Tyson Movie Trailer!!!! YEAHHH BUDDYY!!!!

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Mike Tyson in The Hangover > Tyson.

I"m lost for words, so...

Extended singing at the end:


yea, after watching this, i gained respect for this dude....damn, dude was really misunderstood by many
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

SuperSaiyan415 wrote:
documentary explains a lot. It explains why Tyson bit holyfields ear. Dude was sick of all those headbutts. I never really followed Tyson like that since I was pretty young when it happened. If that's old news I apologize. Another good one is the Ali Frazier one that just came out.

- its not really old news, its just that most folks back then were so hell bent on wanting to see Tyson fall they refused to see it. i knew this YEARS ago, and it still comes up in sports discussions with cats my age who still refuse to acknowledge this, claiming Tyson went crazy.
I'm a huge Tyson fan but yeah, he did go overboard with the bite. But to me, I think its at least, in part, justified because more than a few of Holyfield's opponents have said he constantly head-butts and fights dirty...

People can judge how ever they want, but if you watched the fights, both times he got cuts by headbutts. The ref wasn't doing anything so hetook matter into his own hands. BTW this movie is already out if you know where to look..
Originally Posted by Mccheesy

Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

SuperSaiyan415 wrote:
documentary explains a lot. It explains why Tyson bit holyfields ear. Dude was sick of all those headbutts. I never really followed Tyson like that since I was pretty young when it happened. If that's old news I apologize. Another good one is the Ali Frazier one that just came out.

- its not really old news, its just that most folks back then were so hell bent on wanting to see Tyson fall they refused to see it. i knew this YEARS ago, and it still comes up in sports discussions with cats my age who still refuse to acknowledge this, claiming Tyson went crazy.
I'm a huge Tyson fan but yeah, he did go overboard with the bite. But to me, I think its at least, in part, justified because more than a few of Holyfield's opponents have said he constantly head-butts and fights dirty...
People can judge how ever they want, but if you watched the fights, both times he got cuts by headbutts. The ref wasn't doing anything so he took matter into his own hands. BTW this movie is already out if you know where to look..

Of course. And Tyson isn't the first boxer to bite, either. When you're in the ring, its life or death. However, that being said, bitinganother human-being wasn't the way to handle it. To me, it seemed more like Mike was getting frustrated that Holyfield was still coming at him. Tyson justhad his best round of the fight, or was having it then just bit. He was in a bad-place mentally all those years and probably just couldn't psychologicallydeal with the pressure or possibly losing to Holyfield again...
Just watched the whole film.

Sometimes I feel bad for dude, but on the flipside, he was such a headcase and brought it upon himself.
Here is an article I thought I'd type up from the new Newsweek article about the Cannes Festival in France where he debuted his film.

From the Newsweek article for the week of April 20, 2009
Mike Tyson is done with being a poster boy for bad behavior--- but don't ask what comes next.
By Allison Samuels (Iron Mike probably smashed afterwards... He did say he "fahnicates" with every reporter :tongue: )

When "Tyson" debuted at the Cannes film festival last May, the audience jumped to its feet-- and stayed there, clapping, for 10 minutes."Tyson" is indeed an extraordinary documentary. James Toback, the film's director, essentially turns on his camera, pulls in tight on boxer MikeTyson's world-weary face and just lets him talk. Tyson spends the next 90 minutes narrating his roller coaster of a life: the heavyweight championship hewon at 20, the trainers, the wives, the stint in prison.

Tyson, dressed in a loose-fitting shirt and slacks and speaking in a monotone almost devoid of emotion, cries at times, especially when he mentions his timesbehind bars. But mostly h e seems at peace, which, considering the heartbreaking story he's just told, is reason enough for "blasé cinéastes" inFrance to cheer. Tyson was so shaken by the reaction that he turned his back on the crowd----but not, as many assumed, because he was overcome by tears orembarrassment. Far from it.

