Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

1. What would have been enough time to satisfy you?

2. That is a separate issue.

considering she was not remorseful and was in the interrogation room cussing him out, i think a lot longer would have sufficed. not her first rodeo either.
Everyone is different, but even if I did have a conceal carry I wouldn't shoot someone over stealing my whip. Especially if it was a child (assuming the shooter knew). But if a person is already in the car and driving away I'd just take the L. I'd rather not snatch a life over a car personally.

I hear ya. Does the same mentality of “just take the L” apply if someone were to break into YOUR home/residence at the time you are there or would you physically do something??
I hear ya. Does the same mentality of “just take the L” apply if someone were to break into YOUR home/residence at the time you are there or would you physically do something??

Yeah that's a literal different and I'd have to judge the threat to my physical being on the fly.

I'd liken this specific case with the 13 year old to someone breaking into my house and stealing something valuable and then me throwing shots as they're already running away. The physical threat is retreating by that point and I wouldn't feel comfortable murdering someone over material goods. Just my position.

If I'm in my car while someone is attempting to break in or I'm in my home and I'm aware someone is on the way in, the stakes are a little different and I'd have to play it by ear.

I don't carry gun thought FWIW, but I do think I'd be the responsible type if there's such thing.
Easy for anyone to say they would’ve done this or that until they're actually in a situation.


Although I know I would not shoot a 13 year old driving away in my car they just stole from me. First because taking a human life would weigh more on my conscience than losing a car that can be replaced. And two because shooting at a moving target in the middle of the community during the day also seems pretty dangerous if my life is not in danger.
PSA: you shoot someone over personal property where there is no threat to your life you are going to jail. Think you're a cowboy if you want.

Unless you're in one of those *** backwards states with the stand your ground laws where it seems they encourage that type of thing.
Definitely not killing someone who's no threat over material possession but I'm curious to hear the best defense on why someone would do it. I'm thinking $$$, so my question is what's the max one can lose?
Yeah that's a literal different and I'd have to judge the threat to my physical being on the fly.

I'd liken this specific case with the 13 year old to someone breaking into my house and stealing something valuable and then me throwing shots as they're already running away. The physical threat is retreating by that point and I wouldn't feel comfortable murdering someone over material goods. Just my position.

If I'm in my car while someone is attempting to break in or I'm in my home and I'm aware someone is on the way in, the stakes are a little different and I'd have to play it by ear.

I don't carry gun thought FWIW, but I do think I'd be the responsible type if there's such thing.

I appreciate the reply. Like you said everything is situational and you have to base your actions accordingly from there. That being said sometimes you have to make an example out of folks……particularly when they ask to be made an example out of.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car but I completely understand (I didn't say I AGREE) anyone that doesn't feel the same way I do.

You don't know if that child is carrying and I can understand taking them out before the opposite happens.

I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
Concealed carry / gun laws are pretty clear in this regard. If your life is not in imminent danger, it's best not to shoot or even show your weapon. You'll need a very good lawyer on retainer either way (civil court). I recommend concealed carry insurance. It's cheap (relatively) and pays for itself in the event of a shooting. Like others have said, we "think" our response will be appropriate but training ensures diminished likelihood of a "bad" shooting. Most folks with any brains that carry a weapon will do everything they can not to even show it, let alone use it. Besides - you'd be surprised what a knife can do in close quarters. I'd personally rather be shot than stabbed.
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This is a situation any reasonable person would never want to be in to begin with. I carry. But aside from going to the range, I pray I never have to use my guns to defend myself in any type of way.

But if someone pulls up on me in my car with a gun or any type of weapon and I can reach what I have quick enough, I’m shooting. Ideally the gun would be a means of detaining them until the cops come to where I wouldn’t have to shoot at all. And I damn sure wouldn’t shoot at someone fleeing. But if someone tried to rob me and I shot them, I would deal with whatever legal ramifications came my way. Hopefully that never happens though.

Everything would be happening so fast I likely wouldn’t have time to properly assess the situation and know how old the person who pulled up on me is. Aside from that, some kids look older, some kids look younger.

But if I found out after the fact that I shot a teenager or kid. I would feel terrible, even if they were trying to rob me and pulled a gun or weapon out on me, I would feel bad.
I will not shoot a 13 year old girl claiming she wants my car. Pretty simple.

Id hope none of us would but again, in that situation who knows what they’d do. I’d like to think I wouldn’t pull my firearm on anyone trying to take a vehicle but fight or flight is unpredictable

Not to mention I highly doubt any of us would be able to guess the persons age within a split second.
I pray that I'm never in a situation in which I have to take life in order to preserve my own or the well-being of my family members, however, if it comes up...I won't hesitate. I know it's just a tv show, but Omar got clipped by a kid in the wire. I'm not taking chances with anyone.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car but I completely understand (I didn't say I AGREE) anyone that doesn't feel the same way I do.

You don't know if that child is carrying and I can understand taking them out before the opposite happens.

I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.
I don't THINK I would shoot a 13 year old child trying to steal my car.

Understandable in general terms, in this particular instance the person left the car running unattended, they fired into the car as it was driving away, and the 13 year old was unarmed. Anyone who thinks firing a gun is an acceptable response here belongs in jail right along with the car thief. Not saying you're saying that.
I hear ya. Does the same mentality of “just take the L” apply if someone were to break into YOUR home/residence at the time you are there or would you physically do something??
Yeah that's a literal different and I'd have to judge the threat to my physical being on the fly.

I'd liken this specific case with the 13 year old to someone breaking into my house and stealing something valuable and then me throwing shots as they're already running away. The physical threat is retreating by that point and I wouldn't feel comfortable murdering someone over material goods. Just my position.

If I'm in my car while someone is attempting to break in or I'm in my home and I'm aware someone is on the way in, the stakes are a little different and I'd have to play it by ear.

I don't carry gun thought FWIW, but I do think I'd be the responsible type if there's such thing.

I was kinda looking at the situations these two presented. frankmatthews frankmatthews

But in general, when it comes to "reactions", I more so believe you can't control how someone else reacts to harm you caused them. Not sure reactions are meant to be "fair" if that makes sense.
There's way too much compassion for criminals. It seems it's why they do what they do nowadays. Don't think they won't hesitate to end your life.
Though I semi agree, this was not an instance where this applies to the degree you’re saying. The guys life was not in danger nor way it going to be. I’m not saying this was a great time for him either
There's way too much compassion for criminals. It seems it's why they do what they do nowadays. Don't think they won't hesitate to end your life.

I seriously doubt "criminals" take into consideration the passion random strangers have for "criminals" before committing a crime.

That is a wild claim man.

People don't commit crimes for THAT reason.
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