Tucker Carlson from Fox News " Michael Vick should have been executed...."

This mans an idiot, people need to #+!*!!% let Vick live, the mans gone through a lot of punishment and now hes rebuilding his life SMH
Murda He wrote:
Not to knock OP, but this is for anybody that still lets this sort of stuff surprise them. 

I mean... so what? We all know Tucker is a closet racist. He's supposed to say +@%+ like this. It's why he's famous. Alert us when stupidity starts leaking from uncommon sources.. till then... in the words of Riley Freeman... "Eh..."
I'll always hate Vick. You can't fix a heartless mans heart.

I'll play... 

And you know his heart how?  Maybe his dog fighting helped cover some of his "help my family out of the slums" budget. Have YOU ever adopted a dog?  Would you provide for his family if he couldn't?  Do you even give to charity? Have you thought about how many Forrest dwelling animals lives you helped to endanger or destroy just by being privy to things like medicine and furniture.  You eat meat, don't you?  And I bet you kill mosquitoes and flies. You're so heartless...  got to hell.................................. Aight, I'm done now. 

Blatent racisism as usual from fox news. their pundents dont care anymore and racism is running ramped on those shows
Blatent racisism as usual from fox news. their pundents dont care anymore and racism is running ramped on those shows
Originally Posted by dhtowng

Blatent racisism as usual from fox news. their pundents dont care anymore and racism is running ramped on those shows

Firing squad. No more, no less. 
Originally Posted by dhtowng

Blatent racisism as usual from fox news. their pundents dont care anymore and racism is running ramped on those shows

Firing squad. No more, no less. 
Dude is mad Glenn Beck took his shine...he had to say something outlandish to get noticed
Dude is mad Glenn Beck took his shine...he had to say something outlandish to get noticed
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

no one even knows what vicks involvement was right?
if so who is to say what he did and didnt do besides it was an animal, i know ill get crucified for this but its no big deal. animals arent people the same laws shouldnt apply neccesarily. besides, he did his time, but what about stallworth who killed a MAN while driving drunk and he gets 30 days. what about that senator (republican) who was molestin little boys and no jail time, wheres that outrage HE SHOULD BE EXECUTED. but of course it faux news and vicks just a !#@@$ (in their perspective not mine) so of course hes should be.
*player haters ball "hate hate hate hate hate" player haters ball*

dont tell white people this, they'd save lassie over their  own mother

i've always hated tucker carlson. he should be executed for wearing a bow tie.

Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

no one even knows what vicks involvement was right?
if so who is to say what he did and didnt do besides it was an animal, i know ill get crucified for this but its no big deal. animals arent people the same laws shouldnt apply neccesarily. besides, he did his time, but what about stallworth who killed a MAN while driving drunk and he gets 30 days. what about that senator (republican) who was molestin little boys and no jail time, wheres that outrage HE SHOULD BE EXECUTED. but of course it faux news and vicks just a !#@@$ (in their perspective not mine) so of course hes should be.
*player haters ball "hate hate hate hate hate" player haters ball*

dont tell white people this, they'd save lassie over their  own mother

i've always hated tucker carlson. he should be executed for wearing a bow tie.

I thought it was because he lied to the feds. his time served was good enough, now look at him can't go nowhere but up.
I thought it was because he lied to the feds. his time served was good enough, now look at him can't go nowhere but up.
I'll play... ...

And you know his heart how? Maybe his dog fighting helped cover some of his "help my family out of the slums" budget. Have YOU ever adopted a dog? Would you provide for his family if he couldn't? Do you even give to charity? Have you thought about how many Forrest dwelling animals lives you helped to endanger or destroy just by being privy to things like medicine and furniture. You eat meat, don't you? And I bet you kill mosquitoes and flies. You're so heartless... got to hell.................................. Aight, I'm done now

Murda He..He was fighting dogs after he was drafted genius. This had nothing to do with his broke family. Yes I have adopted a dog before, a pit bull. He passed away in January. I wouldn't provide for his family, I don't have money like that. Do I give to charity? Yes I do actually. I work as an auditor for Non-For_Profits such as orphanages and mental institutions. Do I kill bugs? Yes i do, but i don't kill them slowly and sometimes I do feel bad for them. You don't know anything bro.

AND FYI, I am Mexican, and I love dogs. It's not just a white thing.
I'll play... ...

And you know his heart how? Maybe his dog fighting helped cover some of his "help my family out of the slums" budget. Have YOU ever adopted a dog? Would you provide for his family if he couldn't? Do you even give to charity? Have you thought about how many Forrest dwelling animals lives you helped to endanger or destroy just by being privy to things like medicine and furniture. You eat meat, don't you? And I bet you kill mosquitoes and flies. You're so heartless... got to hell.................................. Aight, I'm done now

Murda He..He was fighting dogs after he was drafted genius. This had nothing to do with his broke family. Yes I have adopted a dog before, a pit bull. He passed away in January. I wouldn't provide for his family, I don't have money like that. Do I give to charity? Yes I do actually. I work as an auditor for Non-For_Profits such as orphanages and mental institutions. Do I kill bugs? Yes i do, but i don't kill them slowly and sometimes I do feel bad for them. You don't know anything bro.

AND FYI, I am Mexican, and I love dogs. It's not just a white thing.
If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. If you let the law take care of it, you have to live with their decision.
If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. If you let the law take care of it, you have to live with their decision.
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