"You know how you hear those voices in your head?" he says. "One of those voices was saying the whole time at Cannes, 'These %*%%!!$%%%!+%are clapping, but they still don't like you'." His confused reaction---in which people who are cheering appear to be enemies---reflects hisfragile state of mind. What's compelling is that he appears to be conscious of that struggle. "Whenever stuff goes well for me, I just wait on the badstuff to come."

Taking the good with the bad---now, there's a good title for Tyson's six-word memoir. The idea of making "Tyson" was Toback's. The twohave known each other for two decades. Toback decided that turning on the camera and just letting it roll---in all, he shot 30 hours of film---was the only wayto get Tyson unplugged. He also decided to shoot Tyson two years ago, while the boxer was trying to get clean in drug rehab.

"I knew that would mean less distractions for him and give him time to think and talk about the things he's wanted to clear up about himself and hislife," Toback says. Tyson certainly doesn't hide from much in the film . He talks about not knowing if the man who lived with him was his father, howhe was a fat kid who used to get beaten up on the streets of Brooklyn, even how it felt to fight with a burning case of gonorrhea. (Bizarre fact: Tyson'ssecond wife, Monica, is the younger sister of Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee.)

You get the sense that he believes he's finally got nothing left to lose---though, despite all the misdeeds he admits to, Tyson still insists he did notrape Desiree Washington 17 years ago.

"I'm just telling the story of my life with no expectations of what people will think," he says. "I've never been anybody to idolize,and I know that."

Still, this Tyson does not seem like the same man who chomped on Evander Holyfield's ear---twice. I've interviewed him many times over the years, inthe best and worst of circumstances. I remember sitting with him in his Ohio home following his release from prison after his rape conviction. He was angry athaving lost three years of his life, but there was also a sense of hope and the future, all laced with humor.

The Mike Tyson who sat across a table from me in a Las Vegas hotel room a few weeks ago seemed distant and lethargic. He's gained weight. His bicepsdon't seem so imposing anymore. His most menacing swirl of a tattoo that looks as though it's threatening to swallow his face. He perked up a bit whenhe talked about how much he hates changing his 3-month old daughter's diapers and about how he's finally in a relationship where he doesn't want tocheat:

"She treats me good. I just don't want to."

The rest of the time Tyson seemed like a man who was taught only one thing---how to fight.

I still can't help wondering: now that the fighting is over, what happens to Iron Mike? It's clear he doesn't know. But at least he's grownweary of being the poster boy for bad behavior. Maybe he's slowing down in middle age---after all, he is 42. He often said he never thought he'd liveto see 40, and he's outlived many of his friends, including Tupac Shakur and John Kennedy Jr.

"I don't know why I'm here, sista," he said, "I really don't."

I asked him about the books he received a decade ago in jail, signed by Kennedy, Maya Angelou and others. We once spent an afternoon in his basement lookingthrough them, and they'd be just the kind of mementos to cheer him. He gave a chilling answer.

"I didn't like that Mike Tyson, so I gave all that stuff away," he said. "He wasn't a good guy. he was just somebody I created to givesomething to talk about."

And now he's gone.

credit goes to Newsweek for this article.
TrueBlack88 wrote:
Originally Posted by Mccheesy

TrueBlack88 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

SuperSaiyan415 wrote:
documentary explains a lot. It explains why Tyson bit holyfields ear. Dude was sick of all those headbutts. I never really followed Tyson like that since I was pretty young when it happened. If that's old news I apologize. Another good one is the Ali Frazier one that just came out.

- its not really old news, its just that most folks back then were so hell bent on wanting to see Tyson fall they refused to see it. i knew this YEARS ago, and it still comes up in sports discussions with cats my age who still refuse to acknowledge this, claiming Tyson went crazy.
I'm a huge Tyson fan but yeah, he did go overboard with the bite. But to me, I think its at least, in part, justified because more than a few of Holyfield's opponents have said he constantly head-butts and fights dirty...

People can judge how ever they want, but if you watched the fights, both times he got cuts by headbutts. The ref wasn't doing anything so he took matter into his own hands. BTW this movie is already out if you know where to look..

