Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

If you fellas cant follow then it might be best to keep quiet.

My inbox is open.

Otherwise, it just looks as if there's something missing in your life that a keyboard definitely cant fill :lol:

Out here exercising in obtusity
Every single issue in the black community white people have a majority share of the blame in creating. If that fact hurts your feelings I don't really care.


Mom and Dad must’ve bailed you out of everything growing up huh?

Type of dude to get a ticket for running a red light and blame whitey for having the light there

Mom and Dad must’ve bailed you out of everything growing up huh?

Type of dude to get a ticket for running a red light and blame whitey for having the light there

Stay on topic or don't @ me. Y'all never argue with any facts or data and so quick to resort to low hanging fruit analogies cause your points never have any real legs to stand on

Name one issue in the black community that can't be traced back to slavery or Jim Crow?
Name one issue in the black community that can't be traced back to slavery or Jim Crow?
The issue is that no one disagrees with this statement.

Knowing we're already three steps behind, at some point, people need to change their behaviors, stop making excuses and do better.

Jim Crow can't be the excuse that your mother/father doesn't give a **** about your academic performance in 2023.

I feel like this whole thing blew up because of the perceived "excuses" given for ****** people doing ****** things.
Only thing i don't get about constantly blaming white people... is that it's nets us nothing. The people behind all the factors don't give two ****s about our plight & they aren't going to jeopardize their own standing & their future lineage in order to "make things right".

That day is never coming, so we could highlight white supremacy's role in what's plaguing the black community all we want. fact of the matter is we are the only ones responsible for turning it around
The issue is that no one disagrees with this statement.

Knowing we're already three steps behind, at some point, people need to change their behaviors, stop making excuses and do better.

Jim Crow can't be the excuse that your mother/father doesn't give a **** about your academic performance in 2023.

I feel like this whole thing blew up because of the perceived "excuses" given for ****ty people doing ****ty things.

People don't just WILL themselves out of their circumstances. That's the disconnect, it's not a real thing. Bootstrap rhetoric has always been a smokescreen deployed by capitalists to trick yall and it worked.

As a whole regardless of an individuals' race the biggest determining factor in a child's success is the parent's SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS.
Then if we take it a step further, what is the biggest factor to improving one's socioeconomic status? EDUCATION.

That's how this whole thing started, WE said there should be a priority on education, there was pushback by idiots like DUNCE KING and now we're here. No one ever said "DON'T punish criminals".
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People don't just WILL themselves out of their circumstances. That's the disconnect, it's not a real thing. Bootstrap rhetoric has always been a smokescreen deployed by capitalists to trick yall and it worked.

As a whole regardless of an individuals' race the biggest determining factor in a child's success is the parent's SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS.
Then if we take it a step further, what is the biggest factor to improving one's socioeconomic status?

EDUCATION. That's how this whole thing started, WE said there should be a priority on education, there was pushback by idiots like DUNCE KING and now we're here.

What is on the opposite end of "bootstrap" mentality tho..... Rely on racist to suddenly stop being racist? rely on politicians??????

If we aren't going to attempt to do it ourselves then who does?
What is on the opposite end of "bootstrap" mentality tho..... Rely on racist to suddenly stop being racist? rely on politicians??????

If we aren't going to attempt to do it ourselves then who does?

Acknowledge that we are in this situation by design.

Fight through/against the system as best as we can.

Bring along those that you are able to bring along.

Really simple.

Again, why does everything have to be #NTExtremes with yall?
Acknowledge that we are in this situation by design.

Fight through/against the system as best as we can.

Bring along those that you are able to bring along.

Really simple.

Again, why does everything have to be #NTExtremes with yall?

From my understanding that would be included in "bootstrap" theory no?

I take the whole pulling your bootstraps analogy as a way of saying we must do things on our own, within our own communities.

Fighting against the current systems would fall under that,
Helping to bring people along would fall under helping one another

I have no problem acknowledging the facts, but it feels as if people want white people to feel guilt & sorrow more than they want black liberation.
From my understanding that would be included in "bootstrap" theory no?

I take the whole pulling your bootstraps analogy as a way of saying we must do things on our own, within our own communities.

Fighting against the current systems would fall under that,
Helping to bring people along would fall under helping one another

I have no problem acknowledging the facts, but it feels as if people want white people to feel guilt & sorrow more than they want black liberation.

To me, Boostrapping it TELLING others what they should be doing in their given situation.

I didn't address that in what I was saying.

So I disagree with you calling what I said Bootstrapping.

I also fail to see how Fighting against the current systems would fall under that,
Acknowledge that we are in this situation by design.

Fight through/against the system as best as we can.

Bring along those that you are able to bring along.

Really simple.

Again, why does everything have to be #NTExtremes with yall?
I don't think I know what bootstrap means because I would swear you just outlined it :lol: it's possible that 'bootstraps' means different things to different people.
To me, Boostrapping it TELLING others what they should be doing in their given situation.

I didn't address that in what I was saying.

So I disagree with you calling what I said Bootstrapping.

I also fail to see how Fighting against the current systems would fall under that,

Then we just look at that term differently,

I've always taken it as a term meant to signify building yourself up & ignoring outside factors as much as possible. Given this governments complacency with black suffering & celebrating BARE MINIMUMS as wins, I would absolutely consider fighting against the current system a part of black people uplifting themselves.

But regardless of the word used... Continuously reiterating the reasons we're in this predicament hasn't & will never reverse what happened. It's cool that we know the reasons & acknowledge them i'm all for it, but it has to be something beyond that & i rarely see any solution that isn't intertwined with white people heavily involved.
What is on the opposite end of "bootstrap" mentality tho..... Rely on racist to suddenly stop being racist? rely on politicians??????

