Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

when some of y’all have children and realize it’s impossible to keep tabs on them 24/7 you’ll get it. I get what type of parent u think you’d be but reality is way different. I see all the dudes with teenagers in this thread making sense because they know no matter how good I raise these kids there is always outside influences. All children are followers, u just have to hope they follow the right ****. U can do your part but those hours your not around their gonna do what they want. And this is coming from someone who was considered a bad kid at one point, my mom had to kick me out to live with my dad at 14 because I did whatever I felt like doing.
when some of y’all have children and realize it’s impossible to keep tabs on them 24/7 you’ll get it. I get what type of parent u think you’d be but reality is way different. I see all the dudes with teenagers in this thread making sense because they know no matter how good I raise these kids there is always outside influences. All children are followers, u just have to hope they follow the right ****. U can do your part but those hours your not around their gonna do what they want. And this is coming from someone who was considered a bad kid at one point, my mom had to kick me out to live with my dad at 14 because I did whatever I felt like doing.

This is spot on. Man my parents raised me right, provided and did all of the above that good parents were supposed to. I was getting in trouble left and right as a teenager and hanging out with people I shouldn’t have despite them preaching a lot of logic and reason to me.

I’ve gone through it with my oldest who is 18 as well. I’ve been lucky he hasn’t gotten into any major trouble, but he’s been hard headed at times as well. With outside influences and knowing that teenagers that age are grown physically, but have a lot of growing up to do mentally, it keeps you on your toes. I think the small age gap, being 17 years apart helps stuff I say resonate better. But teenagers are teenagers.
Nah man, they gotta do something about those laws...

RIP to that man
I agree. If my son was car jacking people and committing violent crimes and a result of that was him being incarcerated for a long time or shot in self defense by one of the people he targeted, admittedly I would be hurt and upset, but ultimately I would have to swallow that pill of knowing his actions caused that situation.

As messed up as it sounds. The best deterrent to these situations is the next incident like this, the robbers get a driver that’s armed and shoots them, and the case gets lots of coverage and media attention. Even that’s not going to deter dumb kids from being dumb kids. But a visible example of a robbery backfiring would serve as a bigger deterrent than whatever light sentence the court hands out.
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had that been my dad...

with the outcome being what it is, heres hoping the 2 girls turn their lives around.
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Cmon y’all they’re just kids and we should have sympathy for them that their upbringing caused them to go get tasers and attempt to steal a car resulting in an innocent man losing his life because #NTLogic

I hope her phone was okay though, that’s what she was worried about the most.
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Sounds like they’ve getting the Max sentence for children. Which they should be getting. Don’t see what else y’all expected
I feel for Anwar's family. They HAVE to be pissed.

Hopefully these girls take advantage of a second chance at life.
Insane that got only a few years. Murdered someone, tazed him, carjacking and a clear disregard for life putting a phone higher on your priority than the man you just killed.

You literally can do anything if you're under 18 I guess.

If that man has a grandson or kid around that age, I know he's on his vengeance storyline right now.
So since we know the girls will be out "soon", how should they be handled?

In terms of rehabbing them when they get out, programs, monitoring, etc.

However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.
However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.
However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.
So since we know the girls will be out "soon", how should they be handled?

In terms of rehabbing them when they get out, programs, monitoring, etc.

However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.
However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.
However If somebody takes them out off some revenge type stuff, I fully understand.

They'll probably be on probation for a few years after they're released. Abstain from weed and liquor, have check ins, pay fees, community service, probably some restorative justice programs like working with victims of violence. If I had to guess this was part of the plea deal.
They'll probably be on probation for a few years after they're released. Abstain from weed and liquor, have check ins, pay fees, community service, probably some restorative justice programs like working with victims of violence. If I had to guess this was part of the plea deal.

I think DC was asking about what should be done to rehab than what might actually be done. It's a toughie man like alotta social issues/problems we face.
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I think DC was asking about what should be done to rehab than what might actually be done. It's a toughie man like alotta social issues/problems we face. A lot of these questions I rather talk in person due to all the complexity and all the typing it requires.

Oh my bad.

I like the idea of them working closely with actual victims of violence and/or family/friends of victims; and having counseling extended into the community, since it will likely be a part of their treatment wherever they're placed. Community service is good too.

Also having some type of mentor who can help them realize their potential. I've worked with a lot of female juveniles who were in the mindset they'd never be sh*t probably because that's all they heard from a young age. An important part of their success is methodically instilling confidence in them and helping them to recognize what they're good at while developing relationships within the community.
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