UC DAVIS Represent

dam wish i could party like that. i did the night before but i really had to study tonight. AP ftmfl
anyone want tickets to see the pack, mistah fab and dolla(?) @ freeborn next tuesday? got 2 tickets im tryin to sell for 30, original prices are @ 20 a piece. double booked the date, so i've gotta keep my first promise that day...
lol how are you gonna try to resell it for a higher price and profit from this when you are the person that needs to sell it.
lol sorry, maybe i wasn't clear the first time...im tryin to sell them each @ $15, which would mean twotickets = $30. now...i wouldn't mind selling them at original price, but im jus tryin to get rid of these tickets before the concert. PM if you'reinterested!
So it seems the TAs or the Prof of that Stats103 class (that I got a 69.7 in) apparently tried to screw me over? I stopped by the department to pickup myfinal's blue book and realized they took off a single point for no reason (it was obviously right because the entire multi-step problem was based on thatbeing correct). Three weeks later (after going through the professor's, department chair's and registrar committee's approval process) the gradesbeen changed to a 70.1 and a C-. I'm still confused as to how a single point would mistakenly and randomly be taken off...

But cliff notes: 1) Go over your graded exams and 2) never take a course with Stats professor Sen.

So it seems the TAs or the Prof of that Stats103 class (that I got a 69.7 in) apparently tried to screw me over? I stopped by the department to pickup myfinal's blue book and realized they took off a single point for no reason (it was obviously right because the entire multi-step problem was based on thatbeing correct). Three weeks later (after going through the professor's, department chair's and registrar committee's approval process) the gradesbeen changed to a 70.1 and a C-. I'm still confused as to how a single point would mistakenly and randomly be taken off...

But cliff notes: 1) Go over your graded exams and 2) never take a course with Stats professor Sen.


That's strange, doesn't seem kool at tall, i'm sure that was a hectic 3 weeks of waiting for you. I pulled the same grade in my stat class too.i'm just glad to be done with it.
is anyone taking easy classes? like 1-3 units? im like short on units. i was taking chinese but that teacher sucked. docked 2% off your grade if you dont showup the first day and they take attendance everyday. tardies are counted too. since i am now on AP, my counselor put me on hold with class registration until imet with her. so i couldnt change my classes until the 2nd week of school because all the appointments were filled for the first week. i tried msc13 but i feltvery uncomfortable being one of the students that is not from rotc. i switched to ast10 but the textbook is over $100...tooo pricey for 3 units. i hopped intofst10 but i just found out that if you dont show up on the first day, you automatically fail the class. so now im short one class. AP ftmfl....
Try ASA or something.. it's not hard at all. If not try SAS 30 (Mushroom Mold Society) or AIDS and society. G'luck though.
imma be out in davis for picnic day weekend.. figure id come back for a visit .. ( im class of '07)

anyone else going?
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Try ASA or something.. it's not hard at all. If not try SAS 30 (Mushroom Mold Society) or AIDS and society. G'luck though.
haha i took ASA2 and ASA3 already. did you take SAS30 before? how was it? the only difficult problem i have right now is i need a class withintuesday and thursdays. the other classes i tried either had a conflicting problem or a lot hw or points already missed.
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Try ASA or something.. it's not hard at all. If not try SAS 30 (Mushroom Mold Society) or AIDS and society. G'luck though.
haha i took ASA2 and ASA3 already. did you take SAS30 before? how was it? the only difficult problem i have right now is i need a class within tuesday and thursdays. the other classes i tried either had a conflicting problem or a lot hw or points already missed.
ohh alright. Yup I took it last quarter and got a B+. Honestly, if I cared about it more I would have probably gotten an A. It's prettyinteresting.
Oh.. well in that case, most easy tues-thurs class are 2 units. Try Geology 17: Earthquakes. When I took it, I didn't even use the book. I ended up gettingB+ because I failed the midterm but aced the final.

It's official, I got my bid for Lambda Phi Epsilon, will accept it on Sunday..
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

Try ASA or something.. it's not hard at all. If not try SAS 30 (Mushroom Mold Society) or AIDS and society. G'luck though.
haha i took ASA2 and ASA3 already. did you take SAS30 before? how was it? the only difficult problem i have right now is i need a class within tuesday and thursdays. the other classes i tried either had a conflicting problem or a lot hw or points already missed.
ohh alright. Yup I took it last quarter and got a B+. Honestly, if I cared about it more I would have probably gotten an A. It's pretty interesting.
Oh.. well in that case, most easy tues-thurs class are 2 units. Try Geology 17: Earthquakes. When I took it, I didn't even use the book. I ended up getting B+ because I failed the midterm but aced the final.

It's official, I got my bid for Lambda Phi Epsilon, will accept it on Sunday..
hah ooo man goodluck with that though. some of them want me in. they know my gf is a kdphi in santa cruz.
since im short on units im debating if i should take GEL17 earthquakes (schmitz) or SAS5 discovery: science/society (horwarth)?? anyone took these coursesbefore?
damn, i didn't even realize i hadn't sent my quarters payment and now i'm dropped from all of my classes. so weak.
damn I had a 3.3 something damn near 3.4 but was denied. eff davis

I keep telling people it's a damned lottery! UCD is the only UC I got into w/o sports and I had like a 4.2 coming out of HS

macgyver...you can still enroll in other classes right? At least try pleading your case with your college. You could always tell them it was a mistake. Igave them hell one time for messing up on one of my payments and they fixed it eventually.
Originally Posted by macgyver35

damn, i didn't even realize i hadn't sent my quarters payment and now i'm dropped from all of my classes. so weak.
Seriously? Damn that's horrible, can you simply pay it off and re-register for classes or are you done for the quarter?
It's weird, I went and checked my outstanding bills pending, and there's just a $32 charge for fixing my bike at the barn, which i picked up that day.I'm apparently not guaranteed back into classes this quarter after i pay my dues and a late payment penalty. I'm going to the office today to see whatthe deal is, i've just been stressing and not really sure what to expect. i'll let you guys know how it goes.
I did so much running around on campus today. i got everything taken care of and was able to use PTA's to add back into my classes. on a side note though,the head of undergraduate dept for Nutrition is a B----! glad i'm back in all of my classes though
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