If we aren't going to attempt to do it ourselves then who does?

1. You support politicians who prioritize funding PUBLIC EDUCATION. Keyword public. Schools across this country have been on life support the past 3 years and none are in a worst shape than public schools in low income areas.

2. If you want to be hands on you can volunteer your time at Boy and Girls clubs or other youth programs. I do it and I suggest others too as well if you really feel strongly about it.

3. Be a positive example and upstanding citizen in your own life. Raise your kids to do the same, be an involved parent, go to PTA meetings, School Board meetings, etc.

On a personal level that is all ONE person can really do. This is the real "accountability" not the one dunce king likes to talk about. White people in this country have had a 200+ year headstart to build generational wealth, passing down land, money, and resources to their children. Black people have not, and the starting point for progress has and always will be education (No it doesn't just mean pointless degrees the trades apply as well).

Y'all want to know why public schools are so bad? Because white people don't send their kids to them, and if they do it's usually 1 or 2 schools in a district they attend. Public schools get funding from tax payers dollars. So if a school is in a place in which the vast majority of the community is living at or below the poverty line the school will reflect that as well. The schools in better areas usually offer supplements to teachers, so the best teachers go to the areas with the most privileged kids, to get the most money.
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Kid A - Both parents have degrees, goes to a safe neighborhood suburban school with brand new laptops, books, sports equipment etc.

Staff is all highly or overly qualified, school is full of AP and honor courses, extracurriculars, and access to resources for higher education or life after graduation.

Kid B- One parent in the household if he's lucky, parents work a low-wage job if anything, goes to a school where fighting is the norm old books and resources, packed classrooms and understaffed. Probably have teaching positions open for the entire school year.

Course offerings are the bare minimum, little no AP's because they don't have the staff to teach it. No clubs or extracurriculars for students either.

Boot strap rhetoric would be Kid A telling Kid B he has nothing to complain about and if he can do well in school so can he. Without even acknowledging the fact at birth KID A has a 76% higher chance of graduating and attending a 2-4 year university or the fact that Kid B has a higher probability of committing a crime JUST BECAUSE of where he was born.

Once again, only way to even the playing field is education.
1. You support politicians who prioritize funding PUBLIC EDUCATION. Keyword public. Schools across this country have been on life support the past 3 years and none are in a worst shape than public schools in low income areas.

2. If you want to be hands on you can volunteer your time at Boy and Girls clubs or other youth programs. I do it and I suggest others too as well if you really feel strongly about it.

3. Be a positive example and upstanding citizen in your own life. Raise your kids to do the same, be an involved parent, go to PTA meetings, School Board meetings, etc.

On a personal level that is all ONE person can really do. This is the real "accountability" not the one dunce king likes to talk about. White people in this country have had a 200+ year headstart to build generational wealth, passing down land, money, and resources to their children. Black people have not, and the starting point for progress has and always will be education (No it doesn't just mean pointless degrees the trades apply as well).

Y'all want to know why public schools are so bad? Because white people don't send their kids to them, and if they do it's usually 1 or 2 schools in a district they attend. Public schools get funding from tax payers dollars. So if a school is in a place in which the vast majority of the community is living at or below the poverty line the school will reflect that as well. The schools in better areas usually offer supplements to teachers, so the best teachers go to the areas with the most privileged kids, to get the most money.

I'm with you on almost all of this... but again 2/3 points are things that i would consider falling under "pulling up your bootstraps" . Either way it's practical small steps that we can make individually & i agree with that.

However Trusting the US Government to properly educate the masses (ESPECIALLY black children) seems like nothing more than a nice thought. What else must this government do to show that they have absolute zero concern in trying to rehabilitate the black community. the notion that the same government that caused all of this & is still eating heavily off the residual effects of it, is going to help stop it just seems insane to me.
You don't think an excessive indulgence in violent video games can help desensitize people when it comes to violence? You'd be lying if you don't think excessive violent music won't do the same.
I do think this is something to be concerned about, but it's like putting priority on the mailbox paint chipping on a house reno.
Kid A - Both parents have degrees, goes to a safe neighborhood suburban school with brand new laptops, books, sports equipment etc.

Staff is all highly or overly qualified, school is full of AP and honor courses, extracurriculars, and access to resources for higher education or life after graduation.

Kid B- One parent in the household if he's lucky, parents work a low-wage job if anything, goes to a school where fighting is the norm old books and resources, packed classrooms and understaffed. Probably have teaching positions open for the entire school year.

Course offerings are the bare minimum, little no AP's because they don't have the staff to teach it. No clubs or extracurriculars for students either.

Boot strap rhetoric would be Kid A telling Kid B he has nothing to complain about and if he can do well in school so can he. Without even acknowledging the fact at birth KID A has a 76% higher chance of graduating and attending a 2-4 year university or the fact that Kid B has a higher probability of committing a crime JUST BECAUSE of where he was born.

Once again, only way to even the playing field is education.

Even in this example what would be the flip side of the coin for Kid B other than trying to work his way out of the situation?

Yes the odds are stacked against him, yes he's at a huge disadvantage, yes kids who fall under group A aren't going to understand his struggle.... None of that is going to change anytime soon, so the only option outside of just becoming a victim to your circumstances is trying like hell to beat em.

I would love if the playing field were even..... but that's fairytale ****, this nation has shown a single inkling of wanting to do that in any way.
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