Sounds out of character but if it's true how does that make him look?
I really think (and hope) this is false. He knows damn well that the Lakers want both Odom and himself back. He should know that the Lakers needLamar! Would it be Ariza or Lamar I would take Lamar.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

"trevor is easily replaceable"

ask the other 29 teams in the L how "easy" it is to get a young atheletic wing player like trev

Ok, I asked all 29 teams and they said he is replaceable.

when i see a picture of matt barnes in the same thread, thats how you know someone is not easily replaceable
Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Good bye Trevor. If you go to the Cavs you will be booed for the rest of your life everytime you come to the city of L.A
How is that his fault when you guys dont want to sign him??
We love him but he aint worth 30 mils. This guy is a hustle player. I just hate the rumor that he probably will go to Cavs or a contender team andthen pull a "Oh they traded me now i will make them regret" type of performance on the Lakers during playoff or Finals. I probably wont boo him butif go to Cavs for real then
to him Boo
IMO it's hard to say that Trevor is just a role player.

Dude is 24 and people are acting like he doesn't have room to grow
All i'm gonna say if the lakers really let Trevor go they are damn fools. He was the biggest blessing in disguise they've had in a LONG time.
POSEY move??

nahh, but i think the cavs just want to respond to the 'Vince' trade....
Ariza ain't leaving the lakers, unless Cleveland offers more money.
there's too much trouble involved w/ moving/switching cities for someone to do it unless the money is there.
If Ariza leaves its because mgmt overpaid for Bynum at the beginning of the year. I'd rather let Bynum walk at the end of the year than Ariza.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Animal Thug1539 wrote:

Power moves. Thats what Cleveland is making this off-season. He can come off the bench for Lebron and our team wont miss a beat.
You @++@%*$ Cleveland fans are @++@%*$ delusional, I guess this is what losing does to a franchise.

you sound upset.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by starbury03

All i'm gonna say if the lakers really let Trevor go they are damn fools. He was the biggest blessing in disguise they've had in a LONG time.
. Pau was NO disguised blessing. Y'all knewwhat was up with him already.
According to ESPN, he's meeting with the Rockets

HOUSTON -- A person close to the situation tells The Associated Press that the HoustonRockets are meeting with Los Angeles Lakers forward Trevor Ariza.

The person, who did not want to be identified because the negotiations were ongoing, said Rockets general manager Daryl Morey was meeting with the freeagent in Las Vegas.

The meeting was first reported by KRIV-TV in Houston, which also said coach Rick Adelman was meeting with Ariza. The AP source could not confirm that.

David Lee, Ariza's agent, did not immediately return a phone message left bythe AP.

The 6-foot-8 Ariza averaged 8.9 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.8 assists for the Lakers last season, which ended with the NBA championship.
If Ariza leaves... then he leaves. Ariza actually reminds me of a D. George. Look what happen to that bum. Look what happen to Mark Madsen.

I mean Ariza is probably a little better than those other Ex-Lakers that bailed for big $$ but seriously who was Ariza before he got with the Lakers? Was hedeserving of a max contract when he played with the Knicks or Orlando?

Lakers made Ariza to the player he is today. I doubt he will be able to play at the level he did with another team.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

If Ariza leaves... then he leaves. Ariza actually reminds me of a D. George. Look what happen to that bum. Look what happen to Mark Madsen.

I mean Ariza is probably a little better than those other Ex-Lakers that bailed for big $$ but seriously who was Ariza before he got with the Lakers? Was he deserving of a max contract when he played with the Knicks or Orlando?

Lakers made Ariza to the player he is today. I doubt he will be able to play at the level he did with another team.
Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Good bye Trevor. If you go to the Cavs you will be booed for the rest of your life everytime you come to the city of L.A
How is that his fault when you guys dont want to sign him??
ummm. we do, but we don't have enough money...

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