UC DAVIS Represent

yaaap i needed one credit for the 13 required credits for financial aid so ima take them two classses they better be fun tho

I don't go to UC Davis, but Murder Burger banana shakes come correct


haha, yes!. I stay down the street at Lexington. I always wonder how that burger place stays open when it's across the street from in-n-out, which isalways busy. Don't get the garlic fries, my buddy got an order there and said his stomach hasn't been the same since. haha
Well, it's called Redrum Burger now and it's off the Olive street Exit, right next to a Caffino and across from In N Out...
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

im heading to dormals tomorrow. or tonight whatever you wanna call it. but i think ima transfer out of davis and major in some business major...

Are you thinking sac state? Why not stay and take on man. Econ here? I think you can do it. how was the dormal guys? I can't make it but I am going to theHSU Masquerade Ball in downtown sac today at 7pm
thinkin bout sac state or...transfering to santa cruz along with my gf who majors in business econ. but for davis isn't man econ more focused on econ? butyeah, dormals was good. interesting night for me though. bouta get into beef, cops almost kicked me out..
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

thinkin bout sac state or...transfering to santa cruz along with my gf who majors in business econ. but for davis isn't man econ more focused on econ? but yeah, dormals was good. interesting night for me though. bouta get into beef, cops almost kicked me out..
I'm not sure about the majors, but they're really broad and can lead to a lot of careers.
.. my homegirl huong and your homegirl hanh huh? daym. I got kicked off the stage for dancing and getting rowdy alongside a buncha other peeps. It wasgetting boring so yea
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

thinkin bout sac state or...transfering to santa cruz along with my gf who majors in business econ. but for davis isn't man econ more focused on econ? but yeah, dormals was good. interesting night for me though. bouta get into beef, cops almost kicked me out..
I'm not sure about the majors, but they're really broad and can lead to a lot of careers.
.. my homegirl huong and your homegirl hanh huh? daym. I got kicked off the stage for dancing and getting rowdy alongside a buncha other peeps. It was getting boring so yea
oh so you know bout it huh? yeah i saw you on the stage
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Lil Cao wrote:

l2icel3oi9i6 wrote:

thinkin bout sac state or...transfering to santa cruz along with my gf who majors in business econ. but for davis isn't man econ more focused on econ?
but yeah, dormals was good. interesting night for me though. bouta get into beef, cops almost kicked me out..
I'm not sure about the majors, but they're really broad and can lead to a lot of careers.

.. my homegirl huong and your homegirl hanh huh? daym. I got kicked off the stage
for dancing and getting rowdy alongside a buncha other peeps. It was getting boring so yea

oh so you know bout it huh? yeah i saw you on the stage

you guys talking about huong? the one i know? who got in beef......
Originally Posted by mikenguyen23

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Lil Cao wrote:

l2icel3oi9i6 wrote:

thinkin bout sac state or...transfering to santa cruz along with my gf who majors in business econ. but for davis isn't man econ more focused on econ?
but yeah, dormals was good. interesting night for me though. bouta get into beef, cops almost kicked me out..
I'm not sure about the majors, but they're really broad and can lead to a lot of careers.

.. my homegirl huong and your homegirl hanh huh? daym. I got kicked off the stage
for dancing and getting rowdy alongside a buncha other peeps. It was getting boring so yea
oh so you know bout it huh? yeah i saw you on the stage

you guys talking about huong ? who got in beef......
Take out her last name so we don't got doods beastin' or stalkin' here..

Anyways, it's just your typical ex. high school friends now turned enemies type of thing. Nothing real about it if you ask me.. and I'm pretty sureWill went to their high school so he probably knows more about it than me. Also, it's not my business so I won't go any further.

Take out her last name so we don't got doods beastin' or stalkin' here..


you know it was coming.

post the pics!

Who's hitting up the grad Wed. night? I'm gonna be onnn.


LILCAO, how was your weds. night? You been going to the Dino class? i got so lazy the last 3 weeks, i haven't gone at all. i'm thinking i need to usesomeone's notes. her slides have like no content.
It was cool, I went out to support the Lambda lil sis's because my homegirls are in it. Went to pregame at the lambda house before that though.
I actually have been going, but today I didn't go until the last 20 minutes because I was signing a lease in Sorrento. I've been falling asleep inclass and my notes suck so I'm getting it from a floor mate. That is true, but does anyone even write down what the professor says?
^That's how my stupid Landscape history class is like, and that ++**'s a 1.5 hr long class. I %%!%%$' knock out every single time too, it'sunbearable. You're pretty much forced to read the book.

^That's how my stupid Landscape history class is like, and that ++**'s a 1.5 hr long class. I %%!%%$' knock out every single time too, it'sunbearable. You're pretty much forced to read the book.


I hate that, i never do my readings, i'm so lazy.

Whose signed up for classes already?
Oh damn this thread is lagging.

How did finals go for everyone? I think I failed stats, because my midterm grades are too low for the final to even matter.
Next quarter I'm taking ECN 1A, MAT 16A (if I pass the placement), ENL 3, and Baseball Freshman Seminar. What about you all?
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Oh damn this thread is lagging.

How did finals go for everyone? I think I failed stats, because my midterm grades are too low for the final to even matter.
Next quarter I'm taking ECN 1A, MAT 16A (if I pass the placement), ENL 3, and Baseball Freshman Seminar. What about you all?
Haha, hopefully I got ENL with ya. I waitlisted the one on Monday Wednesdays. I also got Chem2b with Land and the Bio freshman seminar as well asStats 13. I'm finally done with finals though! So far I know that I've passed 2 of my classes. Not sure about my overall grade for the other 2.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Oh damn this thread is lagging.

How did finals go for everyone? I think I failed stats, because my midterm grades are too low for the final to even matter.
Next quarter I'm taking ECN 1A, MAT 16A (if I pass the placement), ENL 3, and Baseball Freshman Seminar. What about you all?
Haha, hopefully I got ENL with ya. I waitlisted the one on Monday Wednesdays. I also got Chem2b with Land and the Bio freshman seminar as well as Stats 13. I'm finally done with finals though! So far I know that I've passed 2 of my classes. Not sure about my overall grade for the other 2.
My ENL 3 is actually on tues/thurs 2-4 pm
w/ Ha Tran. Take that one bro! Haha damn I have wokrload tomorrow at 8.
I know I passsed all my classes for sure except highly doubting Stats. I might just take it in my community college, but I hear it doesn't count toward myGPA so gahhh..
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