Tucker Carlson from Fox News " Michael Vick should have been executed...."

Shock value, typical Fox News tactic
if it was tom brady or peyton manning these won't even be an issue.....
if it was tom brady or peyton manning these won't even be an issue.....
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Wow. They still yelling bout Vick. Son said " I'm a Christian and I believe he should've Been executed"
Leave t to some wack job at Fox News to say something "outlandish" Dudes on that channel just try to start a uproar about anything.

It's funny b/c you would think that as a "Christian" you should show compassion....Everyone is a Christian or is about God, but yet they are the first to judge instead of saying that yea he did something really wrong, but with the proper guidance, he could become a better person and this could be forgiven.

I love dogs, and what he did was mean and cruel, but people make poor decisions. He wasn't giving free late term abortions for christ sakes.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Wow. They still yelling bout Vick. Son said " I'm a Christian and I believe he should've Been executed"
Leave t to some wack job at Fox News to say something "outlandish" Dudes on that channel just try to start a uproar about anything.

It's funny b/c you would think that as a "Christian" you should show compassion....Everyone is a Christian or is about God, but yet they are the first to judge instead of saying that yea he did something really wrong, but with the proper guidance, he could become a better person and this could be forgiven.

I love dogs, and what he did was mean and cruel, but people make poor decisions. He wasn't giving free late term abortions for christ sakes.
someone said something absurd on Fox? no effing way! stop the presses! we have breaking news here
someone said something absurd on Fox? no effing way! stop the presses! we have breaking news here
no one even knows what vicks involvement was right?
if so who is to say what he did and didnt do besides it was an animal, i know ill get crucified for this but its no big deal. animals arent people the same laws shouldnt apply neccesarily. besides, he did his time, but what about stallworth who killed a MAN while driving drunk and he gets 30 days. what about that senator (republican) who was molestin little boys and no jail time, wheres that outrage HE SHOULD BE EXECUTED. but of course it faux news and vicks just a !#@@$ (in their perspective not mine) so of course hes should be.
*player haters ball "hate hate hate hate hate" player haters ball*
no one even knows what vicks involvement was right?
if so who is to say what he did and didnt do besides it was an animal, i know ill get crucified for this but its no big deal. animals arent people the same laws shouldnt apply neccesarily. besides, he did his time, but what about stallworth who killed a MAN while driving drunk and he gets 30 days. what about that senator (republican) who was molestin little boys and no jail time, wheres that outrage HE SHOULD BE EXECUTED. but of course it faux news and vicks just a !#@@$ (in their perspective not mine) so of course hes should be.
*player haters ball "hate hate hate hate hate" player haters ball*
Dude's a damn fool. I love dogs/pits and I've been over it, at least Vick has turned it around since he's been back. 
Dude's a damn fool. I love dogs/pits and I've been over it, at least Vick has turned it around since he's been back. 
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

White Americans and dogs, Crux and I will never understand their relationship.
I don't understand it either. What Vick did was horrible and gruesome, but he should be executed for what he did
? are you f***** serious. I swear most white americans treat dogs holier than thou. like their some supreme being(don't get me wrong I like dogs, but not in the way that they do)  they really really need to get over it.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

White Americans and dogs, Crux and I will never understand their relationship.
I don't understand it either. What Vick did was horrible and gruesome, but he should be executed for what he did
? are you f***** serious. I swear most white americans treat dogs holier than thou. like their some supreme being(don't get me wrong I like dogs, but not in the way that they do)  they really really need to get over it.
you know white folk wont wanna see this man do good with his life.dude did his time and is making millions tune in to his football games. so yeah vick won get over it.
you know white folk wont wanna see this man do good with his life.dude did his time and is making millions tune in to his football games. so yeah vick won get over it.
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