Of course. And Tyson isn't the first boxer to bite, either. When you're in the ring, its life or death. However, that being said, biting another human-being wasn't the way to handle it. To me, it seemed more like Mike was getting frustrated that Holyfield was still coming at him. Tyson just had his best round of the fight, or was having it then just bit. He was in a bad-place mentally all those years and probably just couldn't psychologically deal with the pressure or possibly losing to Holyfield again...

No. Holyfield was still trying to head butt Tyson. Tyson kept looking at the ref and the ref didn't do anything so Tyson bit him. He did lose control afterthat but it was'nt because he was going to lose again. It was because Holyfield continued to fight dirty just like he did the first fight. If the ref wouldof did his job the first fight Holyfield would've been disqualified anyway and Tyson wouldn't have been so out of it and left him self open for allthose punches. Tyson snapped but I mean at that point what else could he do? He kept telling the ref he was being head butted and the ref wasn't doinganything. His choices were to either continue to be head butted or throw in the towel either way he would lose. Instead he fought dirty, of course he did takeit to an extreme but regardless dirty is dirty. Biting, headbutts, low blows are all equally dirty you just so happen to see the other two more often
Originally Posted by Wade187

TrueBlack88 wrote:
Originally Posted by Mccheesy

TrueBlack88 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

SuperSaiyan415 wrote:
documentary explains a lot. It explains why Tyson bit holyfields ear. Dude was sick of all those headbutts. I never really followed Tyson like that since I was pretty young when it happened. If that's old news I apologize. Another good one is the Ali Frazier one that just came out.

- its not really old news, its just that most folks back then were so hell bent on wanting to see Tyson fall they refused to see it. i knew this YEARS ago, and it still comes up in sports discussions with cats my age who still refuse to acknowledge this, claiming Tyson went crazy.
I'm a huge Tyson fan but yeah, he did go overboard with the bite. But to me, I think its at least, in part, justified because more than a few of Holyfield's opponents have said he constantly head-butts and fights dirty...
People can judge how ever they want, but if you watched the fights, both times he got cuts by headbutts. The ref wasn't doing anything so he took matter into his own hands. BTW this movie is already out if you know where to look..

Of course. And Tyson isn't the first boxer to bite, either. When you're in the ring, its life or death. However, that being said, biting another human-being wasn't the way to handle it. To me, it seemed more like Mike was getting frustrated that Holyfield was still coming at him. Tyson just had his best round of the fight, or was having it then just bit. He was in a bad-place mentally all those years and probably just couldn't psychologically deal with the pressure or possibly losing to Holyfield again...

No. Holyfield was still trying to head butt Tyson. Tyson kept looking at the ref and the ref didn't do anything so Tyson bit him. He did lose control after that but it was'nt because he was going to lose again. It was because Holyfield continued to fight dirty just like he did the first fight. If the ref would of did his job the first fight Holyfield would've been disqualified anyway and Tyson wouldn't have been so out of it and left him self open for all those punches. Tyson snapped but I mean at that point what else could he do? He kept telling the ref he was being head butted and the ref wasn't doing anything. His choices were to either continue to be head butted or throw in the towel either way he would lose. Instead he fought dirty, of course he did take it to an extreme but regardless dirty is dirty. Biting, headbutts, low blows are all equally dirty you just so happen to see the other two more often
Oh no, I'm agreeing that Holyfield was head-butting. He did it to a lot of his opponents, I say he's a dirty fighter which kindacontradicts the holy-image he always tried to portray. But, at the same time, Tyson was the only person to bite Holyfield for head-butting. That's simplynot the way to handle it. And if you look at what it cost Tyson, it surely wasn't worth it. But like I said, Tyson was at a bad place mentally at the timeso, it is what it is...

And p.s., in his fight with Razor Rudduck, the first one, THAT was a dirty fight too on both sides. But Tyson didn't bite him, he just head-butted,shoulder-bumped, etc. Same thing in the Golota fight. Lets not act like Tyson has never had to deal with another dirty fighter before...
so.... i think i just downloaded it???

it looks exactly the same. can someone verify?

i think it's already out on bluray
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