trip to europe, what to do?

Apr 22, 2005
so i'm going to be arriving at Manchester international next week and i'm pretty set on a few ideas on what to do but i was wondering if there wasanything you guys would recommend i do while there. any ideas or help are much appreciated. thanks
where in europe? whats your budget? are you limited to england only?
Really broad question man, as Nash already said.. budget? timeframe?

If you can't think of things to do in EUROPE, then you're in trouble. Go to every major city you can, see anything famous and free that you can,museums are great but do your research and plan accordingly because the lines are pretty long.
Make sure you visit Paris. One of the coolest cities I've been to, and the people are actually nice to Americans.
well im gonna be there for about two weeks. as for budget i have a few thousand to spend so i think ill be okay there. i want to know all the good pubs,restaurants, museums, all that sort of stuff.
dollars is not really worth as much in europe. i think .69euro = $1, so take that into consideration.
Cut your dollar amount in half because the Pound is not joke.

Also, your best bet is to get a Rick Steve's book and do your own research. Only you know your personal interests.
Why are you landing in Manchester?
Get to Munich for Oktoberfest if you're coming over this time of year. I'm road-tripping there with a few mates, we're driving through France,Belguim then Germany, and Holland on the way back.
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